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openas Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin File utility for moving/renaming files, saving copies, creating new pages from templates

Last updated on
Syntax, Action

Similar to bureaucracy, move

Tagged with file, form, move, pagemove, rename, template


:!: External requirements: This plugin requires the following additional component that must be installed separately if you wish to use the templating facility: newpagetemplate

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


This plugin facilitates renaming (i.e. moving) pages, saving as (i.e. saving a page under a new name without deleting the original), and creating new pages from templates.

There are three syntax formats:

  1. newname is the page name with its namespace, as in :namespace:newname
  2. template is the name of a template which will be found in :pagetemplates
  3. newpagevars has this format: @macro_1@,value_1;@macro_2@,value_2;. . .
    • this follows the format of the newpagetemplate plugin for specifying macros and their substitution values.


The SaveAS form will create a new page from the old page but leave the old page in tact.


The MoveTO form will create a new page from the old page and delete the old page. However, it will not delete the old page unless it is certain that the new page is in place, so that there is no danger of losing the old page. The MoveTo form performs a limited page move: it preserves backlinks and implements a number of other features, as described below in the pagemove section.


The OpenAS form requires the newpagetemplate plugin. This form will open the page newname, using the specified template. The newpagevars attribute follows the format described on the newpagetemplate page. Here is a sample:

 ~~OpenAS>hello_temp#:pagetemplates:homepagetemplate>@HI@,HOWDY!;@BYE@,Good Bye~~

This will open up the page :hello_temp, using the homepagetemplate in the :pagetemplatesnamespace, and it will fill in any of the substitution variables defined on the newpagetemplate plugin page, as well as the variables defined by newpagevars (which in this example are: @HI@ and @BYE@). Please see the newpagetemplate page for complete details on using the newpagetemplate plugin.

There is an expanded syntax for this form of the plugin which gives it significantly greater flexiblity. See below.

How it works

Once the page with the syntax markup is saved, it will now show a yellow box with a link. Clicking on this link will perform the desired action. In the case of pages which have been moved or saved-as, the new page will already be created, but links will not be updated until the new page is accessed from the link in the yellow box. In the case of a page which has been moved, the original page will remain on the server until you have linked to the new page, at which time the old page will be deleted. In the case of new page templates, the new page will open with the macro values filled in. The ~~SaveAS>name~~ and ~~MoveTO>name~~ will be removed from the newly created pages.

Relative links will be re-written to the newly created file as absolute links. This is true of both the SaveAS and the MoveTO forms,


In the MoveTo option, all backlinks to the page being moved are updated to the page id of the new page.

The plugin takes into consideration page locking. So, if a page with backlinks is currently in use, it is not updated until the user with the lock exits the page. The original page remains in place until all of the pages with backlinks have been updated. Once all backlinks have been updated, the original page is removed.

Metadata and Indexing

This plugin does not update the Dokuwki history or indexing for the updated files. If you want to re-index your site, you can use the searchindex plugin.


The plugin in its present form does not update relative image links. If images are inserted using the media manager, this should not be an issue. For this situation try the move plugin.


There is a backup system. A new meta directory is created: data/meta/openas, where the original backlink pages are stored. The pre-updated versions of these pages are created with the .mvd extension. And the page which has been moved to the new id is backed up with the .orig extension. The .orig and .mvd files are numbered, with the highest number being the most recent.


There is basic built-in security for the SaveAS and MoveTo operations. They check to make sure that the user has at least edit permission for the file which is being copied from and create permission for the new file that is being created.

Both SaveAS and MoveTo can be protected as well by standard acl rules which control who has access to the pages where the plugin code is embedded. Similarly the OpenAs operation can be protected by the site's acl rules.

Spoofed URLs

The plugin also intercepts any attempts to access the file system through spoofed urls. For these cases the url is redirected to another page. By default the redirection goes to an image in the plugin's images directory, which displays a 404 notice. This can be changed in the Configuration manager either to a new image or page in the images directory or to an external url. If you use the images directory, your url should take this form:

  • </your_dokuwiki/>lib/plugins/openas/images/404.jpg.
    Note: this url does not take the domain.

Expanded Syntax for the OpenAs Format

With the expanded syntax, it is not necessary to pre-insert the newpagevars and their values into the page, as described above. Instead you can create an HTML Form, from which the plugin will take the names of the variables and their values. The benefit of this, of course, is that the values are not pre-set by the plugin. Different values can be entered for each access of the form.

This is the expanded syntax.


The OpenAsVAR creates an HTML textbox 24 characters wide, whereAS OpenAsNUM creates a textbox 10 charaCters wide. The TArea pair creates an HTML textarea.

Each variable setting can be introduced by an optional label:

   Label: ~~OpenAsVAR>VAR-1~~

The ~~OpenAS>SAVEAS_PAGE#yourtemplate>~~ entry must be outside of the VarsStart and VarsClose block.

:!: Important: SAVEAS_PAGE is a placeholder and must appear in your plugin markup exactly as illustrated above. It will place a textbox on your page which asks for the page id. The user will get a link to SAVEAS_PAGE. When the user clicks on the link, this placeholder will be replaced by the page id from the textbox. See the illustration below.

This above markup will create a Form with two text boxes and one textarea. ReplacementVar is the name of a variable which is included in the template. So, for instance, if the ReplacementVar is NAME, then the plugin will replace @NAME@ in the template with the value entered into the textbox. You can create as many textboxes as you need.

Each instance of ~~OpenAsVAR>ReplacementVar~~ can be prefaced by a descriptive label, for instance:

   First Name: ~~OpenAsVAR>FNAME~~
   ** First Name: ** ~~OpenAsVAR>FNAME~~  

The Replacement variables are case-sensitive. There are two formatting features. The first will help to arrange the input elements on your page; this is the Dokuwiki line-break: \\. The input elements can be interspersed with text. The double asterisks are place-holders for marking up the text as one of: bold, underline, italic, or none. The selection of which markup is made in the Configuration Manager by means of the label option.

You can use the ~~OpenAS>SAVEAS_PAGE#yourtemplate>~~ with or without predefined values. It is also possible to include predefined values, as illustrated in the basic syntax form above, and to combine predefined values with values captured from the Form. The link will redirect to a new page which has been invoked by the link with data captured from the parameters in the form.



** Name: ** ~~OpenAsVAR>name~~  
** Age:** ~~OpenAsVAR>AGE~~\\ 
** Address: ** ~~OpenAsVAR>ADDR1~~
** Address 2: ** ~~OpenAsVAR>ADDR2~~\\
** Details: ** ~~OpenAsVAR>TAreaOpen:DETAILS~~

~~OpenAS>wiki:SAVEAS_PAGE#test:openas:template_1>@HI@,HOWDY!;@BYE@,Good Bye~~

This labels surrounded by asterisks (i.e. ** Name: **) can be configured from the Configuration Settings as bold, italic, or underlined. Default is none, no formatting.


The Name, Age and Addr fields will be added to the HI and BYE fields. The HI and BYE are constants, pre-set, the others are set by the user and will differ from page to page.

Change Log


For discussion, please use the dokuwiki forum, the above-listed Bugs button, or the discussion page.

plugin/openas.1640727702.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-12-28 22:41 by turnermm

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