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randominc Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2006-11-06, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo

plugin Randomly select a page from a namespace and include it the current page

Last updated on
Syntax, Helper

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with include, random


This is a useful plugin, if you want to include a randomly chosen page from a namespace, into the current one. Consider the use of Randominc if you want to change a static part of a page, to a randomly chosen part.


This plugin uses the include plugin and therefore it requires the include plugin to be installed.


Enclose the namespace from where to select the page in double curly brackets. Refer to Include Plugin for detailed information here are only described the added functionallities.

[ns] namespace from which select the page to include

The plugin offers two syntaxes, {{randominc>...}} and {{randomincsec>...}}.

  • randominc works as page syntax of Include Plugin.
  • randomincsec should work as section syntax.


You may use two arguments to control the presentation of the random content:

Name Value Effect Example
max-height A valid CSS size Content height limit max-height: 100px
max-width A valid CSS size Content width limit max-width: 200px


  • {{randominc>namespace1&max-height: 200px}}
  • you can include the random content into a box:<box 80% round blue | Random Content>{{randominc>namespace2&max-height: 250px}}</box>
  • {{randomincsec>:playground:test#abc&nofooter&noheader&noeditbtn}}
    where test is a folder and #abc is a headline

Additional Flags

From release 2017-08-04 on, the Random Include plugin also supports all flags which are supported by the Include Plugin. E.g. {{randominc>:playground:test&link}} would make the first heading of the included page be rendered as a link.



The plugin is translated into Russian, English, and German. Thanks a lot to the translators, new languages are very welcome!

Please use the DokuWiki Localization Tool.


To report bugs or suggest features, please use GitHub Issues. The author does not monitor this page.


  • If you don't want to use a specific NS, you can use {{randominc>*}}.
  • If you experience problems with caching, try adding ~~NOCACHE~~ to the page.


Tested on Release 2014-09-29d “Hrun”, it's work perfectly. — Alinea 2015-07-17 22:14

Included on under Release 2017-02-19b „Frusterick Manners“ - perfect!

plugin/randominc.1524859214.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-04-27 22:00 by LarsDW223

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