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TitlesAnchorLink Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Adora Belle, Hrun

plugin Displays Anchors links when hovering DokuWiki Sections titles, in a similar way to GitHub

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to purplenumbers

Tagged with anchors, javascript, links, menu, section

By Dric

If you sometimes need to get the url of a section (to send a link to colleagues or friends for example), there is no easy way of doing it with DokuWiki. With this plugin, you can easily copy the section url.

When you move the mouse over the section title, a small link icon is displayed, which has the url to the section.


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Change Log

Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report bugs or feature requests at the Bug tracker.


Is there any setting or something to do after install?

No. It works out of the box.


If you need something similar but with showing the internal link syntax instead of an external link when hovering over a heading, you can use this tip how to copy a section link.

plugin/titlesanchorlink.1601008378.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-09-25 06:32 by Aleksandr

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