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vote plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

No compatibility info given!

plugin Similar to poll plugin(previous authors: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier)

Last updated on

The missing download url means that this extension cannot be installed via the Extension Manager. Please see Publishing a Plugin on Recommended are public repository hosts like GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket.

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to doodle2, doodle3, doodle4, poll

Tagged with experimental, poll

Sample Image

Download vote-1.09.tar.gz


Use this plugin to add a vote to a wiki page. The syntax looks like this:

<vote [title] [usercheck option]>
* [option]
* [option]
* ...

That means, you can simply put <vote> tags around regular bulleted lists to get a radio button.


No usercheck

No limit to vote.

<vote title>
* option A
* option B
* option C
Usercheck with IP Address

User can vote only once.

<vote title check=ip>
* option A
* option B
* option C
Usercheck with DokuWiki username

User can vote only once.

<vote title check=user>
* option A
* option B
* option C


unfortunately the bars in my wiki are colorless, how can I change this?

in lib/plugins/vote/style.css, there is a line like following.

background-color: _missing_;

Please try to change like…

background-color: #00FF00;


background-color: red;

With your favorite color.

It follows _ missing_ and _text_ of your template. (As configured in lib/tpl/[YOUR TEMPLATE]/style.ini)

Thank you very much, that solves the problem :-)

A good idea is to add a user limitation, if you have the time, check=user is for one vote, but if i want to purpose 3 vote per person check=user3 or check=3user not work. and a new vote in the same page don't work for multiple vote. But for it's good it doesn't allow a user to check twice the same answer or three

How I can close the poll and removing the botton to vote?

check=user will allow one anonymous vote. A dirty fix is to add to line 135 of syntax.php:

if ($user == “”) { print “Please log in first”; die; }

Somebody with the skills should make a prettier fix.

Can anybody please tell me how can i put this voting form at every page by default like for example the discussion plugin does?

plugin/vote.1250966806.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009-08-22 20:46 by

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