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DoKubrick Template

Michael Klier
port of the famous Kubrick theme
2010-10-27 "Busy Wednesday" (packages for older releases available)
kubrick, blog, wordpress
screenshot: dokubrick.png


Well, just another port of the famous Kubrick wordpress theme ;-).


  • sidebar
  • sidebars per users / groups / namespaces
  • auto-hides sidebar in diff/edit/admin -mode
  • TOC in sidebar


Some screenshots can be found here.


DokuWiki version download
2010-10-27 “Busy Wednesday” template-dokubrick.tgz (:!: current stable :!:)
2009-12-25 template-dokubrick-2009-12-25.tgz
2009-02-14 template-dokubrick-2009-02-08.tgz
2008-05-35 template-dokubrick-2008-03-31.tgz
Github URL


  1. download the tarball/zip-file
  2. unpack it into <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/
  3. login as admin and change the template in the configuration manager
  4. alter the template configuration to fit your needs

using git:

% cd <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/
% git clone git:// dokubrick

Debian install:

# cd /usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/tpl/
# wget
# tar -xvf template-dokubrick.tgz

Note: always points to the latest stable version!


The template reuses most of the ideas of the Arctic Template like namespace sidebars, user sidebars and group sidebars. For some insights on the configuration please refer to the Arctic pages.


The template style (colors/font-sizes) can be configured via the style.ini file located in <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/dokubrick/style.ini.

Browser Compatibility

The template was tested with the following Browsers.

If you've seen it working with other browsers feel free to add them to the list :-)!

  • Firefox (Win 1.0.7 / Win / Win / Linux)
  • Opera (Win / Linux 9.63 / Win 7.54)
  • IE (Win 6.* / Win 7)
  • Safari 2.0.4 (Mac OS X 10.4.9)
  • Konqueror 3.5.8 (Linux)
  • Google Chrome (Windows Vista, Mac OS X 10.6.2)


A complete changelog is available at my github page!

Bugs / Feature Requests

To report bugs and feature requests please use the bug tracker.

Sites using this Template


It's a nice template, but I desperately need to widen the main page body and the documentation is no help at all. I'm also trying to add an export_xhtml button to the toolbox and getting absolutely nowhere. Help please!

The template width is fixed because it uses background images, thus, to widen the main body you have to create the header/body/footer images with your desired width and change the CSS accordingly. To add an extra button to the toolbox you have to edit <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/dokubrick/tpl_functions.php around line 162 and add the following line (the function tpl_actionlink() doesn't cover export_foo links) - I am already thinking of an easier way to do this ;-):
  print '<li><div class="li"><a href="' . DOKU_SCRIPT . '?id=' . $svID . '&amp;do=export_html" class="action export_html">Export HTML</a>' . DOKU_LF;

You then can use the export_html CSS class to style the link (just have a look at the very end of <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/dokubrick/dokubrick_design.css). Hope that helps. — chi 03.04.2007 19:04

I also prefer a larger template; relying on 3-col kubrick for WordPress, I modified the dokubrick package in order to be large 820px instead of 760px; you can download it here. — Sergio 05.04.2007 19.47

Hello everybody, I also modified the dokubrick template (2009-02-08 version) and changed its width from 760px to 1000px. You can download the wider version here. Screenshots can be seen in my wiki. —- caii 2009-11-29

Thanks for the tip. Most of my users have hi-res screens so I expanded it out to 1000px. I did try and make it scalable, but gave it up as being too much effort. Same for the button; I've already made too many changes to doku.php to add other features (like statistics). I am getting a strange issue with IE 6 users with the template though: a thick grey background stripe between the header and the breadcrumb line. It doesn't appear in Firefox, Netscape (3.2 or 8), or Avant. Is anything know about this? – Simon North 12.04.2007 15.00

Hmmm, I'll have a look at it! — chi 12.04.2007 16:03

One other issue (sorry). I used to use the sidebar template. Some users included massive GIF graphics, and then the image would be clipped within the text margin and a scroll bar shown. Now, with dokubrick, the image is shown full size and simply destroys the visual layout. Any ideas for a quick fix? Thanks. – Simon North 12.04.2007 15.15

I think it would be the best you use DokuWiki's resize option within the image syntax, {{image?300x300}}. — chi 12.04.2007 16:03

After a fresh install of rc2007-05-24, I install the template through darcs and every time I try to create a new page I got “Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /var/profs/tjpp/dokuwiki/inc/parser/xhtml.php on line 100”. If I go back to the default template, everything runs fine. — Thadeu Penna 06.04.2007 18:02 BRT

I can't reproduce this, can you give some more information about your setup (PHP Version etc.). However, I did a minor update of the template today. — chi 05.06.2007 11:28

Thanks for the reply! Here we run PHP-5.2.1 on Apache 2.2.3-3.2. These errors started to appear after a dist-upgrade on feisty (the most recent Ubuntu version). Before we had PHP 4.4.2. — Thadeu Penna 05.06.2007 11:00 BRT

Ok, I just pushed another patch and updated the tarball again. It should be fixed now, please give me some feedback if it works. — chi 05.06.2007 17:57

Yes! It works. Thanks a lot. I have another question about the template (not a bug but a wish). Where should I post it ? — Thadeu Penna 05.06.2007 13:54 BRT

What about right here ⇓ ;-)? — chi 05.06.2007 20:16

It is possible to have the toolbox appearing only for registered users ? — Thadeu Penna 05.06.2007 15:58 BRT

Yep, just edit <dokuwiki>/lib/tpl/dokubrick/tpl_functions.php, go to line 129 and alter the following if statement to this:
if(auth_quickaclcheck($svID) >= AUTH_READ && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
I also think about adding an option for this. — chi 05.06.2007 23:49

Thanks Again!! I just include the above line and the corresponding close bracket on line 148 (129 refers to the toc, that is desirable :-) ). — Thadeu Penna 05.06.2007 15:58 BRT

The IE6 issue mentioned above, can be fixed by changing padding-top and padding-bottom of “div.dokuwiki .logo a” in file dokubrick_layout.css – Thomas Hartleben 26.06.2007 07:39

Is there some way to make this template wider? it looks like it defaults to 800 now, and I would like it to default to 1024. Andy

Look further up the discussion section, someone linked a wider version of the template. But I don't know if it's synced against the latest updates. If you download it make sure to run a diff against the version available here! — chi 28.06.2007 19:23

This is a beautiful template; would it work with DokuWiki version 2006-03-09b? Thanks! Daniel

Hi Daniel, I recommend upgrading to the last stable release of DokuWiki as it also fixes some security flaws and offers more functionality. — chi 22.08.2007 23:03

Michael, very nice work. Maybe for more ideas a link to the new Kubrick theme The width of the theme is very small. There are lot of problems with long words and links like This_is_a_very_long_post_title on my test site. Also the dark blue icon for external links isn't very good. If you have 20 links in a post it looks very ugly.Dieter 10.10.2007 19:19

Is it possible to have the login form in a sidebar ? Thadeu 23.11.2007 15:29 BRST

Yes, you have to create a directory <dokuwik>/lib/tpl/dokubrick/sidebars/login/. Inside the directory a file named sidebar.php with the following untested code ;-) (if it doesn't work just let me know):



Then you have to add “login” to the list of user-defined sidebars in the configuration section of the template (You may have to adjust the CSS of the login form so it fits inside the sidebar). — chi 23.11.2007 21:40

Almost there :) It is appears even the user is already logged in and I also could not to find how to fit the login in the sidebar. I have changed the input size but not the box around it. Thanks — Thadeu 25.11.2007 22:20 BRST

__Hi, great template, and easy to edit (even with my little PHP experience.) tnx. I just encountered some 'error'. in my index-box I get the warning: Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: unmatched parentheses at offset 40 in /my_url/wiki/inc/search.php on line 151 I didn't touch this file at all. I looked the line up, but it's not clear to me what went wrong. I did try to remove ( symbols out of the dir-names where I keep the pages (it appeared after making a dir-tree for my pages for the 1st time), but that didn't help…. so to summarize, HELP! Ralf 10.10.2008

Okay, I solved it myself…. I'm not sure how, but I think it had something to do with either duplicate filenames or too long filenames. (I'm still curious, and maybe it will help you improve the template)Ralf 10.10.2008

When you want to use your main sidebar as a namespace sidebar (for using translation plugin within your main language), you can modify the line 262 in tpl_functions.php from while(count($path) > 0) { to while(count($path) >= 0) { and hide main sidebar using template configuration.
The namespace sidebar when you're not in any namespace will then show up !
Thanks for your template !

With the new release 2009-02-14 the discussion template isn't viewable after an entry. — Markus Bergholz 2009/02/16 11:13
I can not verify this see, works fine for me, which browser are you using? — Michael Klier 2009/02/17 00:30
Opera 10 Beta and Opera 9.63 even links -g can't display them :-/ or something i've made wrong? — Markus Bergholz 2009/02/17 00:46
Look at the source, your page stops rendering half way, looks like a fatal PHP error to me, check your PHP error logs please.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function isvalidemail() in /www0592/ on line 94

how to fix it? — Markus Bergholz 2009/02/17 14:49
Update the avatar plugin ;-). — Michael Klier 2009/02/17 16:11
humiliation :-/ that was too simple! thx! — Markus Bergholz 2009/02/17 16:25
Is it possible to make the current version a little bit wider ? — Ronny Viete 2009/05/11 14:51

Hi! I'm familiar with other CMSes but new to dokuwiki/dokubrick. I'm just in the beginning of wrapping my head around it! I just can't make a “user/group sidebar”. Can anyone give an example of how to do that? In the template settings there are “Namespace for user sidebars”, I have the default setting “user”. So how do I create this sidebar? — Joel

Hi! Great template!

But there's one thing: Big images overflow the screen. So add

width: 100%; !important

to design.css around line 353. — spz

template/dokubrick.1294656477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-01-10 11:47 by

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