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template:doogie [2010-08-23 11:33] – [Sites using this Template] [2012-10-23 01:04] (current) – moved to template:doogiestpl,because that's the correct name of the template ach
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-====== doogie Template ====== 
----- dataentry template ---- 
-Author_mail: RobertRackl 
-Description:    Clean and uncluttered blue look that nicely resizes. With configurable tab navigation. Works in all browsers incl. Safari. 
-LastUpdate_dt:  2010-01-20 
-Compatible:     2008-05-05, 2009-10-25c 
-Template_tags:  blue 
-Clean blue look that nicely resizes. Works in all browsers (incl. Safari). I am really proud how active this theme got. It became by far the most visited link of my page. My goal for this design was to keep the design as clean an uncluttered as possible. There are only those links on every page, that are really necessary. 
-**UPDATE - 2010-01-20** This template now also works DokuWiki version 2009-12-25c "Lemming". The new version is even more uncluttered. When the current visitor is not yet logged in it shows only the absolutely necessary links. :!: The configuration for the tabs has changed. 
-===== Download and Install ====== 
-Use the following URL to download this [[:template]]: 
-  * Windows: 
-  * Linux: 
-Unpack the file into your ''<DOKUWIKI>/lib/tpl/'' directory and then choose "doogiestpl" as template in the configuration manager of your DokuWiki. 
-===== Configuration ==== 
-Edit the file ''/lib/tpl/doogiestpl/conf/default.php''. Here is an example configuration: 
-<code php default.php> 
-# list of tabs in the navigation bar (title of tab => name of linked wikipage) 
-$conf['navbar_buttons'] = array( 
-  'Home'        => 'Start',  
-  'Blog'        => 'YourBlogPage', 
-  'Some Title'  => 'WikiPage', 
-  'Other Title' => 'OtherWikiPage' 
-# Add link to recent changes as last tab. Title will be the localized title from $lang 
-$conf['navbar_recent'] = 1; 
-If you do **not** want to have any tabs then change ''default.php' to: 
-<code php> 
-$conf['navbar_buttons'] = array(); 
-$conf['navbar_recent' = 0; 
-===== Sites using this Template ===== 
-  * - site of the template author 
-  * - wiki of young greens in France 
-  * - site of the Association for Parents of Blind and Visually Impaired Children of Serbia 
-  * - site of PC + Apple Mac Computerservice, Germany 
-  * - site of Customized communication solutions based on Asterisk, Germany 
-  * - site of astrophysical MHD code, Poland 
-  * - Software to manage its bank accounts 
-  * - Personal website to get connected to friends.  
-  * - Academic website for a graduate student. 
-  * - Horde3D GameEngine documentation 
-  * - French Oral Surgeons Web Site 
-  * //... feel free to add your own site here ...// 
-===== Screenshot ===== 
-===== Discussion ===== 
-==== Problem with configuration of doogiestpl-5.0.tgz ==== 
-Hi, there seems to be a problem with the tab configuration. 
-After installation of this template, I got an warning regarding foreach in line 59 of main.php 
-It seems to be, that the configuration in default.php is not used by this template. There is also an undocumented config entry for this template in the configuration area of dokuwiki. 
-I changed in default.php //$conf['navbar_buttons']// to //$conf['navbar_buttons_new']// 
-and in main.php //$buttons = tpl_getConf('navbar_buttons');// to //$buttons = tpl_getConf('navbar_buttons_new');// 
-I'm not a PHP expert, so please could someone find out what the problem is? Thanks //joachim 11.04.2010// 
-I've got the same problem. As soon as I created a fr (French) translation to this template and added it to the lang folder, the topbar menu dissapeared showing the following message: 
-**Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Archivos de programa\Wamp\www\Dokuwiki\lib\tpl\doogiestpl\main.php on line 59** 
-Does anyone know how to solve this bug? 
-I found a temporary way to solve it. It apparently works. 
-If you switch to the default template and back to the doogie template the bug fixes, at least temporarily. 
-Does anyone know a final solution? 
-> I changed in default.php $conf['navbar_buttons'] to $conf['navbar_buttons_new'] and in main.php $buttons = tpl_getConf('navbar_buttons'); to $buttons = tpl_getConf('navbar_buttons_new'); 
-> not a final solution but works for me ( //joachim ) 
template/doogie.1282556001.txt.gz · Last modified: by

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