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minima Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

Anteater, Rincewind,Angua

template Clean layout with sidebar, three fixed widths and six predefined colour schemes.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with cms, minimal, sidebar, tabs, themes

Original info

Originally developed by Esther Brunner. The latest version is now compatible with 2010-11-07 “Anteater”.

Adopted by — Don Bowman 2011/01/06 13:29


2011-01-18 zip (351 KB)
2011-01-18 tgz (321 KB)
Earlier version (compatible with DokuWiki 2006-11-06)
2009-04-01 zip (347 KB)
2009-04-01 tgz (319 KB)

The version that can still be found at Google Code is the same as the earlier version above: — Don Bowman 2011/01/20 14:00

I found the Minima template at Google Code. You may download it via SVN:

svn checkout minima-template-read-only

More information about the project can be found at Google Code, even if there's nothing new: 2008/05/31 16:47


Minima template Screenshot

  • Header with customizable background graphic
  • Six predefined color schemes: blue, brown, grey, green, pink and purple.
  • Two column CSS layout centered in the window
  • Three predefined widths: 610 pixels (narrow), 754 pixels (medium) or 987 pixels (wide).
  • Easier to read because of shorter lines and higher line heights
  • No section indention
  • Sidebar like sidebar template – thanks to Chris Smith!
  • Separation of page, site and user actions
    • Page actions (edit, revisions, backlinks, subscribe) are in button bar below the page
    • Site actions (index, search, recent changes) are in sidebar below sidebar content
    • User actions (login, profile, admin) are in sidebar below site actions
  • User without edit permission for a page won't see page actions button bar

Color Schemes

This template comes with six predefined color schemes: blue, brown, green, gray, pink and purple. The default scheme is blue. To activate another, use the configuration manager or copy and rename the color scheme of your choice manually to style.ini.


This template comes with three predefined widths: 610 pixels (narrow), 754 pixels (medium) or 987 pixels (wide). The default width is medium. To activate another, use the configuration manager.


You can easily replace the background graphic to give your wiki an individual look. The graphic has to be named header_<color>.jpg and should be placed in the images folder. The dimensions of the header has to be 610×89 pixels (narrow), 754×89 pixels (medium) or 987×89 pixels (wide).

Every namespace can have its own sidebar. Simply add a page called sidebar.txt1). If no sidebar is found in the current namespace, the sidebar of the parent namespace will be used. If there is no sidebar page in the namespace hierarchy, the index will be used.

For example you want a sidebar for namespace faq, you create a 'sidebar.txt' file in folder faq. Alternatively, you can just edit faq:sidebar through DokuWiki.

With the 2011-01-18 version there is a new configuration option 'minima_main_sidebar'. When selected the root sidebar will always be shown in addition when showing a page in a namespace other than the root that also has a sidebar.

The sidebar can be either on the left or the right. The default is on the right. This can be changed using the configuration manager.


This is a unique feature of this template. All pages of a namespace can have tabs on the top linking to other pages in the same namespace. This is useful to group pages that belong together and allows easy switching between them. To activate this feature, just create a page called tabs2) in your namespace and add a few internal links to pages in the same namespace. All pages of this namespace will now have these links as tab.

If there is a header in the tabs page, this will shown above the tabs to identify the namespace.




 * Japanese language file
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author 
// for the configuration manager
$lang['color']                    = '配色';
$lang['color_o_blue']             = '青';
$lang['color_o_brown']            = '茶色';
$lang['color_o_gray']             = '灰色';
$lang['color_o_green']            = '緑';
$lang['color_o_pink']             = 'ピンク';
$lang['color_o_purple']           = '紫色';
$lang['width']                    = 'レイアウトの幅';
$lang['width_o_narrow']           = '狭い (610 pixels)';
$lang['width_o_medium']           = '中間 (754 pixels)';
$lang['width_o_wide']             = '広い (987 pixels)';
$lang['sidebar_position']         = 'サイドバーの位置';
$lang['sidebar_position_o_left']  = '左側';
$lang['sidebar_position_o_right'] = '右側';
$lang['sidebar_page']             = 'サイドバーのページ名';
$lang['tabs_page']                = 'タブのページ名';
$lang['showpageinfo']             = 'ページ情報を表示';
$lang['showsiteactions']          = 'サイトに対する動作を表示';
$lang['showuseractions']          = 'ユーザーに対する動作を表示';
$lang['minima_main_sidebar']      = 'メインサイドバーを常に表示';
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :



 * 正體中文 language file
 * @license    GPL 2 (
// for the configuration manager
$lang['color']                    = '配色';
$lang['color_o_blue']             = '青';
$lang['color_o_brown']            = '茶色';
$lang['color_o_gray']             = '灰色';
$lang['color_o_green']            = '緑';
$lang['color_o_pink']             = '粉紅色';
$lang['color_o_purple']           = '紫色';
$lang['width']                    = '配置';
$lang['width_o_narrow']           = '窄 (610 pixels)';
$lang['width_o_medium']           = '中 (754 pixels)';
$lang['width_o_wide']             = '寬 (987 pixels)';
$lang['sidebar_position']         = '側邊位置';
$lang['sidebar_position_o_left']  = '左側';
$lang['sidebar_position_o_right'] = '右側';
$lang['sidebar_page']             = '側邊頁名';
$lang['tabs_page']                = '標籤頁名';
$lang['showpageinfo']             = '顯示頁面資訊';
$lang['showsiteactions']          = '顯示網站動作';
$lang['showuseractions']          = '顯示用戶動作';
$lang['minima_main_sidebar']      = '顯示主側邊';
//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :

Wikis Using this Template


  • 2011-01-18
    • Compatibility
      • CSS changes to comply with DokuWiki 2009-12-25c “Lemming”.
      • Revert button added to command list.
      • Changes to layout to work around problems with Interner Explorer (IE7 and earlier may not fill the sidebar completely).
    • Display
      • Section headers in Configuration Settings changed to have single colour background.
    • Media Manager
      • Media Manager changed to comply with DokuWiki 2008-05-05.
    • Sidebar
      • Sidebar processing now drops empty entries completely (necessary for Internet Explorer up to IE8).
      • New configuration option 'minima_main_sidebar' to always show main sidebar.
  • 2006-11-19
    • Improved for DokuWiki 2006-11-06
    • Blog Plugin tweak is no longer necessary
    • 3 layout widths and 6 color schemes to choose from
    • Sidebar can be on the left or on the right
    • New tabs feature: just create internal links in <namespace>:tabs
    • Some smaller style enhancements
  • 2006-03-21
    • Fixed broken sidebar layout: sidebar headings must have clear:none!
  • 2006-03-10
    • Initial release


Version 2011-01-18

Please add any comments, suggestion or questions regarding the 2011-01-18 version of the template here. Please also sign your comments using the toolbar button. — Don Bowman 2011/01/18 13:45

User Manager Page

When user information is wider than the margins set through configuration, the user manager goes outside the bounds and into the sidebar. Is it possible to make the fields wrap text? I know it is a challenge for things like email. Adding a scrollbar, while not pretty, would remedy this problem.

Add a long email address and long user First and Last name to see the problem.

vice 2011-5-26

Layout regression issue

Deleting the main div close and reopen around line 85 or so in main.php un-breaks the layout.

- </div>
- <div class="main">

Unless, of course, there is some advantage to having a strange white bar over the side bar. — alex.forencich 2011/02/04 03:26

I am a little puzzled by this comment. I have tested this in Opera, Firefox and IE8 and none of them show a 'strange white bar' over the side bar either with or without the breadcrumbs. Earlier versions of IE possibly have problems. What browser and version are you using and also what DokuWiki version are you using? — Don Bowman 2011/02/06 22:48
I see the white bar too. But only when I am viewing a page for in a directory which there is a tabs.txt file defined. Deleting the two lines above fixes the “strange white bar over the side bar.” Dokuwiki: Release 2010-11-07 “Anteater” with latest Minima template as per date of sign. Firefox 3.6.13 (Ubuntu Linux) Charles Minto 2011/02/09 13:27
As you say, the problem seems to occur when viewing a page in a namespace where there is a tabs file defined, but there are no valid links to be displayed (see Tabs for the details), although in my case it is not white but the background colour of the tabs. Changing the code to avoid showing an empty tabs bar has cured this. At one stage there was some code between the two lines in question that got moved or deleted. They are no longer necessary and will be deleted in the next version. — Don Bowman 2011/02/10 00:17

Color problem

I got the message “Could not set correct style.ini file for your chosen color scheme.” in top of the display. I tried to change “theme color” in style.ini from _purple to other colors, but except for blue the error message persisted. —- Hjort16 2007-03-31

Read the footnotes well since it explains the solution for your problem. The Web-Server needs write-access for this to get to work…
additionally, if you use the multitemplate plugin, you'll need to add “global $DOKU_TPLINC;” in functions.php::tpl_checkColor(). If you don't, you will get the same error.

IE Bug

IE doesn't support the CSS2 :after property and display gets quite messed up when content spans past the page width. Not that I use IE, but I work for a company where standards compliance includes cross-browser compatibility. if not for this flaw this would be a perfect template.

CSS2 is a recognized web standard and supported by all modern browsers. The column layout simply won't work as it should without that :after property, sorry! — Esther Brunner 2006-11-19 09:49
Does it mean that there is NO way to use this template with Internet Explorer? A proper answer would save me long hours of tweaking… thank you!
I have been trying to fix the afterproperty with but without success. I do not like to say so, since I like Esthers template very much, but maybe may be an alternative for you, as far as I can see it is IE compatible. I do agree with Esther that IE CSS2 support sucks…

On DokuWikis with ACL on, users without access permissions still can see the full DokuWiki index in the sidebar.

I have a patch for that:
--- minima-original/tplfn_sidebar.php	2006-02-03 00:47:06.000000000 +0100
+++ minima/tplfn_sidebar.php	2006-08-10 17:09:56.076901315 +0200
@@ -56,8 +56,11 @@
 		print p_wiki_xhtml($ID,$REV,false);
 	else {
-        global $IDX;
-        html_index($IDX);
+        	global $IDX;
+		// Add an authentification check before displaying the index
+        	if (auth_quickaclcheck($IDX)) {
+			html_index($IDX);
+		}
 	// restore globals

Thierry Goubier 2007-07-12 10:33

But now, minima adds “1” to the right of the buttons at the end of a page, and at the end of the sidebar too? (Got worse with the latest version of DokuWiki)

There is an error in the last line of print.css:

#sidebar {display:none}

should be

.sidebar {display:none}

Is index and search are disabled then is still shows a bullet

If this bothers you, then it is fixed by changing in main.php around line 96 the code

      <hr />
      <?php if (tpl_getConf('showsiteactions')){?>
          <li><div class="li"><?php tpl_actionlink('index')?></div></li>
          <li><div class="li"><?php tpl_actionlink('recent')?></div></li>
      <?php }?>


     <?php if (tpl_actionlink('index') ||  tpl_actionlink('recent')) {?>
        <hr />
        <?php if (tpl_getConf('showsiteactions')){?>
            <li><div class="li"><?php tpl_actionlink('index')?></div></li>
            <li><div class="li"><?php tpl_actionlink('recent')?></div></li>
        <?php }?>
    <?php }?>

Martin Horvat 2008-1-15

Home Page

When you click on any namespace on the sidebar, the index of the namespace appears both on the sidebar and as the main content. This is redundant. Is it possible to change this so that the indexing of the namespace appears only in the sidebar and a home page for the particular namespace appears as the main content?


Has anyone tried this template with Adora Belle?

Charles Minto 2012-10-28 10:45

I have, it needs a little work to be perfect. Specifically, formatting of the TOC.

Rob Vice 2012/10/28 02:41

Not compatible with Binky. Missed the minima's logo. It appears that there is an issue in main.php at this piece of code

<notwiki> <div class=“header”>

  <div class="logo">
    <?php tpl_link(wl(),$conf['title'],'name="dokuwiki__top" id="dokuwiki__top" accesskey="h" title="[ALT+H]"')?>


Gérard Breiner

The name of the file can be customized in configuration.
Can be customised in configuration.
template/minima.1395487170.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-03-22 12:19 by

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