====== Configuration Setting: target ====== This configures the [[https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_target.asp|HTML TARGET]] value used for different link types. The target value tells the web browser where to open the requested link. If a target is empty, then the link will open in the same window. * Type: Array * Default: \\ (That means all links are opened in the same browser window.) Possible keys for this array are: * ''wiki'' * ''interwiki'' for [[:interwiki]] links\\ **Note**: Interwiki having the same server will inherit the ''wiki'' configuration instead. * ''extern'' * ''media'' for uploaded files. * ''windows'' for windows shares. Possible values for the target attribute: * ''_blank'' -- open the link in a new window. * ''_tab'' -- open the link in a new tab. * ''_self'' or empty string -- open the link in the same window. * Other values such as ''_parent'' or ''_top'' or //framename// assume you are using a template with frames, in that situation, you should know what to put in this array. ===== See also ===== * [[:config:|Configuring DokuWiki]]