====== freechred Template ====== ---- template ---- description : A dark template mostly like 'default' author : freechaco!d email : m00h@gmx.de lastupdate : 2010-10-10 compatible : Anteater depends : conflicts : similar : tags : dark, high contrast, red downloadurl : http://freech.homepage.t-online.de/docs/freechred3.zip bugtracker : # eg. https://github.com/example/dokuwiki-plugin-sample/issues sourcerepo : # eg. https://github.com/example/dokuwiki-plugin-sample/ donationurl : # eg. https://www.paypal.com/... screenshot_img: https://trello.com/1/cards/6588a18c55d57e05c31ab6de/attachments/6588a1d0934633e60aec77f5/download/freechred-template.png ---- This is a template mostly like the 'default' template. But there is a dark background image, red bars on top & bottom and some kind of turquoise-gray links. The buttons are rounded (only for Mozilla browser so far) and the lines are modified. Have fun with it. ;-) * **Update 3.0:** * full compatibility with rc2010-10-07 * slightly darker background * **Update 2.0:** * full compatibility with 2009-12-25c * footnotes background color fixed ===== Download and Install ====== Use the following URL to download this template: * [[http://freech.homepage.t-online.de/docs/freechred3.zip|freechred3.zip (64kB)]] Refer to [[:template]] on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki. ===== Sites using this Template ===== * http://www.visual-novel.de