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metadisplay Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin provides an administration app that searches meta files for metadata and displays results in table format; can also be used from the command line

Last updated on

Tagged with list, metadata


Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


Meta file contents can be displayed individually; from the contents of an entire namespace; from the entire data/meta directory; from a search term for the page name, either from within a specific namespace of from the entire data/meta directory.

Description Field

It can search the description fields for pages containing specified terms. However it has to be kept in mind that the description field is stripped down to a raw text abstract (250 to 500 chars) of the page and the table of contents and the table of contents. See the description of the metadata data structure.

Additional Search Fields

You can do a “fuzzy” search in any search field except for the Contributors field. The “fuzzy” search is minimal. It is case insensitive and compensates for vowel errors. And some of these, like the dates, can be used in combination with one another.

For the structure of the meta files and the data contained in them, see: Metadata Storage


The search does not use a database. It is essentially brute force and has not been tested against very large sites. But for other sites it can be very fast.

Command Line

The plugin can also be used from the command line, as described in the cli plugin documentation:


   metadisplay <OPTIONS>
   USAGE (from Command Line):
   php plugin.php metadisplay [-h] [--no-colors]  [--loglevel ] [[-n --namespace|.] [[-p -page] [-e --exact ]]]
    [[-b --before|-a --after] timestamp -d -dtype [modified|created]] [[-s --search|-f --fuzzy] [search-term]] 
    [-l --ltype contrib|creator]] -c --cmdL 

   timestamp can be timestamp or numerical date of the form: Year-Month-Day                               

   -v, --version                           print version and exit

   -n, --namespace                         metadata namespace; the -n option with dot [.] 
                                           defaults to the top level.
                                           This option cannot be left blank if it is not followed by a page name

   -p, --page                              page name without namespace or extension, e.g. start

   -e, --exact                             set to "on"  for exact <b><u>page</u></b> match

   -c, --cmdL                              set automatically to "html" when accessing from admin.php

   -b, --before                            before timestamp

   -a, --after                             after timestamp

   -d, --dtype                             sets whether file's timestamp is read from "created" or "modified" field

   -l, --ltype                             set to search type: link, media, creator, contrib (contrib =
   -                                                     contributor)                              
   -h, --help                              Display this help screen and exit immediately.

   --no-colors                             Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.

   --loglevel <level>                      Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info,
                                           notice, success, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency.


The above options can be used when working on the command line as described under usage above. The administration application also uses these options and implements them for you.