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header2 Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2013-03-06, 2012-10-13, 2012-01-25, 2011-05-25

plugin Allows markup syntax in the header

Last updated on
Syntax, Render
Conflicts with
include, odt

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to header3, wikiformatstyling

Tagged with headings, syntax

:!: This plugin (and the plugin Header3) became unavailable due to a technical reason (See this conversation). You can consider using Wiki-Style Script instead.

Installation and Usage

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

If your DokuWiki version is before 2012-10-13 “Adora Belle”, set 'renderer_xhtml' to “Header2” in the configuration manager after installation. For versions since 2012-10-13, use the default xhtml renderer.

:!: The TOC is rendered by metadata renderer instead of xhtml renderer in general 'show' action. However in 'preview' mode the TOC is rendered by xhtml renderer. So in few situations you'll find the TOC different in preview and in show mode. (mostly it doesn't happen since metedata renderer renders 'abstract' for the article and what it does is to have all markups parsed except no html tags)

Here's the demo image for embedding syntax in the header with this plugin:

FIXME Header with syntax demo


Change Log



After activating this plugin and changing the xhtml renderer to header2 all my instances of the include plugin using “section” no longer work..the whole page is shown instead. Upon deactivating this plugin, the include works again. - Andy 2011/01/24

Angua RC1 bug

Don't work with Angua RC1 (PHP Fatal Error) and can't be turned off. You have to add

$plugins['header2'] = 0;

to conf/plugin.local.php to turn it off.

It shouldn’t work with Rincewind or Anteater either. header2 tries to read a property from the xhtml renderer class which is private and always was private (a similar problem is the reason for the header2 renderer component). — Adrian Lang 2011/12/23 23:38
This problem is fixed since 2012-10-13 “Adora Belle”, and we no more need to set the renderer to header2 in order to get this plugin work — danny0838 2013/03/17 05:35

ake your first steps on the playground. Draft autosaved on 2013/05/12 19:01 Media


when defining tags with tag containing mutated vowels (ä,ö,ü), the linked headings on this page won't show themselves after leaving the page and visiting it again. Instead the headings are shown like header2 is turned off. (Nait Sabes, 12.05.2013)