*/ // the first parameter is set to 1 what means that $conf['pdfex_author'] is used inside the PDF // as the author's name. As soon as I understand how to access the pages' metadata, there will be // another valid option to use the "real" author of that page; $conf['pdfex_author'] will be used // as a fallback solution $conf['pdfex_c_auth'] = 1; // use constant author? $conf['pdfex_author'] = 'Werner Flamme'; // Name of author of current page - e. g. YOUR name :-) // what do we want as the page title? $conf['pdfex_title'] = $conf['title']; // Title line of the PDF // do we want to use tcpdf or html2fpdf? $conf['pdfex_method'] = 'html2fpdf'; // at the moment, you may use 'tcpdf' or 'html2fpdf' //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 :