====== Anti-Spam Features ====== Like every website that accepts user contributed content, wikis are a target of spammers. [[DokuWiki]] has a few built-in methods to avoid spam. Additional methods can be added via plugin. ===== Access Control (built-in) ===== The simplest method to protect your wiki from spam is to let only trusted users to use it. Refer to the [[acl|Access Control Lists (ACL)]] feature on how to set that up. Of course this is not a viable option for community driven wikis. Read on for the other options that helped to keep dokuwiki.org spam free for years without having to disable anonymous edits. ===== URL Blacklisting (built-in) ===== As an active method against known spammers their URLs can be blocked. When a spammer tries to post a known spam-URL, the save will be aborted. DokuWiki comes with a small blacklist of URLs we encountered here on dokuwiki.org, but you can easily add your own. See [[blacklist]] for details how this works. ===== Delayed Indexing (built-in) ===== To discourage spammers, DokuWiki uses a feature called [[http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?DelayedIndexing|DelayedIndexing]]. It tells search engines to not index pages that were recently updated. On an active wiki, spam will be removed very quickly by community members. Once a page has not been edited for a while, you can assume the community approves of the pages content and thus is spam-free. See [[config:indexdelay|indexdelay]] for how to configure the time after which a page is considered old enough to be indexed and how to turn of this feature. ===== Mass Revert (built-in) ===== Whenever a spammer succeeds in spamming a huge amount of pages, it becomes hard to remove all the spam manually again. DokuWiki comes with the [[plugin:revert|Revert Manager]] plugin which allows you to easily revert all pages back to a version where it did not contain spam. ===== CAPTCHA (plugin) ===== A very effective method to protect your wiki against automated spam attacks is the use of a CAPTCHA. The most recommended plugin is the [[plugin:captcha|CAPTCHA plugin]]. It has various levels of usability settings and its default is invisible to most human users while still very effective against bots. Installing this plugin is highly recommended on public wikis! ===== Registration Protection (plugin) ===== Spam bots are known to automatically register on wikis which will create a huge amount of useless, fake users. If you allow people to self register, it is advisable to protect the registration against spam bots. The [[plugin:captcha|CAPTCHA plugin]] is able to do that. Another option is the [[plugin:preregister|preregister Plugin]] which adds an email confirmation to the registration process. Of course you can also disable the registration completely using the [[config:disableactions]] option. Hint: should your wiki have been hit by a registration bot in the past, you can easily delete users by removing them from the ''conf/users.auth.php'' file instead of manually deleting them via the [[plugin:usermanager|user manager]]. ===== More Plugins ===== Check the plugin list for plugins tagged with [[plugintag>spam]] to find more plugins to protect your wiki.