====== Configuration Setting: hidepages ====== This option accepts a Regular Expression to filter certain pages from all automatic listings (RSS, recent changes, search results, index, sitemap). This is useful to exclude certain pages like the ones used in the sidebar templates. The regexp is matched against the full pagename with a leading colon. If it matches, the page is assumed to be a hidden one. This is a rather cosmetic option, not a security one. * Type: String * Default: ===== Example ===== Here's complex example excludes '':reports:template'', '':reports:sidebar'' and their subpages: $conf['hidepages'] = '^:reports:(?:template|sidebar)'; Another example. In this case the contents of ''/data/pages'' is . ├── admin │   ├── build_notes.txt │   ├── new_software.txt │   └── todos.txt ├── admin_links.txt ├── labels │   └── start.txt ├── playground │   └── playground.txt ├── sidebar.txt ├── software │   ├── dokuwiki │   │   └── start.txt │   ├── kdialog │   │   └── start.txt │   ├── start.txt │   └── __template.txt ├── start.txt ├── templates │   └── start.txt └── wiki ├── dokuwiki.txt ├── syntax.txt └── welcome.txt To hide ''admin_links'', ''sidebar'', and everything beneath '':admin'', '':labels'', '':playground'', '':templates'', and, '':wiki'', use: $conf['hidepages'] = '^:(admin*|sidebar|playground|labels|templates|wiki)'; {{ https://scottferguson.com.au/uploads/files/config-hidepages.png?nolink&recache |Sitemap}} ===== See also ===== * [[:config:|Configuring DokuWiki]] * [[https://www.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.php|PCRE regex syntax]]