====== DOKUWIKI_STARTED ====== ---- dataentry event ---- Description: DokuWiki prepares to do its work DefaultAction: none Preventable: no Added_dt: 2006-04-25 ---- The event is signalled after Dokuwiki has completed its initialization phase and before it closes the session in [[xref>doku.php]]. Most Dokuwiki globals will have been created and populated, the global $_SESSION var will still be in existence. This is only true for the main DokuWiki template, i.e. whatever comes through ''doku.php''. The mediamanager popup uses [[MEDIAMANAGER_STARTED]] instead (comes through ''lib/exe/mediamanager.php'') and the image detail page uses [[DETAIL_STARTED]]. The [[DOKUWIKI_INIT_DONE]] event provides an alternative that will fire for all entry points that use the DokuWiki environment. If you need an even earlier event, check out [[devel:event:init_lang_load|INIT_LANG_LOAD]], but note that not the whole environment is setup there. You could also check out [[devel:event:auth_login_check|AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK]], but again, the whole environment is NOT setup there. Note: Even after $_SESSION has been closed a plugin can reopen the session to access session data - as long as headers have not already been sent. For an example of this refer to [[xref>lib/plugins/config/admin.php]]. ===== Passed Data ===== No data is passed. ===== See also ===== * [[codesearch>DOKUWIKI_STARTED|Code related to this event]] used in any DokuWiki's files, plugins and templates * [[devel:Action Plugins]] * [[devel:Events]] * [[DOKUWIKI_DONE]]