~~NOTRANS~~ ====== Denkfehler Online ====== ---- dataentry dwinstallation ---- screenshot_img350: https://denkfehler.online/_theme/2021/img/screenshot.png site_url : https://denkfehler.online/ installed_dt : 2017-04-01 purpose_lbls : education org_lbls : individual country : Germany ---- This is an educational project to learn and provide a knowledge-base about fallacies and how to avoid them. Running at several hundred articles, it has become the most important German-language online resource on this topic. DokuWiki has proven to be an ideal platform for this kind of sprawling knowledge-base project, because it is quick and easy to use, takes away a lot of the boring tasks of managing a web site, and yet gives the user full control of the result. The biggest challenge is usually to find out which of the many plugins that are available is the right one for your purpose — [[user>sascha-leib|Sascha Leib]]