~~NOTRANS~~ ====== JSGL.org: JavaScript Graphics Library ====== ---- dataentry dwinstallation ---- screenshot_img350: http://www.jsgl.org/screenshot-large.png site_url : http://www.jsgl.org installed_dt : 2009-12-10 purpose_lbls : documentation org_lbls : non-profit, academic country : Czech Republic ---- //I use DokuWiki as a very straightforward way to publish documentation on the web. The default template has been a little bit modified to create a menu and do some styling. Three years ago, DokuWiki allowed me to create a documentation website for the library in a very short time. Without DokuWiki, no website would come into being that time, and as of today, the library would be most probably dead. Thanks to DokuWiki, it now has hundreds of users and its development is ongoing!//