~~NOTRANS~~ ====== Pasteasfile ====== ---- dataentry dwinstallation ---- screenshot_img350: https://pasteasfile.org/public/screencapture-pasteasfile-org-start-2020-05-06-17_04_50.png # url to a screenshot image of your site site_url : https://pasteasfile.org # url to your wiki (if public) installed_dt : 2018-05-06 purpose_lbls : Windows Utility # blog, cms, collaboration, documentation, .. org_lbls : Utility # academic, corporate, government, non-profit, individual, ... country : UK ---- Paste ANY content that's on your Windows ClipBoard to a file. This is a Microsoft Windows utility to paste what you have on the clipboard (in any format) into a file on your hard disk. Includes all images, text, html, snippets, urls, in fact pretty much anything! This is me - [[user>nampara17]]