====== Viki-paĝoj ====== Paĝo estas la kerna trajto de [[wp>wiki|vikio]]. Ĉiuj URL-oj en vikio devus konduki al modifeblaj paĝoj, por ke uzantoj libere povu krei/modifi/forigi la paĝojn. ===== Baza paĝo ===== Paĝo kiel tiu montras al vi la bazajn [[features|funkciojn]] de DokuWiki. La unua [[wiki:syntax#Sectioning|alineo]] estas rigardata la [[config:useheading|titolo]] de la paĝo. Bazaj funkcioj en [[DokuWiki]] enhavas [[links|ligilojn]] kaj [[images|bildojn]], sed pli ruzaj [[features|funkcioj]] haveblas, kaj eĉ tiuj povas esti ampleksigitaj pere de [[plugins|kromaĵoj]]. ==== Sekcio ==== The [[wiki:syntax#sectioning|headings]] in a page define sections. A section begins with a header and ends at the next header or at the end of the page. The different sections of a page generate the [[toc|Table of contents]], which you should see at the top right of this page. Sections can be edited individually, see [[section_editing|Section Editing]]. ==== Ŝablono ==== The layout of a page is defined not only by its [[wikitext]], but also by its template. This page uses the default template bundled with DokuWiki. More [[templates|templates can be found here]]. If none match your need, you also can [[devel:templates|develop a custom template]]. ===== Vivociklo de paĝo ===== ==== Krei paĝon ==== In DokuWiki, pages are created as in every other wiki. Simply create a [[link#existing vs non-existing pages|link from an existing page to a non-existing page]], follow this link, and click on ''Create this page'' (on the top left in the default template). This is the most common and recommended way. It ensures all your pages are linked together correctly and you don't create [[backlink#orphans]] anywhere. === Alternativoj === There are some alternative ways as well: * You may enter the name of new page directly in the search field, and click the "Search" button and can choose ''Create this page'' (on the top left in the default template) of the results page. The new page will be named after your query. * If you are the webmaster, you can create a ''.txt'' file inside the directory (namespace) wherein you want it to reside. The name of the file is the name of the page. * Of course you can also open a non-existing page by manually manipulating the URL in your Browser * There are also plugins to add a page: See [[plugintag>add|plugins tagged with 'add']] //**NOTE:** Make sure you properly link your newly created page from other pages, when using one of the alternative methods. Otherwise no one may find your page. (Though these pages may still be found by the [[index]] feature or through the [[search]] engine.)// ==== Modifi paĝon ==== Editing a page is done by clicking the ''Edit this page'' button unless the page is [[#Create a page|created]]. The creation or editing of a page leads you to an [[edit window]] that enables you to enter [[wikitext]]. Editing a page consists in no putting your text inside the edit area, and adding a markup to enhance its layout. In order to help you in the editing process, a [[edit_window#preview]] feature enables you to look at your resulting page before saving it. Once your page does match your criteria, you hit the ''save'' button in order to save it. The page is then rendered into HTML, which is the standard output. Note that you can [[export]] this page into different formats if you wish. ==== Forigi paĝon ==== If you save an empty page, then DokuWiki will delete the page, and the associated [[pagename]]. (Note that the [[attic]] remains.) ===== Problemsolvoj ===== * Creating or editing a page requires you to have enough rights to do it. Please refer to [[ACL]] to find more about it. * The editing of a page can only be done by one person at a time. See [[locking]] if you encounter a ''Page Locked'' message.