====== DokuWiki on OpenBSD ====== =====Installation from the package===== To install [[:DokuWiki]] using the [[https://openbsd.org|OpenBSD]] packages use the [[https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html|package manager]]: ~$ doas pkg_add dokuwiki The package manager will take care of setting up dependencies and chroot requirements. Note: The package ''dokuwiki-2022.07.31ap0'' and ''dokuwiki-2023.04.04'' (in snapshots) require users wanting to install templates using the Extension Manager to change the owner of ''/var/www/dokuwiki/lib/tpl'' to ''www'': # chown www /var/www/dokuwiki/lib/tpl :!: Note: The currently available OpenBSD ports ''dokuwiki-2022.07.31ap0'' and ''dokuwiki-2023.04.04'' (in snapshots) contain a small bug. You will need to fix the permissions like this: # chown www /var/www/dokuwiki/data/log This bug will probably be fixed in newer versions of the ports. =====Manual installation===== The package doesn't do all of this so you should also look at this if you run into problems. First install PHP and a dependency if required((The ''php'' and ''php-gd'' packages should have been installed by the ''dokuwiki'' package as dependencies. Manual installation should not be necessary.)): ~$ doas pkg_add php php-gd You should be able to choose the newest version of PHP. We will use 8.0 for this example. To enable the installed PHP package add the symbolic links as root: # cd /etc/php-8.0.sample # for i in *; do ln -sf ../php-8.0.sample/$i ../php-8.0/; done Start up the PHP FPM daemon: ~$ doas rcctl start php80_fpm ==== Add the daemon to the list of things started up at boot ==== Old method\\ Add the daemon to the list of things started up at boot in the /etc/rc.conf.local file (you might have to create it) by adding it to any existing list like this: ~$ doas rcctl enable php80_fpm Once you have PHP working you can go through the generic [[::install|installation instructions]]. Pay particular attention to setting up the [[install:permissions|permissions]] properly. If you are using the OpenBSD httpd web server you will be setting things to a user of www and group of www. =====Httpd configuration===== You may want to change your httpd.conf to something similar show below. server "default" { listen on egress port 80 listen on port 80 location "/*.inc" { block } location "/*.ht*" { block } location "/data/*" { block } location "/conf/*" { block } location "/bin/*" { block } location "/inc/*" { block } location "/vendor/*" { block } location "/dokuwiki/*.php*" { root "/dokuwiki" request strip 1 fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock" } location "/dokuwiki/*" { directory index index.php root "/dokuwiki" request strip 1 } } Note: The above is a very generic minimal configuration. It assumes yo can access DokuWiki using the url ''%%http://%%////%%/dokuwiki/%%'' or locally using ''%%http://localhost/dokuwiki/%%'' You SHOULD probably set DokuWiki up to use HTTPS so that login credentials will be transferred securely. It is fairly easy to do this using e.g. [[https://letsencrypt.org|Let's Encrypt]] and [[https://man.openbsd.org/acme-client.1|acme-client(1)]]. Simply redirect all requests on port 80 to port 443, except for the ACME challenge and change the above ''listen'' statements to port 443 and add the appropriate ''tls {}'' configuration. A slightly better configuration which would be accessible using the url ''%%https://%%////%%/%%'' (using ''wiki.example.com'' as the hostname for this example) might look like this: # Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS and handle ACME certificate verification # requests. server "wiki.example.com" { listen on * port 80 # Add other hostnames here if you have multiple virtual hosts that # require the same functionality. No need to write extra server {} # blocks for them. # alias "other.host.name" block return 301 "https://$HTTP_HOST$REQUEST_URI" location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" { pass root "/acme" request strip 2 } } # This is the server for hosting a DokuWiki website. server "wiki.example.com" { # Always use HTTPS so that login credentials are encrypted. listen on * tls port 443 tls { # Adjust these paths for the ones your certificate uses. certificate "/etc/ssl/fullchain.pem" key "/etc/ssl/private/privkey.key" } # If you are using the default DokuWiki as installed from the # OpenBSD dokuwiki port then this is your root directory. If # you are using a manual installation, adjust as needed. root "/dokuwiki" # Make sure that https:/// works (in addition to # https:///doku.php) directory index doku.php # Block some things. # Note: The first matching location statement wins. Thus the # order is important. location "*~" { block } location ".*" { block } location "/data/*" { block } location "/conf/*" { block } location "/bin/*" { block } location "/inc/*" { block } location "/vendor/*" { block } # If nothing was blocked then handle PHP scripts. location "*.php" { # If you are running multiple versions of php-fpm # you may need to adjust the socket path. fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock" } } Don't forget to check your configuration using ''httpd -n''! If all is well you can start httpd(8) using: ~$ doas rcctl start httpd To enable httpd(8) at boot time use: ~$ doas rcctl enable httpd And for completeness, after changing your httpd.conf use: ~$ doas httpd -n ~$ doas rcctl reload httpd or ~$ doas httpd -n ~$ doas rcctl restart httpd =====Allowing outgoing http connections===== The OpenBSD web server chroot is fairly restrictive by default. If you want to use things like automatic extension downloading you will need to open things up a bit. This should allow outgoing http and https connections. As root (creating any needed directories on the way): # mkdir /var/www/dev # mknod /var/www/dev/urandom c 45 2 # mkdir /var/www/etc # cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/www/etc/ # cp /etc/hosts /var/www/etc/ # cp /etc/services /var/www/etc/ # mkdir /var/www/etc/ssl # cp /etc/ssl/cert.pem /var/www/etc/ssl/ Then restart the php daemon: ~$ doas rcctl start php80_fpm