====== r7throot1 Template ====== ---- template ---- author: M. Lage email: r0sk10@gmail.com Oscar Description: Modello semplice con sidebar LastUpdate: 2009-12-25 Compatible: from 2007-11-23 to 2009-12-15 "Lemming" similar: template:r7throot1, template:r7throot2, template:r7throot3, template:r7throot4, template:r7throot5, template:r7throot6, template:r7throot1, template:r7throot7, template:r7throot8, template:r7thblog1 tags: sidebar Screenshot_img: http://www.userlinux.net/my/_media/projects/dokuwiki/r7throot1.jpg ---- ===== Donate ===== Sostieni lo sviluppo di Plugins e modelli di DokuWiki offrendomi [[https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=r0sk10%40gmail.com&item_name=DokuWiki%2BTemplate%2BDonation&no_shipping=1&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=EUR&lc=US|i soldi per una chocolate]] (Suggested: 3€ for a regular or 5€ for big one with cookies ;-)). ===== Descrizione ===== //r7throot1// è un template per DokuWiki e wiki (inspirati a [[http://www.wikidesign.ch/en/tpl/minima/start|Minima]] and [[http://www.zenzire.com/mmzenzire|mmZenzire]] templates). Le caratteristiche principali: * Sidebar - customizable sidebar, that is displayed on every page (//sidebar// page). Every namespace may have his own sidebar (//sidebar// page into the namespace). * Footer - user defined footer information. ===== Anteprima ===== {{http://www.userlinux.net/my/_media/projects/dokuwiki/r7throot1.jpg?w=400 }} ===== Download ====== ^ Filename ^ Versione ^ Data ^ |{{http://www.userlinux.net/modules/dokuwiki/dw/_media/projects/dokuwiki/r7throot1-2009-12-25.tar.gz}} (:!: ** current stable** :!:) | 20091225 | 25.12.2009 | |{{http://www.userlinux.net/my/_media/projects/dokuwiki/r7throot1-20071123.tar.gz}} | 20071123 | 23.11.2007 | |{{http://www.userlinux.net/my/_media/projects/dokuwiki/r7throot1.tar.gz}} | 20070211 | 11.02.2007 | Use the following URL to download this template: * [[http://www.userlinux.net/my/projects/dokuwiki/r7throot1]] ===== Installazione ===== Riferirsi a [[:template]] su come installare e utilizzare i modelli di DokuWiki. In modo semplice: - [[#download|Download]] the tarball/zip-file - Unpack it into ''/lib/tpl/'' - Login come admin e modifica il modello nella configuration manager ===== Configurazione ===== I parametri del modello (template) si trovano nel seguente file ///lib/tpl/