====== A2S Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Convert ASCII art diagram to nice embedded SVG images. author : Schplurtz le Déboulonné email : Schplurtz@laposte.net type : syntax lastupdate : 2022-06-21 compatible : elenor of tsort, detritus, frusterick manners, greebo, hogfather, igor, jack jackrum, kaos depends : conflicts : similar : ditaa, diagram tags : ASCII, SVG, image, images, media, diagram downloadurl: https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s donationurl: screenshot_img : http://imageshack.com/a/img923/6940/SjSOjj.png ---- a2s is a little plugin that turns ASCII art boxes, lines and arrows into nice SVG images. It is based on [[https://github.com/dhobsd/asciitosvg|ASCIIToSVG]] by [[https://github.com/dhobsd|Devon H. O'Dell]]. It is very similar to the [[doku>plugin:ditaa|ditaa]] plugin but does not require external programs to run. It is compatible with the ODT export plugin. ----------- june 2022: a2s works well with DW igor RC2 and php 8.1. But exports to odt with the [[plugin:odt|odt]] plugin currently fails. There is no problem with php 7.4. See this [[https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s/issues/13|bug report]]. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== {{http://imageshack.com/a/img924/544/0Ct4jR.png}} .-------------------------. |[Logo] | | .---.-. .-----. .-----. | | | .-. | +--> | | <--| | | | '-' | | <--| +--> | | | '---'-' '-----' '-----' | | ascii 2 svg | | | '-------------------------' https://9vx.org/~dho/a2s/ [Logo]: {"fill":"#88d","a2s:delref":true} {{http://imageshack.com/a/img923/361/5KZR0X.png}} +----+--------+ : | | | .----------------. | v | | |[0] | | #---------+---. | o----+----> Waow ! | v | |<---+ / | | ^ ====>| Hello | / '----------------' | ====>| (svg) World '------. / #------# .-------. | | .-----# |==+ | | | | | '----# '---------# #------# '-------' [0]: {"a2s:link":"https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s","fill":"#CE3B83","stroke":"#F50078","stroke-dasharray":"5 5","stroke-width":4,"a2s:type":"cloud","a2s:delref":true} ===== Syntax ===== Please, note that the reference doc is on [[https://github.com/dhobsd/asciitosvg/|ASCIIToSVG site]]. * There are two kinds of objects : free lines, and closed shapes (usually boxes) * free lines * Plain straight lines are drawn with ''|'', ''-'', ''\'' and ''/'' * dashed lines : use at least one ''='' (horizontal) or '':'' (vertical) in a line, and it is dashed. Oblique lines can't be dashed. * ''+'' and ''o'' (lower case letter O) are used to connect lines of different orientation. * arrowhead. Use ''<'', ''>'', ''v'', and ''^''. Nothing special here * closed shapes * Borders are drawn with ''|'' and ''-'' only. * ''%%'%%'', ''.'' and ''#'' are used for box angle. Do not use ''+'', as it does not create closed shape. * closed shape can be styled. - Identify the shape : In the **top left** angle of the shape, put some text between square bracket. example ''[0]'', ''[logo]'', ''[some text]'' - **At the bottom** of the drawing, for each identified shape, add a **single** line with the identifier and a JSON hash of property:value. See the section just below for details. ==== Styling shapes and linking ==== Colors are expressed either * In RGB with 3 or 6 hexdigits preceded by a sharp sign : ''#88d'', ''#F50078'' * or using a colorname such as ''blue'', ''red'', ''LemonChiffon'' etc... I just don't know the exact list of valid colornames. Please note that ''LemonChiffon'' seems valid, but that ''lemon chiffon'' is not, although it is a valid X11 colorname. It is not possible to choose text color. When background is dark, ASCIIToSVG uses white. When background is light, text is written in black. Available styling parametre : * fill color : ''"fill":"//color//"''. examples :"fill":"#88d" "fill":"#F50078" "fill":"LemonChiffon" "fill":"blue" * border stroke color : ''"stroke":"//color//"''. examples :"stroke":"#88d" "stroke":"#F50078" "stroke":"LemonChiffon" "stroke":"blue" * border stroke width : ''"stroke-width"://number//'' unit and default value is unknown. Example :"stroke-width":7 * border stroke dash : A serie of pair of dash length and space length. Length unit is unknown. Examples "stroke-dasharray":"5 5" "stroke-dasharray":"5 5 10 3 2 8" * shape : ''"a2s:type":"shapename"'' where shapename is one of ''cloud'', ''computer'', ''diamond'', ''document'', ''storage'', ''printer''. Examples"a2s:type":"cloud" "a2s:type":"storage" * link : ''"a2s:link":"//linktext//"'' where //linktext// is either an internal wiki link, an [[doku>interwiki|interwiki link]], or a classic //%%protocol://server/resource%%// link. Since SVG can be included in ODT and PDF file, a2s does not obey the [[doku>config:canonical|canonical]] setting and always generate absolute links. Since neither libreoffice nor [[doku>plugin:dw2pdf|dw2pdf]] use this link, this seems rather useless and may change in the future.\\ Examples: "a2s:link":"[[.:]]" "a2s:link":"[[:start]]" "a2s:link":"[[:start|The start page]]" "a2s:link":"[[doku>interwiki|interwiki link]] "a2s:link":"https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s" "a2s:link":"ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/README" * identifier removal. By default the id is left in the image. This is useful when you have enough room to use a meaningful word as id. However, it is possible to remove it using this code "a2s:delref":true here is a full example example : [0]: {"fill":"#d48","stroke":"#F50078","stroke-dasharray":"5 5","stroke-width":4,"a2s:type":"cloud","a2s:delref":true,"a2s:link":"https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s"} ==== Alignment ==== Just like with regular images, you can align your SVG graphics by inserting spaces after ''<'' and before ''>''. If there are more spaces on the left of the word ''a2s'', then the image is right-aligned, if there are more spaces on the right, the image is left-aligned. When there is the same number of spaces on both sides of ''a2s'', the image is centered {{http://imageshack.com/a/img922/5228/MfGXsO.png}} < a2s> .---------. |[1] | | .-----. | | | <--+ | | +--> | | | '-----' | | svg | |< a2s>| '---------' [1]: {"fill":"#E97B11","a2s:delref":true} .---------. |[blue] | | .---.-. | | | .-. | | | | '-' | | | '---'-' | | ascii | || '---------' [blue]: {"fill":"blue","a2s:delref":true} < a2s > .---------. |[lc] | | .-----. | | +--> | | | | <--+ | | '-----' | | 2 | |< a2s >| '---------' [lc]: {"fill":"LemonChiffon","a2s:delref":true} < a2s> .---------. |[1] | | .-----. | | | <--+ | | +--> | | | '-----' | | svg | |< a2s>| '---------' [1]: {"fill":"#bcd2ee","a2s:delref":true} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed accumsan nec odio quis aliquet. Nulla gravida ac est venenatis rhoncus. Aenean viverra felis semper turpis commodo, ut vehicula dui mattis. Vivamus malesuada vulputate justo. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam porttitor elementum nulla in ultricies. Vestibulum volutpat nibh eu faucibus scelerisque. Suspendisse eleifend arcu neque, at tristique metus tempus semper. Nullam ante leo, convallis sit amet accumsan sed, semper nec quam. Curabitur fringilla, orci id scelerisque varius, enim est ultrices est, et elementum magna metus sit amet eros. Sed pharetra semper ligula sit amet efficitur. Mauris congue accumsan egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur tincidunt metus non justo tempus lacinia. Donec ornare velit a massa semper ullamcorper. Donec dapibus ante vel lacus efficitur sodales. Integer pretium eleifend nulla, at ullamcorper ipsum pellentesque placerat. Cras condimentum iaculis leo. Sed sit amet pretium sem, sit amet suscipit nibh. Nulla congue molestie purus sed congue. Fusce tincidunt ipsum id molestie pellentesque. Curabitur lobortis placerat risus eget vulputate. Maecenas ac feugiat ex, at facilisis nulla. Etiam rutrum quis eros et facilisis. Nulla sodales molestie odio, id egestas massa aliquam vel. Mauris vulputate ante sed volutpat euismod. Sed eleifend, urna vitae auctor consequat, dui felis elementum ex, ut laoreet nunc nisl convallis mi. Nullam id bibendum justo. ===== list of known SVG shapes ===== {{http://imageshack.com/a/img923/548/jHS4IU.png}} Shapes : .----------. .----------. .----------. |[cloud] | |[computer]| |[diamond] | | | +->| |<-o->| | | | | | | | | | .----------. | .----------. | .----------. --------------o----------------+ .----------. | .----------. | .----------. |[document]| : |[storage] | | |[printer] | | |<-+->| | | | Some txt | | | | |<-+->| | .----------. .----------. '----------' .----------. .----------. .----------. |[cl] | |[c] | |[yn] | | | +->| |<-o->| | | | | | | | | | .----------. | .----------. | .----------. --------------o----------------+ .----------. | .----------. | .----------. |[d] | : |[st] | | |[p] | | |<-+->| | | | Some txt | | | | |<-+->| | .----------. .----------. '----------' [printer]: {"a2s:type":"printer","fill":"#ff1493"} [computer]: {"a2s:type":"computer"} [cloud]: {"a2s:type":"cloud"} [diamond]: {"a2s:type":"diamond"} [document]: {"a2s:type":"document"} [storage]: {"a2s:type":"storage"} [p]: {"a2s:type":"printer","fill":"#ff1493","a2s:delref":true} [c]: {"a2s:type":"computer","a2s:delref":true} [cl]: {"a2s:type":"cloud","a2s:delref":true} [yn]: {"a2s:type":"diamond","a2s:delref":true} [d]: {"a2s:type":"document","a2s:delref":true} [st]: {"a2s:type":"storage","a2s:delref":true} ===== shapes inside shapes and custom styles ===== Transparency is obtained by using an invalid colorname. This is undocumented. This may change depending on the browser or rendering library. {{http://imageshack.com/a/img922/5582/l6VrcE.png}} .---------------------------. .----------. |[storage] | |[document]| | STORAGE | | | | | | | | | .----------. | .----------. .---+-------. | |[document]| |[0]|TRANS | | | | | |PARENT | | | | '---+-------' | .----------. | .---------------------------. storage: : document : "fill":"#a7ffbe" : "stroke":"#d627d8" "a2s:delref":true : "stroke-width":9 : "stroke-dasharray":"5 3 3 7 10 5" 5 3 3 7 10 5 .-----. .---. .---. .-------. .----------. .-----. |[r] | | | |[r]| | | |[r] | | | '-----' '---' '---' '-------' '----------' '-----' [document]: {"a2s:type":"document","stroke":"#d627d8","stroke-width":9,"stroke-dasharray":"5 3 3 7 10 5"} [storage]: {"a2s:type":"storage","fill":"#a7ffbe","a2s:delref":true} [0]: {"stroke":"#FFEE49","stroke-width":9,"a2s:delref":true,"fill":"caramba"} [r]: {"fill":"#d627d8","a2s:delref":true} ===== Configuration and Settings ===== There is nothing to configure. ===== Development ===== === Change Log === {{rss>https://github.com/schplurtz/a2s/commits/master.atom date}} ===== FAQ ===== :?: When I export to pdf with [[dw2pdf]], the arrowheads on line are not drawn, and alignment is not respected. Can you/I do something about that ?\\ :!: No. As of 2017/07/27, unless you are the a developer of dw2pdf or mpdf, its PDF library, there is nothing to do. Sorry. :?: Is it possible to alter the line color using css or a configuration value? under the bootstrap / bootswatch / cyborg theme which is dark the lines are black on a black background. For now I've just worked around it using the following in a less css file to alter the background color &.cyborg { svg.a2s { background-color:#303030; } }