====== addnewpagedeluxe Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Put ‘add new page’ (deluxe) forms within pages, with optional namespace selection author : C0DE8 email : dokuwiki.development@c0de8.com type : syntax lastupdate : 2024-02-26 compatible : Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos depends : conflicts : similar : new_page_dialog, npd tags : button, form, create downloadurl: https://github.com/C0DE8/dokuwiki-plugin-addnewpagedeluxe/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/C0DE8/dokuwiki-plugin-addnewpagedeluxe/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/C0DE8/dokuwiki-plugin-addnewpagedeluxe/ donationurl: https://ko-fi.com/C0DE8 screenshot_img : # URL to a screenshot of the plugin in action ---- **NOTE:** This Plugin is derived/forked from the original [[plugin:addnewpage|Add New Page Plugin]] and extend the functionality. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Description ===== This plugin allows you to add new-page forms to wiki pages, so that users can simply enter the title of a new page and go straight to the editing form (rather than first creating a link to the page, or typing the URL directly). The target namespace for the new page can either be selected from a drop-down list in the new-page form, or specified in the form [[#syntax]]. Only namespaces to which the user is permitted to write are shown. The plugin can pair with the [[plugin:newpagetemplate|newpagetemplate Plugin]] to start with a predefined template instead of an empty page. The form submit button is disabled if there is no text in the title field. ===== Usage ===== Put ''%%{{NEWPAGE}}%%'' anywhere in a wiki page to get a new-page-title text entry box, and a namespace selection drop-down menu. More details in the [[#Syntax]] section below. ==== Screenshots ==== | {{:plugin:addnewpage_nooptions.png }} | The default form has a drop-down with all namespaces of the wiki and a text field for the pagename. | | {{:plugin:addnewpage_ns_hidden.png }} | ''%%{{NEWPAGE>test}}%%'' with configuration option "Hide namespace selection" enabled. | | {{:plugin:addnewpage_ns_nothidden.png }} | ''%%{{NEWPAGE>test}}%%'' with configuration option "Hide namespace selection" disabled. | | {{http://i.imgur.com/gQ6yl0Y.png }} | Parent namespaces are greyed-out where the user has no access to add pages. | ===== Syntax ===== ==== Basic ==== The basic syntax is: {{NEWPAGE}} Or, to specify a namespace: {{NEWPAGE>namespace}} Where ''namespace'' is the target namespace for the new page. When this is specified, the namespace selection box can either be hidden (which it is by default) or set to show only sub-namespaces of the given one. This is configured in the main wiki configuration manager. If ''@PAGE@'' (or ''@NS@'') is given, the current page ID (or its namespace) will be used (e.g. for use in [[:namespace templates]]; see below). ==== Creating a namespace ==== It is possible to use the ''@INPUT@'' placeholder to reference the user's input in the namespace specification. For example, {{NEWPAGE>foo:@INPUT@:start}} will create a new namespace within the //foo// namespace. ==== Date/time-based naming ==== The plugin supports usage of [[https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php|strftime placeholders]] in the namespace config. This allows adding date elements to the namespace specification {{NEWPAGE>project:notes:@INPUT@_%Y-%m-%d}} {{NEWPAGE>reports:%Y:week_%W}} When used together with the [[#configuration_and_settings|autopage]] option to hide the input field, a daily page can be created with a single button click: {{NEWPAGE>journal:%Y-%m-%d?autopage}} ==== Configuration overrides ==== It is possible to override the plugin's [[#configuration_and_settings|configuration]] for a single usage of the syntax, by specifying a ''?'' followed by the config's name with an optional ''no'' prefix to negate it. Values for non-boolean configs can be provided with ''='', separated by '';''. Multiple overrides can be given, separated by '','' or ''&''. General syntax: ?[no][=value_1[;value_2]...][,[no]]... Examples: * overwrite the default hide setting {{NEWPAGE>namespace?nohide}} * custom namespace exclusion and hide root {{NEWPAGE>namespace?exclude=project;reports&noshowroot}} ==== New-page templates ==== This plugin is also compatible with the [[:plugin:newpagetemplate|newpagetemplate plugin]] (note that this is a separate feature to the [[#namespace templates]] described below). To specify a template to be used with the new page, use one of the following syntaxes: | ''%%{{NEWPAGE#newtpl}}%%'' | Use the ''newtpl'' template | | ''%%{{NEWPAGE#newtpl1,newtpl2}}%%'' | Present a drop-down list of ''newtpl1'' and\\ ''newtpl2'', allowing the user to choose one | | ''%%{{NEWPAGE#newtpl1|Title One,newtpl2|Title Two}}%%'' | The same as above, but with nicer titles | In all of these, the basic ''>namespace'' syntax can be included before the hash ''#'' character. ==== Multiple occurences ==== The ''%%{{NEWPAGE}}%%'' syntax may be added multiple times on the same page. ==== Site templates ==== To include an add-new-page form in a [[:template|Site Template]], use the following line: ==== Namespace Templates ==== Add-new-page forms can also be added to [[:Namespace Templates]]. The replacement patterns ''@ID@'' and ''@NS@'' can be used in the plugin's ''namespace'' parameter. ===== Configuration and Settings ===== You can configure the plugin in the Config Manager of DokuWiki. There are four settings: - **Excluded namespaces** (''exclude'') — A semicolon-separated list of namespaces that should be excluded from the namespace selection list. Default: ''wiki;playground''. - **Show root namespace** (''showroot'') — Whether to show the wiki's root namespace in the namespace selection list. Default: true. - **Hide namespace selection** (''hide'') — Hide the namespace selection list. Only applies if a namespace is given (see [[#syntax|above]]). Default: true. - **Hide "access denied" message** (''hideACL'') — Do not show the "You are not allowed to add pages" message when the user doesn't have permission to create pages. Default: false (i.e. do show the message). - **Hide the input box** (''autopage'') — The preconfigured namespace is treated as a full page ID. Use with [[#date_time-based_naming|date placeholders]]). Default: false. =====FAQ===== === Why is a privileged user not allowed to add pages? === Logged in as administrator, why do I get a //You are not allowed to add pages// error message ? > This is a [[https://github.com/dregad/dokuwiki-plugin-addnewpage/issues/38|known problem]], caused by caching. As a workaround, add ''%%~~NOCACHE~~%%'' to the page that contains the form. === Addnewpage form on the admin page? === Is there a possibility to add the plugin as a part of the admin page, like the plugins pagemove or upgrade? > Not currently, but this can be done by modifying your template and including the addnewpage form only when ''$ACT=='admin''' === More than one form per page? === Is it possible to have more than one new-page form on a page? > Yes. Nothing special needs to be done to permit this, just add the markup wherever you want the forms to appear. === Can the textbox be pre-populated with a value? Specifically, the ID variable? (Trying to have a user search for a page, then use this plugin to create the page if they don't find what they're looking for...) === === How can a add_page form add in the site template automaticaly? Where to place the php statements? === ===== Development =====