[[plugin:ckgedit|⇐ ckgedit Plugin Page]] ====== ckgedit Discussion Page 3 ====== ===== Unwanted code replacement ===== The editor replace code tag in pre: < pre > < code > #test < /code > < /pre > will become after a save => < pre > & #39;& #39; #test < /pre > I need the code tag to have syntax highlight and I don't want replacement inside pre tag, how prevent this behaviour? Thank you >> I don't follow this. Have you tried to create a geshi code block for html? See [[plugin:ckgedit#geshi_example]].--- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2016-01-14 15:57// ===== blank page while click "Broswe Server" button in image properties popup ===== I have installed a Bitnami stack of dokuwiki from https://bitnami.com/redirect/to/47148/bitnami-dokuwiki-20140929b-0-linux-x64-installer.run. The directory of bitnami dokuwiki is different from normal one's, the plugins path is /opt/apps/dokuwiki/htdocs/lib/plugins. There is a subdir "htdocs" inserted into the hiberarchy. After the newest version of ckgedit had been installed, it looks like okey, but when I try to insert a image from my local PC, while click "Broswe Server" button in image properties popup, there comes out a blank page with css fromat only. I guess some path should to be change in ckgedit source code for the hiberarchy change of bitnami, please help me to slove this problem. Thank you! >>I am going to need more information. First, what does the Configuration Manager show in the savedir field? >>>I have changed installation from bitnami package to normal package, it works, however, the "Broswe Server" problem continues. Now the savedir field is ./data, and the permissions is 775, user/group is root/daemon, OS is Centos. >>Second, if you check lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/userfiles do you see a set of symbolic links, and if so, where do they point to? >>> They point to /opt/apps/dokuwiki/data/media/ >>> In addtion, the enviroment is: CentOs 6.3 with Bitnami Redmine stack preinstalled, which include apache 2.2.15 and php 5.4.26 >>>>Is /opt/apps/dokuwiki/data/media/ your correct media directory? And could you give me a better idea of what you mean by 'css fromat only'? An image would help--which you could do if you used the forum or could link to an image from some cloud service like photobucket. >>>>>Yes, /opt/apps/dokuwiki/data/media/ is my correct media directory.The image is: {{http://b.picphotos.baidu.com/album/s%3D1100%3Bq%3D90/sign=1ac85648f403918fd3d139cb610d1de6/bd3eb13533fa828bdff19c4bfe1f4134960a5a43.jpg}} >> This is very likely caused by a php error. Check your error logs. Ckgedit requires php 5.3.3 or higher. See [[plugin:ckgedit#important]]. >>>It is php 5.4.26 which include in Bitnami stack. Maybe php 5.3.3 got more compatible? but I don't know how to change php into 5.3.3 within Bitnami. >>>php 5.4 is fine. But have you checked to see if there are any errors reported in your web server's error logs? >>>>There is nothing recored in error log, and the access log is - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:33 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/browser.html?Type=Image&Connector= HTTP/1.1" 200 3037 - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:34 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/frmresourcetype.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1058 - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:34 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/frmfolders.html HTTP/1.1" 200 2788 - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:34 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/frmactualfolder.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1201 - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:34 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/frmcreatefolder.html HTTP/1.1" 200 1878 - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:34 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/frmresourceslist.html HTTP/1.1" 200 4821 - - [09/Jan/2015:16:45:34 +0800] "GET /dokuwiki//lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/frmupload.html HTTP/1.1" 200 23201 >>Check php.ini for the location of your php error log. Nearly the same here. No PHP Error. Setup is: NGINX + PHP7.0 Version is: 2017-03-07, Wiki is "Frusterick Manners" (2017-02-19) > Can't help without more information. And maybe will not be able to help since I have no experience with NGINX. The above log is the access log; check your error log and check your browser's developer's tools for javascript errors. Now it works for me. Thank you for the hint to check the browser's developer's tools for javascript errors! :-D Need to change the default HTTP header for NGINX to the following: add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; ===== URL in plugin.info.txt is incorrect ===== Awesome plugin first of all... Thank you! I noticed that the //plugin.info.txt// still references the http://www.mturner.org/fckgLite url which I believe is incorrect. Shouldn't the URL point to https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:ckgedit ? --- //Carl 2015/03/10 16:55// >> Thanks. I've updated the url. But much of the information on the fckglite web site still applies to ckgedit. ==== "Browse Server" button on URL section of link dialog ==== Hi, is there any reason for the "Browse Server" dialog to be on the URL section of the link dialog? I've edited my installation to not display this button, because users ended up linking to pages using the full URL (i.e the /lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/userfiles/file/ address) instead of linking directly to the page using DW syntax. >>You have a point. Why don't you create a pull request or post a diff -u to this page? >>>>Pull request [[https://github.com/turnermm/ckgedit/pull/83|here]] **ckgedit on IOS devices** Hi All, Could you please confirm the compatibility of plugin on IOS (iPad/ iPhone) devices On CKGEditor, the cursor goes to first line on hitting return button from any location of page. How to fix it? - Pradeep Karanam >> Tested this with both the default software keyboard and a detached bluetooth key board and cannot reproduce the error. --Myron Turner Hi Myron Thanks a lot for your quick response. Here is the exact case. 1.Dokuwiki is installed. 2. Added CKGEdit plugin. 3. Changed the default editor to CKGedit. 4. Create a page 5. Edit the same page in iPad. 6. Move cursor to the end of last line. Here if you hit return / enter key, Cursor relocates to / blinks at top left corner(beginning). Please try and advise. >>Can't reproduce the error. I have the latest iPad and am using Safari. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2015-07-08 00:05// ==== ckgedit for monobook and vector templates (skins) ==== Hi Team, I changed my template from default to monobook / Vector skins and found that the ckgedit is not brought up on edit / creating new page. Do I need to change any configuration or settings or any code change to make it work. >> I just insalled both vector and monbook on HRUN and both loaded without issues. If this continues, check, your error logs. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2015-07-23 21:20// ==== Importing Documents ==== **Team, How to enable to import documents, pdf, excel, videos and other file types?** >>You can upload files using the link tool. You have to make sure that the file type is set in ''conf/mime.conf''. If not, create a new file ''conf/mime.local.conf'' and put the new types in that file. For displaying videos you will need a plugin. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2015-07-23 20:31// ===== Cant Save ===== I, while using the newest versions of dokuwiki (2015-08-10a "Detritus") and your plugin (from: 2015-09-05), have problems importing a table from google docs. While it seems that copy&paste works quite well at first, [[http://6pix.net/images/26318129073498586248.png|(picture of the import)]] if i hit the save button, i get the following error inside the console and nothing happens, it wont save. The problem seems to be pointing to the same direction as this: [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:ckgedit:discussion#can_t_save]]. In Firefox 40 webdeveloper console: 13:51:52.098 uncaught exception: Parse Error: Zeiten WS 15/16 (Beginn 28.09.15) Zeiten WS 15/16 (Beginn 28.09.15) If i switch to sourcecode-view it looks like fine html:

Zeiten WS 15/16 (Beginn 28.09.15)
Anfang Ende Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag
7:30 8:00 Johannes   Johannes     Julian Johannes      
18:00 19:00 Julian Svenja Franzi Dennis   Dennis Yannick     Yannick
19:00 19:30 Julian Svenja Franzi Dennis   Dennis Yannick     Yannick
>>> This is not a problem I can solve through ckgedit. There is a syntax conflict of some kind between the table code and the html which CKEditor emits. While being able to paste html into the editor is a convenience, there are no guarantees. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2015-09-23 04:07// ==== Error with internal link ==== Hello, first of all thanks for the awesome plugin. I only had a problem with it, I'm using the last version of CKGedit, the code is untouched. If I create an internal link to a page the editor automatically puts the namespace of the page I'm currently editing in front. **Exemple**: I'm editing :sport:football and I want to put an internal link to :rules:playoff. If I write like this the editor automatically transform the link in :sport:football:rules:playoff. Could not find a way to solve this, have to use hand syntax, which is fine for me but not for most of my users. Anyone that can help? --- [[user>arimane|arimane]] //2015-09-28 01:18// >> I have so far not been able to reproduce this, using Window 7 FireFox and Chrome. What systems are you using (server and desktop) and what browsers? --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2015-09-28 15:58// >>> Thanks for your reply. Client side I use Debian 8 with firefox, server side is linux too. I tried removing and reinstalling the plugin, no good. I'd like to be of more help but I wouldn't know how to debug this. >>>>The closest I could get to this is Ice Weasel and Chromium on Debian 7 and I had no problem. Ice Weasel is the Mozilla browser on Debian 7. See [[http://mturner.org/devel/playground/links#links_from_sub-namespace_to_sub-namespace|links from subnamespace to subnamespace]]. Those links were made on the page '':playground:links'' (using Ice Weasel), and as you see that name does not appear prefixed to the links or the link texts. >>>>> I can confirm this is also occurring for me as well. Server is using dokuwikuStick, w7. Client is w7, happens in IE and Chrome. Example [[http://g.recordit.co/L3nxi35MKr.gif|here]] done in IE --- [[user>Valiantiam|Valiantiam]] //2015-10-30 16:23// >>>>>> I see the problem. But I'm not sure I will be able to fix it. You will have to select your files using the toolbar interface instead of specifying them in the textbox. But I will look into it. >>>>> Can you explain what you mean by selecting my files using the toolbar interface? I just need to link to a page in another namespace but it keeps putting the current one in front. Is there another way I can link it? To add, is there a way I could hack in the link function of the default editor, but retain all your other functions? This wouldn't be ideal, but it would at least allow my...less savvy folks able to link to pages more easily. >>>>>> First, I just uploaded a fix for this problem. Secondly, though, you can always use the link dialog to locate a file by clicking on the 'Browser Server" button. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2015-10-30 20:41// >>>>>> I'm afraid I didn't correctly test [[user>arimane|arimane]]'s example and so didn't reproduce his reult, but now that I've seen what the problem is I've been able to correct for it. >>>>>>> I did the update and now works as a charm. Thank you very much for it! --- [[user>arimane|arimane]] //2015-11-01 16:34// ===== Farm setup ===== Hello, this plugin is really great. Would it be possible to get it working with doku wiki farm setup? When we upload images to the server they were available and accessible for all farm child's. It would be better when the images where saved in the child's data folder. I've noticed that uploaded images are not shown after I've added them to an article. {{:wiki:screenshot544.jpg?nolink&428x296}} Image location: [root@wiki /www/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/userfiles/image/wiki]$ ls -l total 12 -rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 11467 Jan 13 15:12 screenshot545.jpg [root@wiki /www/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/ckgedit/fckeditor/userfiles/image/wiki]$ But it must be here for child1: [root@wiki /www/farm/wiki1/data/media] or here for child2: [root@wiki /www/farm/wiki2/data/media] — Mike 2016/01/12 15:30 >>There is a distribution dedicated to farms, with instructions: http://www.mturner.org/fckgLite/doku.php/farms Unfortunately, it is a year out-of-date, so hasn't had the benefit of fixes since last February. I'll look into updating when I get the chance. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2016-01-13 16:08// >>I've read the instruction. We use the virtual host based setup. It would be great if you could update the plugin for farms. Maybe you can find a way to bring the farm support directly into the plugin so that you don't have to maintain two versions? Thank you in advance. — Mike //2016-01-14 10:10// >>> I have just finished updating the farms version of ckgedit. It is now up-to-date. And though I've so far tested it only with the .htaccess method, I don't see why it wouldn't work wioth virtual hosts. see: [[plugin:ckgedit#farms| documentation]]. >>>> It seems to work now. I have only some problems with the image preview. It is working for one animal but for all other it is not working. I've compared the folders and links but I can't find any difference. Anyway I can add all images to articles. They are displayed correctly afterwards. Maybe you have an idea what could be the cause. Thank you for your assistance. — Mike 2016/01/18 11:05 >>>>> I would try to fix that but have had trouble setting up the virtual farm. The paths seem to get corrupted. I get the animals but all formatting is lost, i.e. no css. And the links show incorrect paths. I didn't think I missed anything but probably I have. If you could give me some idea of what your set up is I can try to reproduce it. You could, if you prefer, email me at the address on the main ckgedit page. >>>>>> Think I got it solved. The addanimal script gave a misleading basedir setting for virtual setups. I'll let you know if and when I get the media directory fixed. >>>>>>> The current version should now correctly handle virtual host farms ====== Image map plugin troubles ====== Hi, this is a great plugin. However, there's a problem when using it with the [[plugin:imagemap2|Image Map Plugin]]. The code on the page q:diagram:mainflow {{map> :q:some.png |Some text}} ​* [[q:targetpage|Some tip@ 1,15,19,79]] {{ is changed into this, where the coordinates and the '@' are removed, and the closing "map" changed, like so: {{map> :q:some.png |Some text}} ​* [[ns:page|Some tip]] [[:​q:​diagram:​lt:​map?​media=q:​diagram:​lt:​map|map]] I have tried enclosing in ~~MULTI_PLUGIN_OPEN~~ ... here goes the map code ~~MULTI_PLUGIN_CLOSE~~ but this did not make any difference. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks! ---[[user>soren|Søren Weber]] //2016-01-14 14:43:00// >> What you want is this: [[plugin:ckgedit#html_blocks]]. With html blocks, you don't need the MULTI macros and can't use the image map plugin but must code the html for the image map yourself. --- [[user>turnermm|Myron Turner]] //2016-01-14 14:51// >>>Thanks for the fast reply. Is there no way to keep the image plugin working? It has a fairly nice user interface, and my users are quite IT illiterate... ---[[user>soren|Søren Weber]] //2016-01-14 16:13// >>>>No. HTML blocks are not parsed by the DW parser.