====== diagramsnet Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: author : todag email : type : syntax,action lastupdate : 2020-08-12 compatible : Hogfather, Greebo depends : conflicts : similar : drawio tags : diagram, visio downloadurl: https://github.com/todag/dokuwiki-plugin-diagramsnet/archive/refs/heads/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/todag/dokuwiki-plugin-diagramsnet/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/todag/dokuwiki-plugin-diagramsnet donationurl: screenshot_img : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/todag/dokuwiki-plugin-diagramsnet/master/screenshot-1.png ---- ===== Description ===== This plugin integrates [[https://www.diagrams.net|diagrams.net]] into DokuWiki. The full diagrams.net app is included in the plugin (currently version 13.6.2), and this will be used by default. But there is a setting available to instead use the online version at [[http://embed.diagrams.net|embed.diagrams.net]] The plugin works by hijacking the Dokuwiki image renderer. If the file extension matches *.drawio.png or *.diagram.png (These are the defaults and can be changed) it will add an on_click action that will launch the diagram.net app to allow editing of the file. ===== Installation ===== Use the [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] or follow the guide at [[:plugins|Plugins]] to install manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== To embed an existing diagram, or create a new one, use the toolbar button or enter the following code: {{filename.diagram.png | Diagram Title}} Namespaces are also supported {{:NAMESPACE:filename.diagram.png|Diagram Title}} The plugin uses DokuWikis image renderer, so you can use most options that are usable for embedded images, ie: {{filename.diagram.png?100|Diagram Title}} << Changes size of image {{ filename.diagram.png|Diagram Title}} << Aligns image to the right ===== Configuration and Settings ===== The plugin can be configured using the DokuWiki configuration manager available in the admin menu. ^ ''app_source_type'' | Use the included diagrams.net package (internal) or use the online version from external_url (external) | ^ ''editor_parameters'' | Parameters for diagrams.net editor| ^ ''viewer_parameters'' | Parameters for diagrams.net viewer| ^ ''external_url'' | URL to external diagrams.net application| ^ ''file_match_suffix'' | The plugin will grab and render any file containing this in its name| ^ ''enable_attic'' | Enable file revisions for diagram files| === Change Log === {{rss>https://github.com/todag/dokuwiki-plugin-diagramsnet/commits/master.atom date count=10}} === Known Bugs and Issues === //[this section might not be needed in case of external bug manager, or use RSS feed]// === ToDo/Wish List === * The diagrams.net app includes the hostname and user agent in the XML data. This should be removed or anonymized.