====== Diff Syntax PlugIn ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Format diff output author : Matthias Watermann email : support@mwat.de type : syntax lastupdate : 2007-08-15 compatible : Greebo depends : conflicts : similar : code2 tags : code, revisions, syntaxhighlight downloadurl: http://dev.mwat.de/dw/syntax_plugin_diff.zip ---- The ''diff'' tool is a handy commandline program((used for ages on *NIX and GNU/Linux systems; for WinDOS see e.g. the 32 bit GNU [[ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/diff32.zip|Diff]] and [[ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/unix/patch12.zip|Patch]] programs (I haven't tried them myself since I'm mainly using GNU/Linux for over ten years now).)) to find differences between two files; it's available and widely in use((the same is true for the [[http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/|CVS]] system's ''cvs diff'' command)) for about two decades. This dif­fe­ren­ces are often called //patches// and in turn are used to modify other un­patched source files. It doesn't matter whether it's source code of some programming language or an HTML page or an XML document or ... As long as it is a text file((i.e. not a binary file produced by a bloated text processing software)) one can produce -- and distribute if appropriate -- a //patch// file((not to be confused with so-called "patches" distributed by a notorious company which are in fact //not// patches but binary file //replacement// packages)). Instead of being forced to manually type in the differences (e.g. mo­di­fied source code) one can simply pass the output of [[http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/diffutils.html|diff]] to the [[http://www.gnu.org/software/patch/patch.html|patch]] tool; hence even hun­dreds or thou­sands of code changes can be applied by a simple [[http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/manual/html_node/Merging-with-patch.html|one-liner]]:\\ '' patch < patchfile'' This plugin not only allows to insert such a patchfile into your Wiki page((which could be done easily by use of DokuWiki's ''%%%%'' tag)) but provides //syntax highlighting//((which can //not// be done using the builtin ''%%%%'' tag because the underlying ''GeShi'' syntax highlighter doesn't support the various ''diff'' output formats)) thus making it easier to read and faster to re­cog­nize the actual changes a //patch// offers. It is intended for developers wan­ting to document and/or distribute changes they've made. The plugin handles besides the most often used //unified output format// also the //context out­put for­mat// as well as the less common //RCS// and //simple// (default) output formats. :!: **Note**, there's a replacement plugin for the DokuWiki's builtin [[code2|code]] tag which provides the same functionality as this plugin. So if you've installed that [[code2|code]] plugin you won't need this one! ===== Usage ===== To actually use this plugin just place the output of the ''diff'' tool between the\\ ''%%%%''\\ ...\\ ''%%%%''\\ tags in your Wiki file (see the [[#examples]] below). Both the opening and closing tag must stand on its own line before and behind the ''diff'' output. -- In prac­tice you would do something like\\ ''//%%diff -u sourcefile.old sourcefile.current > sourcefile.patch%%//''\\ to write the differences between ''sourcefile.old'' and ''sourcefile.current'' to the file ''sourcefile.patch''. The latter (surrounded by ''%%%%'' | ''%%%%'') will then be pasted into your Wiki page offering/documenting that very patch. The [[#Plugin Source|plugin]] understands not only the //unified// output format but the //context// and //RCS// formats as well as the default //simple// format. To speed up operation you should use\\ ''%%%%'' or just ''%%%%''\\ to start a //simple// patch((created by ''diff'' without a format commandline switch)) or\\ ''%%%%'' or just ''%%%%''\\ to start a //context// patch((created by the ''diff'' commandline switch ''-c'')) or\\ ''%%%%'' or just ''%%%%''\\ to start a //context// patch((created by the ''diff'' commandline switch ''-n'' (sic!) -- therefor this plugin allows for using the ''n'' character (instead of ''r'') as well)) or\\ ''%%%%'' or just ''%%%%''\\ to start a //unified// patch((created by the ''diff'' commandline switch ''-u'')). By providing such a hint some RegEx tests are avoided and hence both me­mo­ry and run­time are saved. ==== Examples ==== For demonstration purposes consider the following HTML fragment:

Aenean ligula mi, feugiat nec, eleifend ac, ullamcorper id, velit. Donec at orci in leo nonummy fermentum. Vestibulum pellentesque wisi sed magna. This line will get deleted. Elementum mattis nullam. vehicula gravida tortor. Donec vel ante quis ipsum dapibus. Cras ultrices. Sed egestas neque nec augue congue ornare. This line will get modified. Sed sit amet lectus ac nibh porta mollis. Aenean justo. Pellentesque nonummy nunc eu lacus. Praesent tincidunt mollis wisi donec id est. Proin odio wisi, ornare vitae, scelerisque non, ultrices vel, dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; there will be an addition! Nulla nec risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non dui id justo sodales dignissim. In molestie suscipit ipsum. Donec nonummy mauris id justo.

After review by several people there were some changes to be made:

Aenean ligula mi, feugiat nec, eleifend ac, ullamcorper id, velit. Donec at orci in leo nonummy fermentum. Vestibulum pellentesque wisi sed magna. vehicula gravida tortor. Donec vel ante quis ipsum dapibus. Cras ultrices. Sed egestas neque nec augue congue ornare. This line is now modified as requested. Sed sit amet lectus ac nibh porta mollis. Aenean justo. Pellentesque nonummy nunc eu lacus. Praesent tincidunt mollis wisi donec id est. Proin odio wisi, ornare vitae, scelerisque non, ultrices vel, dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; there will be an addition! Elementum mattis nullam. Maecenas egestas posuere wisi. Nulla nec risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non dui id justo sodales dignissim. In molestie suscipit ipsum. Donec nonummy mauris id justo.

Now lets see the various ''diff'' formats((You should have my [[code2|Code plugin]] installed for proper highlighting)). There are many options for both the ''diff'' and ''patch'' programs. For more details about them please refer to the respective man pages of your beloved GNU/Linux (or legacy CygWin/WinDOS) system. I have ordered the ''diff'' results here by quantity of information. === Unified diff === diff -u lorem.orig lorem.new produces: --- lorem.orig 2007-01-12 14:30:42.000000000 +0100 +++ lorem.new 2007-01-12 14:44:26.000000000 +0100 @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@

Aenean ligula mi, feugiat nec, eleifend ac, ullamcorper id, velit. Donec at orci in leo nonummy fermentum. Vestibulum pellentesque wisi sed magna. - This line will get deleted. Elementum mattis nullam. vehicula gravida tortor. Donec vel ante quis ipsum dapibus. Cras ultrices. Sed egestas neque nec augue - congue ornare. This line will get modified. + congue ornare. This line is now modified as requested. Sed sit amet lectus ac nibh porta mollis. Aenean justo. Pellentesque nonummy nunc eu lacus. Praesent tincidunt mollis wisi donec id est. Proin odio wisi, ornare vitae, scelerisque non, ultrices vel, dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; there will be an addition! + Elementum mattis nullam. Maecenas egestas posuere wisi. Nulla nec risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non dui id justo sodales dignissim. In molestie suscipit ipsum. Donec nonummy mauris id justo.

This is the most popular format. It contains filenames and -dates. It tells the starting line and length of a modified block. There are only added lines (mar­ked by "''+''") and deleted ones (marked by "''-''"). The differences are scannable by both the ''patch'' program and humans. === Context diff === diff -c lorem.orig lorem.new produces: *** lorem.orig 2007-01-12 14:30:42.000000000 +0100 --- lorem.new 2007-01-12 14:44:26.000000000 +0100 *************** *** 1,16 ****

Aenean ligula mi, feugiat nec, eleifend ac, ullamcorper id, velit. Donec at orci in leo nonummy fermentum. Vestibulum pellentesque wisi sed magna. - This line will get deleted. Elementum mattis nullam. vehicula gravida tortor. Donec vel ante quis ipsum dapibus. Cras ultrices. Sed egestas neque nec augue ! congue ornare. This line will get modified. Sed sit amet lectus ac nibh porta mollis. Aenean justo. Pellentesque nonummy nunc eu lacus. Praesent tincidunt mollis wisi donec id est. Proin odio wisi, ornare vitae, scelerisque non, ultrices vel, dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; there will be an addition! Nulla nec risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non dui id justo sodales dignissim. In molestie suscipit ipsum. Donec nonummy mauris id justo.

--- 1,16 ----

Aenean ligula mi, feugiat nec, eleifend ac, ullamcorper id, velit. Donec at orci in leo nonummy fermentum. Vestibulum pellentesque wisi sed magna. vehicula gravida tortor. Donec vel ante quis ipsum dapibus. Cras ultrices. Sed egestas neque nec augue ! congue ornare. This line is now modified as requested. Sed sit amet lectus ac nibh porta mollis. Aenean justo. Pellentesque nonummy nunc eu lacus. Praesent tincidunt mollis wisi donec id est. Proin odio wisi, ornare vitae, scelerisque non, ultrices vel, dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; there will be an addition! + Elementum mattis nullam. Maecenas egestas posuere wisi. Nulla nec risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer non dui id justo sodales dignissim. In molestie suscipit ipsum. Donec nonummy mauris id justo.

Here are filenames and dates transported as well as the starting line and modified range. There are three kind of changes: removed lines ("''-''"), chan­ged lines ("''!''") and added lines ("''+''"). But there are two "portions" of text you have to check get the overall picture: The first indicating removed lines and somehow changed ones; the second holding the actual chan­ges and additions. === Simple diff === diff lorem.orig lorem.new produces: 4d3 < This line will get deleted. Elementum mattis nullam. 7c6 < congue ornare. This line will get modified. --- > congue ornare. This line is now modified as requested. 13a13 > Elementum mattis nullam. Maecenas egestas posuere wisi. This format transports by default neither filenames nor -dates. There are two kind of changes: Removed lines (marked "''<''") and added lines (marked "''>''"). Besides the raw differences there's no context information which makes it hard for the ''patch'' program to use such a patchfile((For proper operation, the ''patch'' program typically needs at least two lines of context.)) if the file to patch is only slightly modified((i.e. some line(s) were added, modified or removed prior to applying the patch)). Most probably such a patch will fail. === RCS diff === diff -n lorem.orig lorem.new produces: d4 1 d7 1 a7 1 congue ornare. This line is now modified as requested. a13 1 Elementum mattis nullam. Maecenas egestas posuere wisi. As with the simple format there are neither filenames nor -dates. Removed lines are marked by "''d''" followed by linenumber and the number of deleted lines. Added lines are marked "''a''" followed by linenumber and the number of added lines. This is the most compact patch format. But since no context is provided it not only makes it hard for humans to read //and// understand. Nowadays, with distributed development and parallel source modifications by different persons, it's rather useless. In contrast the //unified output format// (as well as the -- larger -- //context format//) provides some context lines((the number of which can be controlled by a commandline argument)) allowing the ''patch'' tool to synchronize the patchfile with the file to patch. Apart from that the //unified format// makes it easier for humans to figure out the mea­ning. ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Alternatively, refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. It's quite easy to integrate this plugin with your DokuWiki: - Download the [[http://dev.mwat.de/dw/syntax_plugin_diff.zip|source archive]] (~5KB) and un­pack it in your Doku­Wiki plugin di­rec­to­ry ''{dokuwiki}/lib/plugins''; this will create the di­rec­tory ''{dokuwiki}/lib/plugins/diff''. - Make sure both the new direc­tory and the files therein are read­able by the web-server e.g. chown apache:apache dokuwiki/lib/plugins/* -Rc ===== Plugin Source ===== Here comes the [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html|GPLed]] PHP source((The comments within the [[#Plugin Source|source]] file are suitable for the OSS [[http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/index.html|doxygen]] tool, a do­cu­men­ta­tion sy­stem for C++, C, Java, Ob­jec­tive-C, Python, IDL and to some extent PHP, C#, and D. --- Since I'm working with dif­fe­rent pro­gram­ming lan­gua­ges it's a great ease to have one tool that handles the docs for all of them.)) for those who'd like to scan it be­fore actu­ally in­stal­ling it: syntax_plugin_diff.php - A PHP4 class that implements a * plugin for highlighting diff output in DokuWiki * pages. * *

* The purpose of this plugin is to provide a facility for inserting * a diff file into a Wiki page. While this could be done by * using the code tag this plugin additionally provides some * visual feedback (so-called "syntax highlighting") by emphasizing * added/deleted lines using CSS rules. *


* Three types of diff output formats are supported: *

The output of the diff program with the -u * commandline format option.
The output of the diff program with the -c * commandline format option.
The output of the diff program with the -n * commandline format option.
The output of the diff program without any commandline * format option.
 *  Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 DFG/M.Watermann, D-10247 Berlin, FRG
 *      All rights reserved
 *    EMail : <support@mwat.de>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. *
* @author Matthias Watermann * @version $Id: syntax_plugin_diff.php,v 1.10 2007/08/15 12:36:19 matthias Exp $ * @since created 14-Aug-2005 */ class syntax_plugin_diff extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /** * @privatesection */ //@{ /** * Prepare the markup to render the DIFF text. * * @param $aText String The DIFF text to markup. * @param $aFormat String The DIFF format used ('u', 'c', 'n|r', 's'). * @param $aDoc String Reference to the current renderer's * doc property. * @return Boolean TRUE. * @private * @see render() */ function _addDiff(&$aText, &$aFormat, &$aDoc) { // Since we're inside a PRE block we need the leading LFs: $ADD = "\n" . ''; $DEL = "\n" . ''; $HEAD = "\n" . ''; $CLOSE = ''; // Common headers for all formats; // the RegEx needs at least ')#' appended! $DiffHead = '#\n((?:diff\s[^\n]*)|(?:Index:\s[^\n]*)|(?:={60,})' . '|(?:RCS file:\s[^\n]*)|(?:retrieving revision [0-9][^\n]*)'; switch ($aFormat) { case 'u': // unified output $aDoc .= preg_replace( array($DiffHead . '|(?:@@[^\n]*))#', '|\n(\+[^\n]*)|', '|\n(\-[^\n]*)|'), array($HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE), $aText); return TRUE; case 'c': // context output $sections = preg_split('|(\n\*{5,})|', preg_replace($DiffHead . ')#', $HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $aText), -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $sections[0] = preg_replace( array('|\n(\-{3}[^\n]*)|', '|\n(\*{3}[^\n]*)|'), array($ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE), $sections[0]); $c = count($sections); for ($i = 1; $c > $i; ++$i) { $hits = array(); if (preg_match('|^\n(\*{5,})|', $sections[$i], $hits)) { unset($hits[0]); $sections[$i] = $HEAD . $hits[1] . $CLOSE; } else if (preg_match('|^\n(\x2A{3}\s[^\n]*)(.*)|s', $sections[$i], $hits)) { unset($hits[0]); // free mem $parts = preg_split('|\n(\-{3}\s[^\n]*)|', $hits[2], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // $parts[0] == OLD code $parts[0] = preg_replace('|\n([!\-][^\n]*)|', $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE, $parts[0]); // $parts[1] == head of NEW code $parts[1] = $ADD . $parts[1] . $CLOSE; // $parts[2] == NEW code $parts[2] = preg_replace( array('|\n([!\x2B][^\n]*)|', '|\n(\x2A{3}[^\n]*)|'), array($ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE), $parts[2]); if (isset($parts[3])) { // TRUE when handling multi-file patches $parts[3] = preg_replace('|^(\x2D{3}[^\n]*)|', $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $parts[3]); } // if $sections[$i] = $DEL . $hits[1] . $CLOSE . implode('', $parts); } // if // ELSE: leave $sections[$i] as is } // for $aDoc .= implode('', $sections); return TRUE; case 'n': // RCS output // Only added lines are there so we highlight just the // diff indicators while leaving the text alone. $aDoc .= preg_replace( array($DiffHead . ')#', '|\n(d[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+)|', '|\n(a[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+)|'), array($HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE, $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE), $aText); return TRUE; case 's': // simple output $aDoc .= preg_replace( array($DiffHead . '|((?:[0-9a-z]+(?:,[0-9a-z]+)*)(?:[^\n]*)))#', '|\n(\x26#60;[^\n]*)|', '|\n(\x26#62;[^\n]*)|'), array($HEAD . '\1' . $CLOSE, $DEL . '\1' . $CLOSE, $ADD . '\1' . $CLOSE), $aText); return TRUE; default: // unknown diff format $aDoc .= $aText; // just append any unrecognized text return TRUE; } // switch } // _addDiff() //@} /** * @publicsection */ //@{ /** * Tell the parser whether the plugin accepts syntax mode * $aMode within its own markup. * *

* This method returns FALSE since no other (DokuWiki) * types are allowed within a diff section. *

* @param $aMode String The requested syntaxmode. * @return Boolean FALSE (always). * @public */ function accepts($aMode) { return FALSE; } // accepts() /** * Connect lookup pattern to lexer. * * @param $aMode String The desired rendermode. * @public * @see render() */ function connectTo($aMode) { $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern( '\x3Cdiff(?=[^\n\r]*?\x3E.*?\n\x3C\x2Fdiff\x3E)', $aMode, 'plugin_diff'); } // connectTo() /** * Get an associative array with plugin info. * *

* The returned array holds the following fields: *

Author of the plugin
Email address to contact the author
Last modified date of the plugin in * YYYY-MM-DD format
Name of the plugin
Short description of the plugin (Text only)
Website with more information on the plugin * (eg. syntax description)
* @return Array Information about this plugin class. * @public * @static */ function getInfo() { return array( 'author' => 'Matthias Watermann', 'email' => 'support@mwat.de', 'date' => '2007-08-15', 'name' => 'diff Syntax Plugin', 'desc' => 'Add diff Style [ ... ]', 'url' => 'http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:diff'); } // getInfo() /** * Define how this plugin is handled regarding paragraphs. * *

* This method is important for correct XHTML nesting. It returns * one of the following values: *

The plugin can be used inside paragraphs.
Open paragraphs need to be closed before * plugin output.
Special case. Plugin wraps other paragraphs.
* @return String 'block' . * @public * @static */ function getPType() { return 'block'; } // getPType() /** * Where to sort in? * *

* This method returns 174 an arbitrary value between * Doku_Parser_Mode_unformatted and * Doku_Parser_Mode_php (180). *

* @return Integer 174. * @public * @static */ function getSort() { return 174; } // getSort() /** * Get the type of syntax this plugin defines. * * @return String 'protected'. * @public * @static */ function getType() { return 'protected'; } // getType() /** * Handler to prepare matched data for the rendering process. * *

* The $aState parameter gives the type of pattern which * triggered the call to this method: *

a pattern set by addEntryPattern()
a pattern set by addExitPattern()
ordinary text encountered within the plugin's syntax mode * which doesn't match any pattern.
* @param $aMatch String The text matched by the patterns. * @param $aState Integer The lexer state for the match. * @param $aPos Integer The character position of the matched text. * @param $aHandler Object Reference to the Doku_Handler object. * @return Array Index [0] holds the current * $aState, index [1] the diff type (i.e. either * 'c' for 'context' format, 'u' for 'unified' * format or 's' for the 'simple' format) and * index [2] holding the diff's patch text. * @public * @see render() * @static */ function handle($aMatch, $aState, $aPos, &$aHandler) { if (DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED == $aState) { $aMatch = explode('>', $aMatch, 2); if ("\n" != $aMatch[1]{0}) { // A leading LF is needed to recognize and handle // the very first line with all the REs used. $aMatch[1] = "\n" . $aMatch[1]; } // if } else { return array($aState); } // if $aMatch[0] = strtolower(trim($aMatch[0])) . '?'; switch ($aMatch[0] = $aMatch[0]{0}) { case 'u': // DIFF cmdline switch for 'unified' case 'c': // DIFF cmdline switch for 'context' case 'n': // DIFF cmdline switch for 'RCS' case 's': // We believe the format hint ... // (or should we be more suspicious?) break; case 'r': // Mnemonic for 'RCS' $aMatch[0] = 'n'; break; default: // try to figure out the diff format actually used if (preg_match( '|\n(?:\x2A{5,}\n\x2A{3}\s[1-9]+.*?\x2A{4}\n.+?)+|s', $aMatch[1])) { $aMatch[0] = 'c'; } else if (preg_match( '|\n@@\s\-[0-9]+,[0-9]+[ \+,0-9]+?@@\n.+\n|s', $aMatch[1])) { $aMatch[0] = 'u'; } else if (preg_match( '|\n[ad][0-9]+\s+[0-9]+\r?\n|', $aMatch[1])) { // We've to check this _before_ 'simple' since the REs // are similar (this one is slightly more specific) $aMatch[0] = 'n'; } else if (preg_match( '|\n(?:[0-9a-z]+(?:,[0-9a-z]+)*)(?:[^\n]*\n.*?)+|', $aMatch[1])) { $aMatch[0] = 's'; } else { $aMatch[0] = '?'; } // if } // switch return array($aState, $aMatch[0], str_replace( array('&', '<', '>', "\t"), array('&', '<', '>', ' '), $aMatch[1])); } // handle() /** * Add exit pattern to lexer. * * @public */ function postConnect() { $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('(?<=\n)\x3C\x2Fdiff\x3E', 'plugin_diff'); } // postConnect() /** * Handle the actual output creation. * *

* The method checks for the given $aMode and returns * FALSE when a mode isn't supported. $aRenderer * contains a reference to the renderer object which is currently * handling the rendering. The contents of $aData is the * return value of the handle() method. *

* @param $aFormat String The output format to being tendered. * @param $aRenderer Object A reference to the renderer object. * @param $aData Array The data created by the handle() * method. * @return Boolean TRUE if rendered correctly, or * FALSE otherwise. * @public * @see handle() */ function render($aFormat, &$aRenderer, &$aData) { if ('xhtml' != $aFormat) { return FALSE; } // if switch ($aData[0]) { case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED: return $this->_addDiff($aData[2], $aData[1], $aRenderer->doc); case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER: $aRenderer->doc .= '
        return TRUE;
      case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT:
        $aRenderer->doc .= '
'; default: return TRUE; } // switch } // render() //@} } // class syntax_plugin_diff } // if //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 enc=utf-8 : ?>
==== Presentation ==== The accompanying CSS presentation rules: .diff .diff-addedline{background:#cfc none;color:#000;} .diff .diff-deletedline{background:#fcc none;color:#000;} .diff .diff-blockheader{background:#ccf none;color:#000;} This shows added lines with //green// and removed lines with //red// background, while the files/locations get a //blue// background. Of course, you're free to modify this styles((The [[http://dev.mwat.de/dw/syntax_plugin_diff.zip|source archive]] contains a commented and indented stylesheet for your in­for­ma­tion.)) to suit your personal needs or aesthe­tics((Just be careful when modifying a CSS file: both the order and the selector grou­pings are im­por­tant for CSS to work as intended/expected.)). ==== Changes ==== __2007-08-15__:\\ * added GPL link and fixed some doc problems; __2007-02-02__:\\ * made some REs nonpossessive in '_addDiff()'; __2007-01-12__:\\ + added 'r' option for 'diff' highlighting; __2007-01-10__:\\ + implemented (recognition/highlighting of) 'RCS' diff format; __2007-01-05__:\\ * modified 'handle()' to recognize DIFFs w/o leading filenames;\\ * replaced IF/ELSE blocks in 'render()' by a single 'switch' statement;\\ * moved entity encoding from 'render()' to 'handle()'; __2005-09-06__:\\ + added highlighting of ''diff'' commandlines (in multi-file patches);\\ * improved handling of ''context'' diffs in multi-file patches; __2005-09-01__:\\ * changed type from 'container' to 'protected';\\ * minor internal changes; __2005-08-28__:\\ * modifications to improve recognition of context-diffs and multi-file patches; __2005-08-17__:\\ + implemented 'context' and 'simple' diff formats; //[[support@mwat.de|Matthias Watermann]] 2007-08-15// ===== See also ===== There's a [[code2|Code plugin]] which incorporates the functionality of this plugin; so if you've installed [[code2|that]] one you won't need [[#Diff Syntax PlugIn|this]]. The [[http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/|GNU utilities for Win32]] provide ''diff'' and ''patch'' programs for those who are still forced to use proprietary WinDOS systems. A GUI for ''diff'' is provided by e.g. [[http://kdiff3.sourceforge.net/|KDiff3]]. ==== Plugins by the same author ==== * [[bomfix|BOMfix Plugin]] -- ignore Byte-Order-Mark characters in your pages * [[code2|Code Syntax Plugin]] -- use syntax highlighting of code fragments in your pages * [[deflist|Definition List Syntax Plugin]] -- use the only complete definition lists in your pages * [[diff|Diff Syntax Plugin]] -- use highlighting of diff files (aka "patches") in your pages((obsoleted by incorporating its ability into the [[code2|Code]] plugin)) * [[hr|HR Syntax Plugin]] -- use horizontal rules in nested block elements of your pages * [[lang|LANGuage Syntax Plugin]] -- markup different languages in your pages * [[lists|Lists Syntax Plugin]] -- use the only complete un-/ordered lists in your pages * [[nbsp|NBSP Syntax Plugin]] -- use Non-Breakable-Spaces in your pages * [[nstoc|NsToC Syntax Plugin]] -- use automatically generated namespace indices * [[shy|Shy Syntax Plugin]] -- use soft hyphens in your pages * [[tip|Tip Syntax Plugin]] -- add hint areas to your pages ===== Discussion ===== Hints, comments, suggestions ... > Am I right in thinking that this plugin is irrelevant to those of us who do not have command line access to a *nix server? --- //[[webmaster@lajzar.co.uk|ta' lajzar]] 2005-08-16 13:07// >> No, this plugin allows for //inserting// a patchfile into a wiki page; it does //not// create any ''diff'' files (and therefore doesn't need that binary). Apart from that: (1) There are ''diff'' binaries for WinDOS-based systems as well. (2) Wherever software development is undertaken patches created by ''diff'' are distributed (which you could publish with this plugin in your wiki installation).\\ //--- [[support@mwat.de|Matthias Watermann]] 2005-08-16 16:18:27// ===== Discussion ===== > diff [[syntax#syntax_highlighting|syntax highlighting]] is already provided for DokuWiki by [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/|GeSHi]]. Couldn't this be handled more generally by using the [[plugin:source]] plugin? --- //[[chris@jalakai.co.uk|Christopher Smith]] 2005-08-16 12:24// >>Neither my DokuWiki installation (2005-07-13) nor the GeSHi page above mentions diff (however, the latter does support ''DIV''). Would you kindly enlighten me, please?\\ --- //[[support@mwat.de|Matthias Watermann]] 2005-08-16 12:39:07// >>> diff was added with GeSHi which is currently available in the [[development]] version of DokuWiki (see example below) --- //[[andi@splitbrain.org|Andreas Gohr]] 2005-08-16 12:59// 204c204,206 < $data[1]); --- > str_replace(array('&','<', '>'), > array('&', '<', '>'), > $data[1])); >> Well, I downloaded that GeSHi archive. Its ''diff'' module gives, er, room for enhancement to say the least. IOW: Only the simplest ''diff'' output is recognized but neither the //context// nor the //unified// output formats which are by far more relevant/important. If you'll read the source you'll finds comments stating that it doesn't work. But, of course, if it suits your needs, it's OK. --- //[[support@mwat.de|Matthias Watermann]] 2005-08-16 16:20:42// >>> I suggest to improve the GeSHi module instead of implementing this through a DokuWiki plugin. --- //[[andi@splitbrain.org|Andreas Gohr]] 2005-08-17 20:11// >>>> Obviously that's not possible, as far as I can see. Since the ''diff'' output formats (e.g. simple, context, unified) are using different semantics to express the changes and provide different levels of information there must be kind of a "switch" to use one format or another. The GeSHi architecture seems unable to do that; probably one would have to write a module for each of the ''diff'' output formats.\\ --- //[[support@mwat.de|Matthias Watermann]] 2005-08-31 12:33// >>>>> Well it's not meant to be able to do that ;). In reality GeSHi is for highlighting **languages**, not **outputs**. So there's nothing wrong with splitting them into diff-unified, diff-context etc. etc. Admittedly GeSHi isn't too great for diff anyway at this time, although this will be fixed when GeSHi 1.2 is out --- //[[nigel@geshi.org|Nigel McNie]]// >> I've updated the plugin which now supports all three ''diff'' output formats (see ->[[#usage|above]]).\\ --- //[[support@mwat.de|Matthias Watermann]] 2005-08-17 22:52:21// \\