====== file2dw Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Create a dokuwiki page by importing a file author : qky666 email : qky669@gmail.com type : action lastupdate : 2019-03-20 compatible : Greebo, 2018-04-22 depends : conflicts : similar : odt2dw, odtplus2dw tags : import, odt, docx, pandoc, soffice downloadurl: https://github.com/qky666/dokuwiki-plugin-file2dw/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/qky666/dokuwiki-plugin-file2dw/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/qky666/dokuwiki-plugin-file2dw donationurl: screenshot_img : ---- ===== Installation ===== ==== Direct install ==== :!: **External requirements:** This plugin requires the following additional components that must be installed separately: * pandoc * soffice (ex: libreoffice-writer) If you run the DokuWiki server on Debian, you can accomplish this requirements following this directions: * Install some packages needed:sudo apt-get install wget default-jre libreoffice-writer * If you wish, you can execute the script //installLatestPandoc.sh// (included with this plugin in //docker/dokuwikiapp// folder) to install the latest version of pandoc. Or you can install pandoc any other way (check that version installed is not very outdated, or the conversion can fail). Install the plugin using the [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. === soffice conversion (.doc support) === PHP code (at least in my system) is executed by the user //www-data//. I had problems running a Java application with this user (it seems soffice is a Java application) so I decided to run the soffice conversion using //sudo//. To make it work, I had to add a line to the file ///etc/sudoers//. You can do the same executing: sudo echo "www-data ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/soffice" >> /etc/sudoers I'm not a security expert, but I think that this should not be a problem for anybody. If you do not use the soffice conversion (.doc support), you don't need to do this. If PHP code is executed by any other user on your system, you only have to change it in the previous command. ==== Docker ==== If you want, you can use Docker to deploy Dokuwiki and meet the requirements mentioned above “for free”. If you are new to Docker, you will probably need to search the web for information before you can use it. See https://www.docker.com/ You will have to make several changes in //docker-compose-yml// files (at least in one of them). I hope you will find usefull the comments on the file. To prevent errors, you can copy the //docker// folder contents elsewhere in your system, so you don’t lose these changes when you get updates. //docker-compose-yml// files use the files in //docker/dokuwikiapp//, so take care when moving this arround. **Note**: This creates an “empty” DokuWiki, so you will have to follow the install instructions in [[:install]] (from step 4) to make it usable. Two “flavours” are provided: * //simple// * //proxy// === Simple === Path: //docker/simple//. A simple //docker-compose.yml// that will create a container with Dokuwiki installed on it. To run this, execute: cd docker/simple docker-compose up -d === Proxy === Path: //docker/proxy//. A //docker-compose.yml// that will create a container with Dokuwiki installed on it and a reverse proxy that allows //https// access to it. It uses [[https://letsencrypt.org/|Let’s Encrypt services]] so you will have to do a little reserach to know how it works. To run this, execute: cd docker/proxy docker-compose up -d ===== Usage ===== From a DokuWiki page, click on the "Import file" button in the Page Tools. Select a File and click upload. ===== Configuration and Settings ===== They are almost self-explanatory. === Change Log === * **v0.1 beta** * Initial version.