====== ganalytics plugin ======
---- plugin ----
description: Displays Google analytics data using Google Chart API
author : Paul Troost
email : ganalytics@greenbird.info
type : syntax
lastupdate : 2009-05-04
compatible : >=2009-02-14
depends :
conflicts :
similar :
tags : !discontinued, media, images, diagram, chart, google, statistics, embed
===== Download and Installation =====
Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually.
Google Analytics requires additional configuration for best use with DokuWiki (e.g., site search and goals). See [[http://en.seowiki.info/best_practices/seo_optimized_dokuwiki/integration/google_analytics|Google Analytics integration for DokuWiki]] for details.
^ Download | [[http://www.greenbird.info/_media/dokuwiki/ganalytics.zip|ganalytics.zip (20.8 Kb)]] |
FIXME (download link is broken)
Blog entry: http://greenbird.tweakblogs.net/blog/3420/ganalytics-dokuwiki-plugin.html
==== Changes ====
* 2009-05-04: Original version
===== Syntax =====
Basic statistics can be displayed like this:
See available parameters for allowed options for .
==== Parameters ====
A number of parameters can be set by appending them with / character to data parameter. Each parameter needs to be separated with a / character. Defaults for all parameters can be set in the config manager. Below is a list of all recognized parameters and allowed values:
^ Parameter ^ Default ^ Required ^ Allowed Options ^ Description ^
|data: |- |Y |unique, pageviews, visitors, \\ country, countrynewvisitors, browser, \\ resolution, OS, referrers, \\ searchwords, visitortype | Metrics which is displayed: \\ **unique**: Displays a line chart with the unique visitors on your on a day-by-day basis. \\ **pageviews**: Displays a line chart with the pageviews on your on a day-by-day basis. \\ **visitors**: Displays a line chart with the non-unique visitors on your on a day-by-day basis. \\ **country**: Displays a map chart with the location of your visitors for the selected range. \\ **countrynewvisitors**: Displays a map chart with the location of new visitors to your site for the selected range. \\ **browser**: Displays a pie chart with the browser used by your visitors for the selected range. \\ **resolution**: Displays a pie chart with the screen resolution used by your visitors for the selected range. \\ **OS**: Displays a pie chart with the operating system used by your visitors for the selected range. \\ **referrers**: Displays a pie chart with the referrers used by your visitors for the selected range. \\ **searchwords**: Displays a pie chart with the search engine keywords used by your visitors for the selected range. \\ **visitortype**: Displays a pie chart with visitor type for your visitors for the selected range (new visitor or returning visitor). |
|linecolor: |000000 |N |[[, hex color], ...] |This parameter has different meanings for different charts: \\ **Line chart**: Color of the line, last value is repeated if there are more lines then colors \\ **Pie chart**: Color of the pie, colors are interpolated if there are more slices then colors \\ **Map chart**: Color of country's, first color is for country's which are not in the dataset, the other colors are interpolated |
|bgcolor: |FFFFFF |N | |Background color of the line and pie chart. Color of the water on map charts |
|size: |200x200 |N |x |Size of the chart. Best is to make the at least twice as wide as height. |
|history: |0 |N | | Selects how many previous months are included in the statistics. Example: setting it to 1 makes a pie chart display statistics of this month and the previous month |
|now: |- |N | |Shows a marker on line charts at the current date in color |
|continent: |world |N |world, africa, asia, europe, \\ middle_east, south_america, usa |Selects which area is displayed by the map chart |
|title: |- |N | |Displays title above chart (not allowed for map charts) |
Example: \\
===== Additional setting =====
There are a few additional settings in the Configuration Manager:
^Setting ^Description ^
|Google Analytics username |Google analytics username (email) |
|Google Analytics password |Google analytics password |
|Google Analytics profiel ID |Google analytics profile ID (example ga:12345) |
|Show browser version |When selected, the data:browser option shows the browser version. Example Firefox or Firefox 3. |
|Show OS version |When selected, the data:osoption shows the OS version. Example Windows or Windows XP. |
|Maximum slices for pie chart |The maximum number of slices in a pie chart. The remaining slices are combine as '(other)'. |
|Show slice size |When selected, a pie chart shows the size of each slice. Example Windows or Windows (80%) |
|Show referral path |When selected, the data:referrs shows the domain and referral path. Example example.com or example.com/dir/. |
|3D pie chart |When selected, pie charts are shown in 3D. |
|Use simple encoding (only for charts smaller then 300px) |When selected, all data is encoded. This limits both URL size and resolution. |
===== Adding metrics =====
Metrics are added in the following manner: \\
* Have a look at the Google Analytics Data Export API
* Add a new function at the bottom of analytics.class.php
* Add the new //metric// parameter in the //handle//-function. Adding it to the list of //unique// for a line chart, to //country// for a map chart or to //browser// for a pie chart.
* Add the new //metric// parameter in the //render//-function. Same as above.
* Add the new //metric// parameter in the //PieChartGetData//-function, //MapChartGetData//-function or //LineChartGetData//-function
* Done :-)
===== Demo Installations =====
Here are a few user provided examples of the Google analytics plugin in use:
* http://greenbird.info/dokuwiki/ganalytics#demo_installation FIXME (Link is broken.)
===== Discussion=====
Ask your questions here.
> * May not work on php5 ? ---> I this errors :
> "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' in /homez.57/momas/www/lib/plugins/ganalytics/syntax.php on line 572"
> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in /homez.57/momas/www/lib/plugins/ganalytics/analytics.class.php on line 47
>> I'm using PHP Version 5.2.9 and it's working fine. It doesn't work with PHP4 as foreach($array as &$value) is only allowed since PHP5. You can remove this construct by replacing line 569 in syntax.php:
function SimpleEncode($array, $max) {
$encode = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
foreach ($array as &$value) {
if ($value < 0)
$value = '_';
$value = substr($encode, round(((strlen($encode)-1)*$value)/$max), 1);
return $array;
function SimpleEncode($array, $max) {
$encode = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
if ($value < 0)
$array[$key] = $value = '_';
$array[$key] = substr($encode, round(((strlen($encode)-1)*$value)/$max), 1);
return $array;
It also uses classes for connecting with the Google analytics server, which also requires, and is supported by, PHP5 or up.
>Just a question about howto get the param "Google Analytics profiel ID"
>> It is simply the ga:+"id" param that appear when you navigate on analytics report:
"Google Analytics profiel ID" = ga:13129515
Thank you for this plugin, have a suggestion: could it be possible to display a list of the most visited pages?
for instance:
$data = $api->data($id, 'ga:pageTitle,ga:pagePath', 'ga:pageviews',false, date('Y-m-d', strtotime('1 week ago')), false, 15);
where "15" and "1 week" should be implemented.
====Monitor two sites====
>I have two sites, and I want to monitor them at the same time. So it will be more useful to make "Google Analytics profile ID" one of the parameter in syntax. For example, %%{{ganalytics>id:12345/data:}}%%。I modified the syntax.php to achieve this.
First, add the id parameter. That is, change:
case 'data':
$img['data'] = $value;
case 'id':
case 'data':
$img['data'] = $value;
Then, replace
if(array_key_exists('id', $img)){