This is some inline HTML
And this is some block HTML
PHP example:
echo 'The PHP version: ';
echo phpversion();
echo ' (generated inline HTML)';
echo 'The same, but inside a block level element: ';
echo ''.phpversion().' ';
echo '
===== Configuration and Settings =====
|For HTML|You must activate ''Allow embedded HTML'' in the plugin configuration.|
|For PHP|You must activate ''Allow embedded PHP'' in the plugin configuration.|
=== Change Log ===
{{rss> date}}
==== Comments ====
1st: Thank you for restoring core functionality. 2nd: does not work yet, still see the html code, not the result.
> You have to activate the config options ''htmlok'' and/or ''phpok'' in the plugin configuration. Has this been done? --- [[user>saggi|saggi]] //2023-04-06 11:06//
>> Yes, in GUI-Config both Options set. $conf['plugin']['htmlok']['htmlok'] = 1;
$conf['plugin']['htmlok']['phpok'] = 1;
$conf['htmlok'] = '1';
$conf['phpok'] = '1';
Don't know if the different datatype is a problem?
>>> Sorry, I can't recreate the problem. Is the code shown enclosed in code tags or just plain text? Can you open a thread about this on [[|Github]] or in the [[|forum]]? --- [[user>saggi|saggi]] //2023-04-06 12:42//
>>>> the problem is lower case html/php tags. please include both variants
>>>>> All examples from [[#syntax]] work with the latest version. --- [[user>saggi|saggi]] //2023-04-13 11:06//
>>>>>> I've reinstalled the plugin right before the test. without changes to the tags, nothing happens (just plain html code without the tags), with opening tag to upper case it's broken, with both uppercase it works like before??