====== inlineedit Plugin ======
---- plugin ----
description: Edit specific parts of a page with ajax requests
author : peterfromearth
email : coder@peterfromearth.de
type : syntax, ajax
lastupdate : 2018-10-25
compatible :
depends : ajaxedit
conflicts :
similar :
tags : editing
downloadurl: https://github.com/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit/zipball/master
bugtracker : https://github.com/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit/issues
sourcerepo : https://github.com/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit
screenshot_img : https://github.com/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit/raw/master/examples/example.png
===== Installation =====
:!: **External requirements:** This plugin requires the following additional components that must be installed separately:
* [[plugin:ajaxedit]]
Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually.
===== Examples/Usage =====
just add '''' to your page
===== Syntax =====
===== Configuration and Settings =====
===== Development =====
=== Change Log ===
[[https://travis-ci.org/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit|{{ https://travis-ci.org/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit.png?nocache|Build Status}}]]
{{rss>https://github.com/peterfromearth/dokuwiki-plugin-inlineedit/commits/master.atom date}}
=== Known Bugs and Issues ===
=== ToDo/Wish List ===
===== FAQ =====
===== Discussion =====