====== mathpublish Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: PHP only solution for including mathematical formulae into DokuWiki author : Andreas Gohr email : dokuwiki@cosmocode.de type : syntax lastupdate : 2024-05-23 compatible : Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor depends : conflicts : similar : asciimath, asciimathml, jsmath, math, masciimath, mathjax tags : math, formula downloadurl: https://github.com/cosmocode/dokuwiki-plugin-mathpublish/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/cosmocode/dokuwiki-plugin-mathpublish/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/cosmocode/dokuwiki-plugin-mathpublish/ donationurl: ---- This plugin is based on [[http://www.xm1math.net/phpmathpublisher/|phpmathpublisher]] by Pascal Brachet to allow inclusion of properly rendered mathematical formulae in DokuWiki pages. This plugin was originally written by [[chris@jalakai.co.uk|Christopher Smith]] and named math2. This is a completely self-contained PHP solution. It requires no third party packages. It makes use of [[http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php|php's GD library]] and freely available fonts(([[http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/|freeserif]] from the [[http://www.gnu.org/|Free Software Foundation]] and several fonts made freely available by the [[http://www.ams.org/tex/amsfonts.html|American Mathematical Association]])) to create an images for each formula. The plugin script, phpmathpublisher and the required fonts are all included in the download package. [[https://www.cosmocode.de/en/open-source/dokuwiki-plugins/|{{ https://www.cosmocode.de/static/img/dokuwiki/dwplugins.png?recache|A CosmoCode Plugin}}]] ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ==== Change Log ==== {{rss>https://github.com/cosmocode/dokuwiki-plugin-mathpublish/commits/master.atom author date}} ==== PHP Requirements ==== To run this plugin your PHP installation needs to have: * tokenizer library * gd library * png capabilities, i.e. libpng, which also requires the zlib library * freetype font library Most default installs of PHP (eg. at web hosts) do have all these requirements fulfilled anyway. For full details refer to the [[http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php#image.installation|PHP documentation]]. ===== Examples/Usage ===== Example: S(f)(t)=a_{0}+sum{n=1}{+infty}{a_{n} cos(n omega t)+b_{n} sin(n omega t)} delim{lbrace}{matrix{3}{1}{{3x-5y+z=0} {sqrt{2}x-7y+8z=0} {x-8y+9z=0}}}{ } delim{|}{{1/N} sum{n=1}{N}{gamma(u_n)} - 1/{2 pi} int{0}{2 pi}{gamma(t) dt}}{|} <= epsilon/3 Result((Note: the plugin is not installed at this site, these images are the actual images generated by the plugin taken from a site where the plugin is installed.)): {{https://trello.com/1/cards/659c222395b12c00785cd0de/attachments/659c22f0f57a89441cbe61a8/download/mathpublish-plugin-screenshot.png?recache|screenshot}} ===== Syntax ===== The general syntax to embed a formulae is this: ...mathematical formulae... * //size// (optional) the base glyph size in pixels - default value: 12. * //alignment// can be controlled in the same way as DokuWiki images, one space to the left to right align, one to the right to left align, one on each side to centre. For a complete list of what mathematical terms can be used, refer to the [[http://www.mylovewill.com/ya/phpmathpublisher/doc/help.html|original mathpublisher documentation]] FIXME or this [[:plugin:mathpublish:syntax|DokuWiki-compatible formulae syntax page]]((You may want to copy that page to your wiki as a help page for your users))