====== nextday Plugin ======
---- plugin ----
description: Display the date of the closest $WEEKDAY
author : Pavol Rusnak
email : stick@gk2.sk
type : syntax
lastupdate : 2018-05-31
compatible : Greebo, 2011-11-10, Rincewind
depends :
conflicts :
similar :
tags : include, date
downloadurl: https://github.com/prusnak/dokuwiki-plugin-nextday/zipball/master
bugtracker : https://github.com/prusnak/dokuwiki-plugin-nextday/issues
sourcerepo : https://github.com/prusnak/dokuwiki-plugin-nextday
donationurl: http://blockchain.info/address/1stickPVSzg4oKsCkv97HdPkriUpS3mzJ
===== Introduction =====
This simple plugin prints the date of the closest $WEEKDAY, where $WEEKDAY is one of the following: {mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun}.
will render as "12 April 2011"
You can use it also to print the closest $WEEKDAY which is also the first, second, third, fourth, fifth or last in the month:
~~NEXTDAY:first tue~~
will render as "3 May 2011"
~~NEXTDAY:last tue~~
will render as "26 April 2011"
===== Change Log =====
{{rss>https://github.com/prusnak/dokuwiki-plugin-nextday/commits/master.atom date}}
* **2011-04-08**
* initial release
* **2011-11-08**
* fix typos
===== Discussion =====
A plugin doesn't have multi language support %%:-(%% --- [[user>Aleksandr]] //2011/04/08 21:48//
> just fork it and send pull request