====== notification Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Display notifications from other plugins to DokuWiki users author : Szymon Olewniczak email : dokuwiki@rid.pl type : action, syntax lastupdate : 2024-06-11 compatible : Kaos depends : sqlite conflicts : similar : tags : notification downloadurl: https://github.com/gkrid/dokuwiki-plugin-notification/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/gkrid/dokuwiki-plugin-notification/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/gkrid/dokuwiki-plugin-notification/ screenshot_img : ---- ===== Installation ===== :!: This Plugin depends on the following other plugins: * [[sqlite]] Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Description ===== This plugin works as an aggregation hub for notifications from other dokuwiki plugins. The idea is to inform dokuwiki users about the actions they have to take in a wiki. Currently the following plugins integrates with this plugin: * [[approve]] -- inform the maintainers about pages that aren't approved. Plugins provided: ''approve'' * [[bez]] -- inform the users about problems and tasks they have to resolve. Plugins provided: ''bez:problems_without_tasks'', ''bez:problems_coming'', ''bez:problems_outdated'', ''bez:tasks_coming'', ''bez:tasks_outdated'' * [[ireadit]] -- inform the users about the pages they have to read. Plugins provided: ''ireadit'' ===== Syntax ===== ==== List ==== The basic syntax to display all the notifications from all the plugins for the currently login user is: ---- notification list ---- ---- Notifications are displayed as an unordered list with the date. For example: * 2019-09-02 You have the page to approve: [[:dokuwiki]] * 2019-09-03 You have a page to read: [[:acl]] You can user regular expression to limit the notifications to some plugins only: ---- notification list ---- plugin: ^(approve|ireadit) ---- You can also display notifications for concrete user: ---- notification list ---- user: name ---- or use a special syntax for the currently login user (default): ---- notification list ---- user: $USER$ ---- Plugin also allows you to turn off the full message, using syntax: ---- notification list ---- full:0 ---- This will cause the plugin to display only links to the pages. For example: * 2019-09-02 [[:dokuwiki]] * 2019-09-03 [[:acl]] You can also specify date format for the plugin using the ''date'' parameter: ---- notification list ---- date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M ---- The date parameter is parsed by PHP's [[phpfn>strftime]] function. You can join several parameters: ---- notification list ---- plugin: ^(approve|ireadit) user: name full:0 date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M ---- ===== Discussion ===== [[https://github.com/gkrid/dokuwiki-plugin-notification/issues]]