====== PDB Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Integrated utility for Protein data base author : Ikuo Obataya email : I.Obataya[at]gmail_com type : syntax lastupdate : 2018-10-25 compatible : 2016-06-26a depends : conflicts : similar : pubchem, pubmed tags : chemistry biology science downloadurl: https://github.com/iobataya/dokuwiki-plugin-pdb/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/iobataya/dokuwiki-plugin-pdb/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/iobataya/dokuwiki-plugin-pdb ---- This plugin creates a link, a searchbox and protein images by using PDB ID. This plugin caches protein images from RCSB server in /data/media/rcsb_image/ directory, and it caches structure XML summary from NCBI database in /data/media/ncbi_esummary/ directory. Demo: http://symplus.edu-wiki.org/doku.php/en/pdb_plugin ======Functions====== **%%{{pdb>[Command]:[PDB ID]}}%%** ^ Command ^ item ^ function | ^small |image|Show a small image (82px in width) retrieved from RCSB database| ^medium |image|Show a small image (252px in width) retrieved from RCSB database| ^large |image|Show a small image (502px in width) retrieved from RCSB database| ^fullSmall |image\\ link|Show a combination of an image and a short description| ^searchbox |form |Show a searchbox for the RCSB PDB| ^link |link |Show a link for the PDB ID| ^short |link |Show the PDB link and brief description from NCBI Structure database| ^long |link |Show the PDB link and detailed description from NCBI Structure database| ^structureID |link |Show a Structure ID for the NCBI database| ^summaryXML |xml |Show a XML summary data from the NCBI database using Entrez Utilities| ^clear_summary | - |Clear cached XML files in /data/media/ncbi_esummary| ^clear_image | - |Clear cached image files in /data/media/rcsb_image|