====== Pubchem Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Plugin that create the link and retrieve chemical structure image from PubChem with only CID, compound ID author : Ikuo Obataya email : I.Obataya[at]gmail.com type : syntax lastupdate : 2023-08-07 compatible : Jack Jackrum depends : conflicts : similar : pubmed,pdb tags : chemistry biology science downloadurl: https://github.com/iobataya/dokuwiki-plugin-pubchem/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/iobataya/dokuwiki-plugin-pubchem/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/iobataya/dokuwiki-plugin-pubchem donationurl: ---- ======Summary====== This is a plugin for DokuWiki that creates the link or retrieve chemical structure for the compound identified by CID (Compound ID). {{pubchem>link:120}} {{pubchem>small:120}} {{pubchem>large:120}} {{pubchem>formula:120}} {{pubchem>mw:120}} {{pubchem>iupac:201}} {{pubchem>xlogp:120}} {{pubchem>summaryxml:120}} ======History====== *2023.8.7 * Updated for the latest version *2016.10.24 *URLs are changed to https according to changes in Web API of NCBI database. *2013.1.31 *Source code moved to GitHub *This plugin became independent on other plugins. It need no longer bio plugin nor cache plugin. *2008.3.22 *Some functions were parted into [[cache]] plugin and [[bio]] plugin. *2008.3.16 *Vulnerability (XSS) was fixed.