====== RSS Plugin ======
---- plugin ----
description: RSS Plugin let you display RSS feeds into DokuWiki
author : Algorythm
email : ttamalfor@gmail.com
type : syntax
lastupdate : 2017-11-17
compatible : Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Hogfather, Igor
depends :
conflicts :
similar :
tags : rss, feed
downloadurl: https://github.com/algorys/rss/archive/master.zip
bugtracker : https://github.com/algorys/rss/issues
sourcerepo : https://github.com/algorys/rss/
screenshot_img : https://trello.com/1/cards/64496806c6c5c84fe3b329c7/attachments/644970fec62ce8091260cc22/download/dokuwiki-plugin-rss.png
===== Installation =====
Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually.
===== Requirements =====
SimpleXML is enabled by default, however, to confirm that it exists, look at your config by executing PHP [[phpfn>phpinfo]] in a file.
===== Syntax =====
RSS Plugin is simple to use, just paste your rss link into syntax:
===== Configuration and Settings =====
**TODO:** After, you'll can choose how many feeds you want to display.
===== Preview =====
=== Change Log ===
{{rss>https://github.com/algorys/rss/commits/master.atom date}}
=== Known Bugs and Issues ===
Please report your issue at [[https://github.com/algorys/rss/issues|GitHub]].
===== FAQ =====
If you have any question, please ask here.
==== Update frequency ====
How often does this plugin update the feeds? Is this configurable?
==== Neebie question ====
When you indicate %%%%, what parameter should I use instead ".." ?
==== Keywords ====
Thanks for this plugin! Is there any possibility, to define keywords - so that only texts/headlines containing those keywords are shown?