====== showinitpage Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: If access to a page is denied (i.e. user not logged in), redirect to a defined page author : STADTWERKSTATT, Target email : target@servus.at type : action lastupdate : 2020-12-01 compatible : Hogfather depends : conflicts : similar : tags : redirect, login downloadurl: https://github.com/tillbiskup/dokuwiki-showinitpage/archive/master.zip bugtracker : sourcerepo : https://github.com/tillbiskup/dokuwiki-showinitpage donationurl: screenshot_img: ---- ===== What is it ===== This little Plugin is useful for wikis with several access levels. Users with privileges for subnamespaces don't see the "Access denied" page after login, but are redirected to a "welcome" page (''%%conf['initpage']%%''), which can be set in configurations. ===== Download and Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. * [[https://github.com/tillbiskup/dokuwiki-showinitpage/archive/master.zip]] ==== Fork by mape2k ==== * [[http://subversion.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/websvn/wsvn/dokuwiki/showinitpage/]] * [[https://trello.com/1/cards/5b02ff298cf1cf6fc11aaec7/attachments/5b02ff419859f27bc2eb976e/download/showinitpage-by-mape2k.zip|showinitpage-by-mape2k.zip]] ==== GitHub ==== * [[https://github.com/tillbiskup/dokuwiki-showinitpage]] * Compatible with Hogfather ===== Usage ===== Install the plugin and SET A DESTINATION FOR REDIRECTION in the configuration section for this plugin. :!: **Caution:** Don't redirect to a page where a user doesn't have read privileges! This leads to a nice ;-) loop, as the plugin triggers a redirect on the attempt of a user to access a page he/she has no read-access for... :!: Solution: (only solution) the initpage must be a page ALL potential users have read privileges. So first thing to do is: set the 'initpageurl' value in the config-section for this plugin to something meaningful before logging out. ===== Comments ===== -2010-04-08\\ Gracias, M.Howard did an important modification. Such that **search** requests by users without top-level permissions are no longer wrongly redirected to initpageurl. - 2012-07-12\\ We added support to redirect only the startpage (any other namespaces will show Access denied) and cleaned up the code. If anyone is interested: [[http://subversion.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/websvn/wsvn/dokuwiki/showinitpage/]]. Comments are welcome... //mape2k// -2013-05-25\\ Not working under DokuWiki version: Release 2013-05-10 "Weatherwax" //Joe, 2013-05-25// - 2020-12-01\\ Compatible with Release 2020-07-29 "Hogfather", License: GPLv3 --- [[user>tbiskup|tbiskup]] //2020-12-01 19:40//