====== socialshareprivacy Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Provides two-click buttons for FB, Twitter and G+ as introduced on www.heise.de author : Frank Schiebel email : frank@linuxmuster.net type : Syntax, Action lastupdate : 2016-11-10 compatible : Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax depends : conflicts : similar : tags : facebook twitter google social downloadurl: https://github.com/ironiemix/dokuwiki-socialshareprivacy/archive/master.zip bugtracker : https://github.com/ironiemix/dokuwiki-socialshareprivacy/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/ironiemix/dokuwiki-socialshareprivacy donationurl: https://openschulportfolio.de/about ---- ===== Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== Include the string {{socialshareprivacy}} in your wikipage, this will result in a "2klick-Solution" for Facebook/Twitter/G+ recommendations as introduced by heise.de: {{https://www.heise.de/extras/socialshareprivacy/dimensions.gif?recache|}} See the plugin in action [[http://www.linuxmuster.net|here]]. :?: ===== Syntax ===== At the moment, no options are supported, so the complete syntax is to include the string {{socialshareprivacy}} in your page where you want the recommend buttons to appear. Perhaps later on, a template fuction will be implemented. At this time, it is **not possible** to include more than one recommendation bar per page. {{ https://www.heise.de/ct/imgs/04/7/0/5/4/3/7/2thumbs.jpg-27d1b3a32603db4b.jpeg|}} ===== Configuration and Settings ===== Further information can be found at: * http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/2-Klicks-fuer-mehr-Datenschutz-1333879.html * http://www.heise.de/extras/socialshareprivacy/ The DokuWiki-plugins for socialshareprivacy can be configured via the DokuWiki settings. ===== Development ===== === Change Log === * **2012-08-11** * Initial release === ToDo/Wish List === * Options per inclusion * More than one instance per page (pagelists/blog?) * Template function * Common user-contributed languages for easy activation * Add Flattr (see the Wordpress version) == Integration with Translation plugin == * Allow to enter translations on the back end ===== FAQ ===== //[discussions should ideally be deleted and turned into FAQ entries along the way]// ===== Discussion =====