====== structgeohash Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: GeoHash struct type author : asere email : andres@sere.uy type : Action lastupdate : 2020-05-14 compatible : Greebo depends : struct, leaflet conflicts : similar : tags : geolocalization, struct, geo, map downloadurl: https://gitlab.com/asereq/dokuwiki-plugin-structgeohash/-/archive/1.0/dokuwiki-plugin-structgeohash-1.0.zip bugtracker : https://gitlab.com/asereq/dokuwiki-plugin-structgeohash/-/issues sourcerepo : https://gitlab.com/asereq/dokuwiki-plugin-structgeohash/ donationurl: screenshot_img : https://agua.org.uy/sgh_render.png ---- Is a plugin that provides a new struct type: GeoHash and gives the possibility to easily mark a point on the map. It use the geohash.js library and the leaflet plugin. ===== Installation ===== Install the plugin using the [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. ===== Examples/Usage ===== My configuration use a photographical map of Uruguay: default: 69zuh89vkbpz urlTMP: https://mapas.ide.uy/geoserver-raster/gwc/service/wmts?layer=ortofotos:ORTOFOTOS_2019&tilematrixset=EPSG:3857&Request=GetTile&Format=image/jpeg&TileMatrix=EPSG:3857:{z}&TileCol={x}&TileRow={y} attribution: Ortofotos 2018-2019 - IDE Uruguay/AGESIC/Presidencia de la República - Licencia de Datos Abiertos - Uruguay ===== Configuration and Settings ===== For configuration settings see [[plugin:struct|struct plugin]] and leaflet documentation. The default configuration was taken from an example of leaflet documentation. ===== Screenshots ===== {{https://agua.org.uy/sgh_render.png}} {{https://agua.org.uy/sgh_edit.png}} === Change Log === * **2020-05-14** * Initial release