====== SwiftMailer Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: This plugin uses the SwiftMailer class to send DokuWiki mails and supports using a remote SMTP (with optional auth) without relying on PHP's mail() function author : Andreas Gohr email : andi@splitbrain.org type : action lastupdate : 2016-02-03 compatible : Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax depends : conflicts : similar : tags : email, smtp, smtpauth, !obsolete downloadurl: https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-swiftmail/zipball/master sourcerepo : https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-swiftmail bugtracker : https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-swiftmail/issues donationurl: http://donate.dokuwiki.org/Swiftmail ---- ^ :!: You should consider using the new [[smtp|SMTP Plugin]] instead ^ This plugin replaces the way DokuWiki sends emails. Instead of relying on PHP's built-in [[phpfn>mail]] function, it uses the [[http://www.swiftmailer.org/|SwiftMailer]] library. This is especially useful when configuring PHP for sending mails is complicated (Windows) or not possible. SwiftMail is included in the plugin and does not need to be downloaded separately. ===== Download and Installation ===== Search and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]]. Refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. Note: this plugin is not compatible with PHP 7+. ==== Changes ==== {{rss>https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-swiftmail/commits/master.atom date}} ===== Configuration ===== All config options can be set in the [[config|configuration manager]] under the "Swiftmail Plugin Settings" section (see screenshot). **Additionally you need to set up the [[config:mailfrom]] option, which is in the "Notification Settings" section of the configuration manager.** {{ :plugin:swiftmail.png?nolink&800 |SwiftMail Plugin Settings}} When the last option is enabled the whole SMTP session will be printed directly to the screen when sending the mail fails. ===== Testing ===== The plugin adds a new item to the Admin screen. Using this you can trigger sending a test mail from DokuWiki. If something goes wrong sending this mail, a detailed log is printed. ===== Known Issues ===== ==== HTML mails and attachments not supported ==== This plugin does only support sending plain text emails. HTML mails and attachments are currently not supported (See [[https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-swiftmail/issues/7|Issue #7]]). Use the the newer [[smtp|SMTP Plugin]] instead. ==== Authentication failed (Gmail) ==== Gmail denies the access of swiftmail as the security is deemed not secure enough. The workaround is to reduce the security level to allow "less secure" app to access Gmail. [[https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255|Allowing less secure web to access your account]] ==== Authentication failed for certain passwords (Gmail) ==== I had chosen a password containing a dash ("-"). I received "Authentication failed" errors. Simply changing the password to one without a dash got it working. ==== Incompatible with PHP 7 ==== This plugin is incompatible with PHP 7 (see [[https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-swiftmail/issues/31|issue #31]]), use the [[smtp|SMTP Plugin]] instead.