====== Старые версии ====== !!! Перевести ===== Выпуск 2011-05-25c «Танцующий ветер» ===== Оригинальное название --- Release 2011-05-25 “**Rincewind**” (ирландский язык) * :!: Безопасный метод для [[ru:config:fnencode]] ([[config:fnencode|англ.]]) [[bug>2197|changed]]; остерегайтесь обновлять вики с этой установкой (особенно на windows) * Поддержка IPv6 * Встроенный показ различий * Больше форматов хэшей паролей (Wordpress, Django) * Настраиваемый префикс для [[ru:config:mailprefix|заголовков писем]] * Поддержка для [[localization#changing_localized_texts_in_your_installation|стандартных строк и переводов]] * Повышение безопасности обращения с cookie * Представлен индекс [[metadata]] ([[:metadata|англ.]]) * Улучшена поддержка азиатских языков * Различные мелкие правки и улучшения * :!: Ошибка в "Rincewind RC1" и последних разработках может повредить [[search#some_background_on_the_searchindex|индекс поиска]].\\ Рекомендуется проверять добавлением ''?do=check'' в URL. Индекс можно перестроить скриптом [[cli#indexerphp|bin/indexer.php]] или плагином [[plugin:searchindex|Search Index]] * Исправлено: * XSS security issue [[bug>2487]] * другие проблемы с XSS * проблема с поиском/индексацией слов со смешанными регистрами букв в некоторых версиях PHP * кодирование почтовых адресов, написанных не по ASCII * для доступа к локальной папке (например ''%%file://c:\docs\myfile.txt%%'') нужно добавить ''file'' в [[urlschemes|conf/scheme.local.conf]] Анонс: [[http://www.freelists.org/post/dokuwiki/Hotfix-Release-20110525a-Rincewind|Hotfix-Release-20110525a-Rincewind]] ===== Выпуск 2010-11-07a «Муравьед» ===== Оригинальное название --- Release 2010-11-07a “**Anteater**” * Улучшение алгоритма быстрого поиска * Улучшения [[:subscriptions|подписки]] по электронной почте * :!: Авторы шаблонов должны проверить, что они добавили правильные кнопки * Постоянная ссылка на просмотр изменений между ревизиями * license clarification on various 3rd party libs * Название раздела указывается в поле сводки изменений, если редактируется только раздел, а не вся страница * Выбор лицензии в установщике * Исправление работы в IE7, IE8 и Chrome * Передача параметров внутренними ссылками (полезно для плагинов) * Некоторые улучшения XML-RPC * Настраиваемая кодировка имени файла * Поддержка сторонних [[:devel:section_editor|редакторов секций]] (plugins), например [[plugin:edittable|плагин редактирования таблиц]] * Централизованная загрузка библиотеки (library) * Исправления ошибок, незначительные улучшения ===== Выпуск 2009-12-25c «Лемминг» ===== Оригинальное название --- Release 2009-12-25c “**Lemming**”. Рабочее названия релиз-кандидата было RC 2009-12-02 “Mulled Wine” (“Глинтвейн”) * :!: Для этого релиза необходим PHP 5.1.2 (или выше) * Множество улучшений в редакторе: * автоматические отступы при вводе списков * улучшена система формирования заголовков * мастер ссылок :!: Авторы шаблонов должны предоставить CSS * Улучшена совместимость для IE8 и Chrome * Исправлена поддержка PHP 5.3 * Поддержка объединения строк (row span) в таблицах * [[ru:wiki:syntax#скачиваемые_блоки_кода|Загружаемые блоки кода]] * Улучшен полнотекстовый поиск * Добавлен поиск по имени файла в менеджере медиафайлов * Новая функция --- [[xref>dformat]] :!: Авторы плагинов и шаблонов должны заменить вызовы «strftime» на эту функцию * Кнопка быстрой откатки (one click revert button) для менеджеров :!: Авторы шаблонов должны добавить эту кнопку * Улучшен вид раздела администратора :!: Авторы шаблонов должны предоставить CSS * Улучшение XML-RPC * Много небольших улучшений существующих возможностей * Несколько новых событий (events) для плагинов * Некоторая оптимизация производительности * Небольшие улучшения безопасности * Исправлено много ошибок ===== Выпуск 2009-02-14b ===== * Флэшевый мультизагрузчик * Выбор типа лицензий :!: Авторы шаблонов должны использовать [[xref>tpl_license()]] * Исправления совместимости с Flash Player 10 * Внутренние изменения, облегчающие создание [[:devel:farm|ферм]] * Удалены старые плагины обновлений((Если вы обновляетесь со старых версий, вначале обновитесь до промежуточной версии)) :!: * Более хорошая поддержка недефолтных бэк-эндов авторизации в менеджере ACL * Переход к редактируемому разделу после сохранения * Значительно улучшена японская [[romanization|романизация]] * Улучшен интерфейс [[:devel:XMLRPC|XML-RPC]] * Улучшено отображение результатов поиска * Много более мелких улучшений функциональности * Больше событий плагинов * Некоторая оптимизация производительности * «Минорные» улучшения безопасности * Исправление безопасности для проблемы с включением локальных файлов [[bug>1700]] ([[http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-1960|CVE-2009-1960]]) * И много-много исправлений багов ===== Выпуск 2008-05-05 ===== * Улучшенный RSS [[syndication]], теперь поддерживает diff views и full HTML, результаты поиска теперь доступны как RSS * Добавлен AJAX в просмотр [[index|индекса]] * Показывает [[diff|diff’ы]] между произвольными ревизиями страницы * Улучшенный поиск и подсветка результатов * Улучшенная поддержка плагинов модификации форм «ДокуВики» :!: Удалены события *FORM_INJECTION * Отделение [[TOC]] от контента для улучшения гибкости шаблонов * Охранные меры против атак [[wp>CSRF]] * Поддержка X-Sendfile для веб-серверов * API [[:XMLRPC|XML-RPC]] * Использование [[http://www.aboutus.org/UniversalWikiEditButton|UniversalWikiEditButton]] в шаблоне по умолчанию * Полностью переписан менеджер [[ACL]] * Проверка синтаксиса перемещена из ядра в плагин * Поддержка глубоких [[namespace templates|шаблонов пространств имён]] * плагин «[[:plugin:Popularity]]» добавлен по умолчанию --- пожалуйста, помогите нам улучшить «ДокуВики» с вашими данными * Использование дружественного к локали [[phpfn>strftime]] вместо [[phpfn>date]] :!: Авторам плагинов возможно потребуется исправить их * Использование полнотестового индекса для медиафайлов для лучшей масштабируемости * Появление каталога «''tmp''» :!: При обновлении убедитесь, что ''data/tmp'' существует и доступен для записи * Множественные багфиксы, небольшие новшества и улучшение быстродействия ===== Release 2007-06-26 ===== * Revert Manager added to mass revert spam attacks * OpenSearch Support * DOMlib removed (smaller JavaScript footprint) :!: * Improved index method for the search :!: Upgraders make sure to have ''data/index'' directory * Improved page meta data support * Added a manager option to open certain admin functions to a given group * Pluggable renderers * TOC now can be separated from the content * MIME type heuristics to work around IE security flaws * include and include_once support for JavaScript files * A bucket load of smaller and bigger bugfixes and improvements * Some more bugfixes since RC1 ===== Release 2006-11-06 ===== * automatic background [[draft]] saving * improved caching behavior for CSS, JavaScript and RSS, with correct IMS handling * various performance improvements including the [[devel:changelog]] mechanism redesign * support for storing page metadata * improvements on the UTF-8 handling when no mb_string extension is available * improvements on the default management plugins * URL [[rewrite]] support for export formats * ATOM 1.0 support for [[syndication]] * better feed aggregation with [[http://www.simplepie.org|SimplePie]] * [[devel:Action Plugins]] * optional gzip output compression if browsers support it * namespace restricted [[searchs]] added * completely rewritten [[media manager]] :!: template designer need to update their templates * [[namespace]] links * possibility to disable certain DokuWiki actions, when using it in a CMS-like environment * made password resetting a two-stage process with confirmation emails * webbased install wizard for first time setup * many many bug fixes, smaller improvements and language updates ===== Release 2006-03-09 ===== * Hotfix Release * Fixes various bugs ([[bug>736]] [[bug>732]] [[bug>731]] and others) * some language updates ===== Release 2006-03-05 ===== * JavaScript made unobtrusive * JavaScript and CSS compression, CSS variable replacements * New [[Toolbar]] * Fixes for the search indexer [[bug>563]] [[bug>575]], commandline index updater added * [[search]] for word parts and other search fixes[[bug>552]] [[bug>632]] [[bug>653]] * Completely reworked auth backend system :!: backend config may need to be adjusted * stricter XHTML compliance :!: Templates need to be adjusted * fixes for the HTTP library [[bug>626]] * Google [[sitemap]] generation * Admin plugins for managing users, configuration and plugins added * Pagelockrefresh through background AJAX * simple [[romanization]] support * optional hierarchical breadcrumbs added (aka. "You are here") * simplified permission setting of files * ACL now works with user and groupnames which are not valid pagenames (for some auth backends) * XSS security fix for handling EXIF data in the media manager ===== Release 2005-09-22 ===== * various bugs fixed [[bug>550]], [[bug>548]], [[bug>529]], "basedir" problem * GeSHi and language updates ===== Release 2005-09-19 ===== * page template support [[bug>104]] * added support for local configuration files [[bug>349]] * [[Image]] metadata support (EXIF/IPTC) and detailpage added * insitu footnotes * removed 2MB limit in fetch.php [[bug>506]] * personal wordlist for spellchecker [[bug>488]] * [[syndication|feed]] caching * email subscription for pagechanges * commandline utilities for scripting * a new index based [[search]] * :!: Template editors need to add the [[xref>tpl_indexerwebbug|tpl_indexerWebBug()]] function to their main template * Upgraders should read [[search#Some Background on the searchindex]] * URL rewriting for media files * :!: Users of rewrite mode 1 need to adjust their .htaccess * experimental [[plugin:plugin|Plugin Manager]] * Support for admin plugins added * Proxy support added * Optional ImageMagick support added * New options for [[image]] inclusion ===== Release 2005-07-13 ===== * Security fix for [[ACL]] handling [[bug>456]] * some fixes for the [[:config:safemodehack]] option [[bug>179]] * some spellchecker fixes [[bug>448]] ===== Release 2005-07-01 ===== * Style fixes * TOC Translation Problem fixed [[bug>309]] * Various fixes for the getBaseURL autodetection * ACL: The password crypting method is configurable through [[config:passcrypt]], defaults to salted MD5 * ACL: The admin can create new users if openregister is disabled * ACL: Users can set their own password ([[config:autopasswd]]) * ACL: Added DELETE permission for media files :!: * fixed problems with footnote numbering * Various [[auth:mysql]] changes, support for adding Users :!: * Hide IP for logged in users * Various [[auth:ldap]] changes :!: * Fixed logout [[bug>319]] * AJAX pagename [[search]] added * Experimental syntax [[Plugin]] support added * Fix for mode syntax * [[devel:dirlayout|Directory layout]] was changed :!: * Experimental Spell Checker added * Fix for Sessionlocking [[bug>364]] * Removed short_opentag requirement * Fixed problem with ZendOptimizer [[bug>377]] [[bug>378]] ===== Release 2005-05-07 ===== * **2005-03-31... and ongoing** * Integrating the new Parser * **2005-05-30** * fix for uploaded media permissions * **2005-04-29** * Added new PHP only [[config:userewrite]] option * [[auth:ldap]] support for nonanonymous bind [[bug>234]] * Problems with wrong PHP_SELF fixed, [[config:basedir]] option added [[bug>292]] * **2005-04-23** * links to [[diff]] and [[attic|old revisions]] on recent changes page [[bug>255]] * linkto param to [[syndication|RSS feed]] added * **2005-04-22** * [[backlinks]] for camelcase * **2005-04-17** * back to top button fixed [[bug>229]] [[bug>162]] * **2005-04-16** * alphachannel saving for PNG resizing * **2005-04-11** * [[auth:pgsql]] by [[mad@madness.at|Alexander Marx]] added * **2005-04-09** * New [[logo]] by [[esther@kaffehaus.ch|Esther Brunner]] added * **2005-04-06** * [[auth:plain]] cleans userid on login [[bug>239]] * **2005-04-04** * Patch by [[tretkowski@teamix.net|Norbert Tretkowski]] to reject empty [[auth:ldap|LDAP]] passwords * **2005-04-03** * Fix for lock files (thanks to [[jorda@ettin.org]] * **2005-03-31** * surpress warning when ini_set not allowed [[bug>228]] * new [[devel:parser]] added (still needs lot of fixing) * removed cachedir from index [[bug>230]] * **2005-03-30** * fixed error reporting [[bug>216]] * fix for ACL admin [[bug>225]] * Replaced dotfiles with underscore (thanks to [[jan@jandecaluwe.com|Jan]]) [[bug>224]] * **2005-03-29** * More RTL support [[bug>89]] * **2005-03-28** * Right-to-left (RTL) support added [[bug>89]] * Fix for auth_aclcheck [[bug>218]] * **2005-03-26** * Hopefully fixed a problem with pathnames in Windows [[bug>213]] * Added a patch by [[jan@jandecaluwe.com|Jan Decaluwe]] to optionally use the first heading instead of the pagename in links without explicit title * **2005-03-21** * Fixed two small bugs introduced in devel with authcheck and the cancel action (thanks to [[eric.ter.haar@altium.nl|Eric ter Haar]]) * Another bug in devel with buggy image handling fixed (thanks to [[eric.ter.haar@altium.nl|Eric ter Haar]] and [[gb@isis.u-strasbg.fr|Guy Brand]]) * **2005-03-20** * empty namespaces are now deleted when the last page in it is removed [[bug>201]] * The filename displayed in the footer now always shows the name in UTF-8 instead URL-encoded - this is not really correct, but filenames with a lot of Unicode (e.g. Russian) get annoyingly big * **2005-03-18** * Fixed RSS link when useslash is enabled [[bug>184]] * [[:Template|Template support]] finished [[bug>107]] [[bug>7]] * **2005-03-16** * [[ACL]] admin interface added [[bug>3]] (thanks to [[frank@schokilade.de|Frank Schubert]]) * **2005-03-09** * TLS support for [[auth:ldap]] [[bug>191]] * **2005-03-04** * rel=nofollow and delayed indexing [[bug>181]] * **2005-03-03** * safemode hack added [[bug>179]] * **2005-02-28** * fix for [[UTF-8]] in [[namespaces]] [[bug>170]] * **2005-02-27** * handling of of mailheader encoding was tweaked to prefer ASCII when possible (also forceable with a define) [[bug>168]] * **2005-02-26** * The feed now includes the favicon as image object * **2005-02-25** * The Magpie [[RSS]] parser was updated * A problem with the polish char ł in links was fixed [[bug>164]] * Using defines for important strings [[bug>153]] ===== Release 2005-02-18 ===== * **2005-02-18** * check for existing and readable/writable changes.log [[bug>136]] * **2005-02-17** * some getBaseURL changes (maybe fixes [[bug>123]]) * **2005-02-16** * transparency added to interwiki.png [[bug>150]] (thanks to [[lists@softpres.org|Kieron Wilkinson]]) * added a better function for removing specialchars from pagenames [[bug>152]] * **2005-02-15** * fixed slash in pagenames [[bug>144]] * **2005-02-14** * added visual feedback on searching * added connection to ldap_error in [[:auth:ldap]] (thanks to [[justin@jalcorn.net|Justin Alcorn]]) [[bug>143]] * XHTML fix for TOC [[bug>133]] * proper ACL handling on empty search [[bug>139]] * **2005-02-09** * fix for hex mailencoding [[bug>131]] * fix for IE pngbehavior with useslashes option [[bug>129]] * **2005-02-08** * fix for a bug in [[auth:ldap]] when using debug option (thanks to "trouble") [[bug>126]] * fix for a problem in the message function (thanks to [[winscp@prikryl.cz|Martin Prikryl]]) [[bug>124]] * **2005-02-07** * fixed a clash in the [[accesskeys]] [[bug>122]] * added a workaround for PCRE limitations in old PHP versions [[bug>119]] ===== Release 2005-02-06 ===== * **2005-02-05** * removed XML declaration header for better compatibility with MSIE :-/ [[bug>114]] * the summary now turns red if missing to remind you to fill it * **2005-02-04** * fixes for media links [[bug>103]] [[bug>112]] * support for much bigger [[blacklists]] like the one from [[http://www.chongqed.org/|chongqed.org]] which now is included by default [[bug>99]] * **2005-02-03** * editor names for all revisions [[bug>85]] * **2005-02-01** * removed possibly sensitive data from the debug output [[bug>108]] :!: * Config option to force a special libGD [[bug>106]] * **2005-01-30** * extended the available placeholders in [[interwiki]] links to be able to add a [[http://wiki.coralcdn.org/wiki.php|Coral Cache]] shortcut * **2005-01-29** * renamed the Taiwanese language folder to be ISO compatible * fix for non-cached external images [[bug>95]] * InsertTag selection patch (thanks to [[mailto:jim_raynor@web.de|Jim Raynor]]) [[bug>48]] * workaround for [[http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28401|PHP umask bug]] [[bug>97]] * groupfilter patch for [[auth:ldap]] by [[dan.j.allen@gmail.com|Dan Allen]] added [[bug>93]] * LDAP debugging added [[bug>#98]] * Added alignment syntax for [[wiki:syntax#tables|Tables]] (patch by [[aarone@klamathsystems.com|Aaron Evans]]) [[bug>64]] and added a linebreak after tables [[bug>83]] * **2005-01-27** * Emails are now sent in [[UTF-8]] with quoted-printable encoding [[bug>82]] * **2005-01-26** * a patch for a silly error in cleanID introduced yesterday (thanks to [[jeff.krause@jda.com|Jeff Krause]]) * correct notify page URLs [[bug>72]] * [[UTF-8]] fix for GeSHi [[bug>80]] * **2005-01-25** * usernames in notifymails [[bug>66]] * **2005-01-24** * another fix for the backslash problem on Windows/Apache2 systems [[bug>74]] -- thanks to [[jose.monteiro@dowedo-it.com|straider]] * some language fixes [[bug>55]] [[bug>74]] * the versionstring is now read from a ''VERSION'' file or [[devel:darcs]] inventory * **2005-01-23** * [[UTF-8]] support added :!: Upgraders need to utf8update their data ===== Release 2005-01-16a ===== * **2005-01-28** * Security Bugfix for [[ACL]] [[bug>96]] :!: ===== Release 2005-01-16 ===== * **2005-01-16** * again a fix for htmlencode with GeSHi [[bug>52]] * added missing image file [[bug>50]] * added nicer graphics for namespaces in index * fixed problem with [[auth:plain]] [[bug>53]] * spelling error fixed [[bug>54]] ===== Release 2005-01-15 ===== * **2005-01-15** * possible problem with GeSHi encodings fixed (see [[bug>47]]) * added two missing pages to the release tar ball (fixes [[bug>49]]) ===== Release 2005-01-14 ===== * **14.01.2005** * Proper PHPdoc comments added * wrapper divs for simpler styling added * final fix for [[bug>4]] * **13.01.2005** * Revamp of the cookie system (fixes [[bug>13]]) * fixed a problem with magpie * **12.01.2005** * doku.php now includes a version string (currently only used in META tag) * & is replaced by & in URLs now - should fix [[bug>8]] * added [[config:useslash|useslash]] option for even cooler URLs when rewriting (thanks to [[http://home.wanadoo.nl/meilof/2004/12/|Meilof Veeningen]]) * **11.01.2005** * some additions to the [[auth:ldap]] backend (thanks to [[ppb@usc.edu|Philip Brown]]) * [[bug>12]] fixed * The ''do'' parameter can be given as ''X-DOKUWIKI-DO'' HTTP header as well (useful for [[http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html|wget]] based export scripts) * **09.01.2005** * fixed bug [[bug>4]] (View Source locks page) * **07.01.2005** * fix for media namespace permissions by [[marg@rz.tu-clausthal.de|Christian]] * **06.01.2005** * [[auth:mysql]] added * **05.01.2005** * The feed now uses the correct character set * [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/|GeSHi]] updated to 1.0.4 * workaround for weird basepath behaviour on Windows/Apache2/VirtualHost/Whatever * Fix for highlighting on multiple word searches (thanks to Martin Prikryl) * **27.11.2004** * [[Breadcrumbs]] are shown without [[namespace]] - the full name is shown as title * Added title tags to most links * **24.11.2004** * overall div added for simpler [[CSS]] changes * **23.11.2004** * Links in the RSS feed now contain the revision * Patch by [[gwenn@demisel.net|Gwenn Gueguen]] to set the ''From:'' address for outgoing emails added * CSS fix for aligned images * **12.11.2004** * Fix for image resizing when the GD extension was compiled with libGD <2.0 * Added %%~~NOCACHE~~%% syntax to disable [[caching]] of single pages (thanks to [[farap@army.cz|Premysl Fara]]) * automatically added SESSIONID now uses XHTML compliant & separator ===== Release 2004-11-10 ===== * **10.11.2004** * CSS bugfix for mixed type lists * configurable [[config:signature|signature]] string * workaround for PHP [[http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=21531|bug #21531]]: file_exists() displays warning * some .htaccess changes (hopefully fixing some Apache2 problems) * change in [[ACL]] behaviour :!: * resorted locales in language files to avoid PHP/Windows bug on Win98 (thanks to J. Siekmeyer) * characters now are deaccented only when encoding is iso-8859-15 * **08.11.2004** * small IE CSS bugfix by [[henke@cosmocode.de|Anika Henke]] added * **07.11.2004** * fixed JavaScript bug for mediaselection * fixed realpathproblem with attic (again) * fixed PNG problem with IE * **06.11.2004** * [[auth:ldap]] backend added * 1st version of UTF8 converter * **05.11.2004** * fixed print.css -- thanks to [[rb@openartifact.org|Randy Brown]] * added charset header to media.php -- thanks to Vlad * style fixes for the login form * **04.11.2004** * [[security]] issue with ACL fixed :!: * **02.11.2004** * slash is converted to underscore in cleanID() again * added deletion [[wiki:syntax#basic_text_formatting]] ===== Release 2004-11-02 ===== * **02.11.2004** * two bugfixes for the [[ACL]] feature * no need to upgrade if you don't use it ===== Release 2004-11-01 ===== * **31.10.2004** * mixed type lists now work * metainfo is in it's own function now * CSS fixes by [[henke@cosmocode.de|Anika Henke]] * current [[namespace]] shortcut by [[inful@luguber.info|Jone Marius Vignes]] added * more feedback is given * new users can [[acl#user_signup|register]] online * fixed cursor positioning on sig button * **27.10.2004** * Syntax Highlighting updated to [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/index.php|GeSHi]] 1.0.2 * **26.10.2004** * The TOC is now tableless * minor fixes for media embedding * **24.10.2004** * changed authentication from HTTP auth to a session/cookie based solution * added signature button for logged in users * fixed index view to display basenames only * **22.10.2004** * language updates * **21.10.2004** * edit summary field is hidden on readonly pages when viewing the source * changed namespace separator to '';'' for windows systems * some CSS fixes * [[breadcrumbs]] trace is disabled when [[config:breadcrumbs]] is set to 0 (thanks to [[reddirt@reddirt.net|James Cook]]) * [[config:autoplural|Automatic plural linking]] added * Edit summary is prepended to the newsfeed item description * **20.10.2004** * Added headers for [[export]] (thanks to [[targon@iki.fi|Tero Ykspetäjä]]) ===== Release 2004-10-19 ===== * **19.10.2004** * fix for leading/trailing spaces in search query (thanks to [[dand@level7.ro|Dan]] for submitting this one) * fix for [[config:fullpath|fullpath]] config option on Windows and when displaying an old revision (thanks to all who submitted solutions - I did it my way anyway ;-)) * CSS fixes for Konqueror * **18.10.2004** * HTML and plaintext [[export]] added (add ''?do=export_html'' or ''?do=export_raw'' to the URL) * empty search bugfix * **17.10.2004** * Type of uploadable files can be restricted (extension matching) * **14.10.2004** * Edit summary added * [[locking]] now uses the username if available * **13.10.2004** * [[ACL]] check for Recent changes, feed and search (everything should be covered now?) * fixed bug with ''this'' [[interwiki]] shortcut * fixed preparser bug when highlighting on a single line was used * **10.10.2004** * Mediaselectiondialog completely redone (uses [[ACL]] now) * **07.10.2004** * When a page is emptied it is deleted on the file system now. The [[attic]] remains intact so it's always possible to restore the page. (thanks to JET) * **05.10.2004** * The Auto-TOC links now use speaking names * [[wiki:syntax#internal|linking to sections]] now is possible using the # separator as known from HTML * **03.10.2004** * local characters (e.g. äüö) are now optionally supported in [[pagename]]s (See [[Localization]]) * login backend (reading flatfiles) * [[ACL]] checks (again flatfiles) not complete yet * **01.10.2004** * slash is used as [[namespaces|namespace]] separator on Windows systems ===== Release 2004-09-30 ===== * **30.09.2004** * fixed style issues for mediaselection dialog * **28.09.2004** * bugfix for wl() function * **27.09.2004** * [[locking]] now additionally uses the ''X-Forwarded-For'' header set by some proxies * added debug page * fixes for call time reference stuff ===== Release 2004-09-25 ===== * **24.09.2004** * Added tableless headers and footers submitted by [[moraes@tipos.com.br|moraes]] * more [[devel:templates#include hooks]] added * [[abbreviations]] added * **23.09.2004** * Titlelink shows [[backlinks]] as known from other Wikis ([[go>usemod]]) * Edit button changes according to mode * list of documents in a given namespace can be exported (see [[syndication]]) * **22.09.2004** * CSS problem with large aligned images fixed * table parser is less picky about trailing spaces * **21.09.2004** * [[Backlinks]] added * **20.09.2004** * Internal code cleanup * Fixed a problem with caching and the RSS feed * **19.09.2004** * PHP only [[search]] added * [[Section Editing]] links with formbuttons replaced (search engines did lock the pages) * **18.09.2004** * On saving a blank line is added to a section when needed. * [[CSS]] are now included with full path * Two minor URL matching bugs were fixed * Links are now created relative to the serverroot by default (thanks to [[kai.poggensee@hamburg.de|Kai]]) * Experimental RSS Aggregation added * **16.09.2004** * [[devel:JavaScript]] warning when leaving the edit page without saving * **14.09.2004** * Added correct paragraph markup * Search queries are now highlighted in the found page (DokuWiki search and Google search) ===== Release 2004-09-12 ===== * **12.09.2004** * [[locking|Pagelocking]] added * All buttons are now buttons for two reasons: - Searchengine bots shouldn't follow Forms so no locking by them - all buttons finally look the same * fixed a really nasty bug introduced yesterday which killed + chars in section editing * **11.09.2004** * fixed problem with //underscores_in_italics// * fixed problem with namespaces starting with the same word on index * IE media select fixed (thanks to jet) * IE conflict corruption bug fixed (thanks to sb) * Dependency on GNU diff or zdiff removed * Cleaned up JavaScript for [[toolbar|Quickbuttons]] * [[Section editing]] now is disabled when parsing language files. * [[namespaces]] are included when displaying search results and recent changes again * **26.08.2004** * Added french translation by [[sebastien.bauer@advalvas.be|Sébastien Bauer]] * **25.08.2004** * Cache names are now created with servername and port, too. This ensures links are correct when running DokuWiki with multiple servernames or ports * now using [[phpfn>popen]] instead of backticks for running external commands as suggested by [[harry_b@eml.cc|Harry Brueckner]] * **24.08.2004** * Optional [[wp>CamelCase]] links * cleanID() now converts accented chars to unaccented ones -- sorry if this breaks some links for you :-( * **23.08.2004** * some nicer smileys added (hmmm... eye candy ;-)) * fixed broken umask config (thanks to [[hfranzke@tee.toshiba.de|Helmut Franzke]]) * (c) (tm) and (r) added to typography support ===== Release 2004-08-22 ===== * **22.08.2004** * definable level for Section Editing * fixes and updates for German language * [[InterWiki]] links linking to the same Wiki (e.g. ''this'') use the target defined for Wiki links * **20.08.2004** * simpler nowiki syntax by using double percent signs * much smaller stylesheet for GeSHi * GeSHi higlight files for Perl and Bash added (sent to upstream author) * finally lineendings are preserved correctly (this whole lineending stuff is just completely braindead :-|) * added ''>'' quoting ( quoting removed) * **19.08.2004** * Section editing added * attic mkdir bug fixed * config option for maximum TOC level * [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/|GeSHi]] Syntax highlighter added * **18.08.2004** * Changed ''author'' in RSS and ATOM [[syndication|feeds]] to pseudo email address to satisfy requirements * ErrorReporting is set to sane values * gzip is disabled if not available even if enabled in the config * [[wiki:syntax]] for forced newlines added * [[breadcrumbs]] don't have duplicates anymore ===== Release 2004-08-15a ===== * **16.08.2004** * Fixed two typos with io_makeFileDir * **15.08.2004** * dropped [[:foocache]] and completely rewrote the page [[caching]] system from the scratch * now only existing documents are saved to the [[breadcrumbs]] * placeholders can now be used in the [[interwiki]] configuration file * vertical tableheaders added * title support for images * **14.08.2004** * saves with no changes are silently ignored * **13.08.2004** * emails are now optionally obfuscated against address harvesting spammers * **12.08.2004** * [[DokuWiki]] now prints a warning and a [[diff]] if you try to overwrite a never version of a document * added simple table syntax submitted by [[z@amused.net|Patrick Cole]] * **10.08.2004** * gzip compression for the attic added (thanks to sb) -- to convert your old attic use this command: ''find attic/ -name '*.txt' -exec gzip -9 {} \;'' * some fixes and additions to the [[syndication|XML Feed]] ===== Release 2004-08-08 ===== * **07.08.2004** * some linkformating fixes * autogenerated Table of contents can be disabled with ''~~NOTOC~~'' * some more typography (see [[wiki:syntax]]) * **05.08.2004** * fixed another XHTML bug in listparsing (i hope) * another small typography fix: 640x480 * added subscript and superscript * added custom textreplacement * pagecaching using [[foocache]] * **04.08.2004** * favicon added * Editbox size is now stored in a persistent cookie * **03.08.2004** * Bug on image resizing to new aspect ratio fixed (Delete ''media/.cache/*'') * Replaced the logo image by the title configured in the config file * **01.08.2004** * [[images|Imagecaching]] can be disabled with ''nocache'' parameter * Sessionname now uses ''title'' -- multiple installations on the same server are now possible * added ''this'' as special case for [[interwiki]] ===== Release 2004-07-25 ===== * **25.07.2004** * [[images|Imagecaching and Resizing]] * **24.07.2004** * Index added * Parser bugfixes * Footnotes added * **23.07.2004** * added IP and remote user to recent changes and [[syndication|feed]] ===== Release 2004-07-21 ===== * **20.07.2004** * fixed https support * **19.07.2004** * Added a stylesheet for print * Always clean the id before it is displayed anywhere * **18.07.2004** * Anti [[meatball>WikiSpam]] changes * Renamed Sandbox to [[playground:PlayGround]] * added an optional [[blacklist]] for known spam * Fixed problem with nested lists like this one * **17.07.2004** * correct META headers for search engine robots * only index existing pages, ignore old revisions and edit pages * set date META header * **16.07.2004** * Typographically correct characters * Logging is done with clean ID * **15.07.2004** * Better handling of codeblocks marked by indention * two spaces of indention are required now * indention is removed on show * **13.07.2004** * Fixed problem with smileys in lists ===== Release 2004-07-12 ===== * **11.07.2004** * Deleted pages are not shown in ''Recent changes'' anymore * fixed some IE display problems * **10.07.2004** * disable full document path in footer * configurable start pagename (thanks to Alexander Pärsch) * images in link possible * some internal code cleanup * title tags for [[AccessKeys]] * translation of [[toolbar|QuickButtons]] ===== Release 2004-07-07 ===== * **07.07.2004** * added [[breadcrumbs]] * **05.07.2004** * added preview function * **04.07.2004** * fixed list markup to be XHTML compliant again * fixed missing charset definition * optional email notify added * fixed links on webservers running on ports other than 80 ===== Release 2004-07-04 ===== * Initial DokuWiki release