====== ospyramid Template ====== ---- template ---- description : A template used by osWiki (http://wiki.oseems.com) author : Mohd Shakir Zakaria email : mohdshakir@gmail.com lastupdate : 2012-01-29 compatible : Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua depends : conflicts : similar : tags : fixed downloadurl : # https://github.com/mohdshakir/osPyramid/archive/master.zip FIXME sourcerepo : # https://github.com/mohdshakir/osPyramid/ FIXME bugtracker : # https://github.com/mohdshakir/osPyramid/issues FIXME donationurl : # eg. https://www.paypal.com/... screenshot_img: https://trello.com/1/cards/657d9f28774a10599c7c18a2/attachments/657d9fd752b0adfa2c8ab31f/download/ospyramid-template.png ---- ===== Download and Install ====== * https://github.com/mohdshakir/ospyramid/downloads FIXME * Refer to [[:template]] on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki. ===== Documentation ====== ===== Bugs/Discussion ====== ===== Sites using this Template =====