====== Starter Template Changes ====== Here are lists of important changes to the [[:template:starter|Starter template]], so that template authors building their template on it, will find it easier to upgrade. (This will not list changes in the CSS, but mainly new files or changes in ''main.php'' or any specific functionality.) ===== Changes for Greebo and Hogfather ===== * implemented new menu system, with fallback to old menu system * removed discussion and user page functionality (use [[:plugin:talkpage]] and [[:plugin:userpage]] plugins instead) * use semantic section elements (main, nav, header, footer, aside) * added config option to set the semantic element for the sidebar (nav or aside) * added new guaranteed style.ini placeholder for links and one for the theme color * removed old and deprecated functionality * removed support for IE8 ===== Changes for Elenor of Tsort and Frusterick Manners ===== None ===== Changes for Detritus ===== * removed support for IE7 * use of new core ''tpl_toolsevent()'' instead of template's ''_tpl_toolsevent()'' (backwards-compatible, with fallback) * deprecated list of media meta data in ''detail.php'', use ''tpl_img_meta()'' instead * removed some things deprecated for longer than 2 years * new language strings for use with [[plugin:Styling]] plugin ===== Changes for Hrun ===== None ===== Changes for Ponder Stibbons ===== * added ''aside'' class to the sidebar (and made changes to CSS to make sidebar content styles re-usable outside of ID) * fixed bug in ''_tpl_discussion()'' (in ''tpl_functions.php'') * changes to ''detail.php'': * in master branch: moved logic out of the template (using new core functions which are incompatible to older DokuWiki versions) * in backwards-compatible branch: fixed changed lang strings so they can be used in new and old DokuWiki versions ===== Changes for Binky ===== * added ''tpl_classes()'' to template PHP files (main.php, detail.php and mediamanager.php) * moved X-UA-Compatible from meta tag to be sent by HTTP header instead (in all template PHP files as well) * added event to all tools menues via ''_tpl_toolsevent()'', i.e. the following three event hooks are now supported: ''TEMPLATE_USERTOOLS_DISPLAY'', ''TEMPLATE_SITETOOLS_DISPLAY'', ''TEMPLATE_PAGETOOLS_DISPLAY'' * removed most backwards-compatible functionality, only keep things for 3 iterations, similar to [[devel:releases#deprecation|core DokuWiki deprecation guidelines]] ===== Changes for Weatherwax ===== * made sidebar inclusion more like in the dokuwiki template, i.e. don't show sidebar if ''[[config:sidebar]]'' config option is not set and added ''hasSidebar'' class (changes to ''main.php'', ''css/structure.css'' and ''css/mobile.css'') ===== Changes for Adora Belle ===== * :!: changed files: * added ''images/external-link.png'', deleted ''images/link_icon.gif'' * added ''images/unc.png'', deleted ''images/windows.gif'' * added ''images/email.png'', deleted ''images/mail_icon.gif'' * deleted ''css/rtl.css'' (also from ''style.ini'') and re-added them to the rest of the CSS files * added ''css/mobile.css'' (also to ''style.ini'') * deprecated because it has been integrated into the core: * ''tagline'' config is superseded by [[config:tagline|core tagline]] * ''sidebarID'' config is superseded by [[config:sidebar|core sidebar]] * use new core lang strings for ''user_tools'', ''site_tools'', ''page_tools'' and ''skip_to_content'' * changed ''_tpl_include()'' to core ''tpl_includeFile()'' * changed ''tpl_include_page()'' to use new ''tpl_sidebar()'' instead parameter (''tpl_include_page($conf['sidebar'], 1, 1)'') * changed doctype to polyglot html5 * added ''no-js'' class to '''' and script to change it to ''js'' * :!: moved internal link colours from ''_links.css'' to ''content.css'' * removed PHP short open tags in some lang files ==== Changes between RC and actual release ==== The sidebar function ''tpl_sidebar()'' was in the RC but was removed again from the actual release. ===== Changes for Angua ===== * :!: added new files: * ''template.info.txt'' ((this is not needed, but strongly encouraged, as it will be used for the coming new extension manager)) * CSS: ''_fileuploader.css'', ''_mediamanager_fullscreen.css'', ''_tabs.css'' (and added to ''style.ini'') * images: ''apple-touch-icon.png'', ''resizecol.png'' * renamed CSS file ''_mediamanager.css'' to ''_media_popup.css'' (and renamed in ''style.ini'') ((this is to avoid confusion, because the ''_mediamanager.css'' from the default template fulfills a completely different purpose, i.e. it's for the style for the fullscreen manager, while this is for the popup)) * added link to fullscreen mediamanager to ''main.php'' => ''tpl_action('media')'' * introduced ''%%__site_width__%%'' CSS parameter to ''style.ini'' * added new meta info to all 3 template files * meta viewport * use latest favicon functionality from core (which can include the apple-touch-icon) if available * :!: changes to ''detail.php'' * changed how meta info is retrieved (this also means, it's not completely backwards compatible, i.e. the meta information will not be displayed in older DokuWiki versions) * added link to the media manager ==== Change between version 2011-12-11 and 2011-11-20 ==== In case you are upgrading from Rincewind to Angua, you can ignore this (as it's included in ''_mediamanager_fullscreen.css''). But in case you already have upgraded your template between 2011-12-11 and 2011-11-20, the following small change fixes [[bug>2387]]: * [[https://github.com/selfthinker/dokuwiki_template_starter/commit/25b4a2c72cdc83d9b5e766f49a328bcf04c556db|fixed mediamanager diffs having no specific height]] ===== Changes for Rincewind ===== * :!: changes to template functions (incompatible to previous version) * introduced ''_tpl_action()'' * added full control to how the page links to discussion and user pages are built (with placeholders ''@id@'' and ''@user@'') * config option changes: removed 'discussNSreverse', renamed 'discussionNS' to 'discussionPage' and 'userNS' to 'userPage' * introduced '_tpl_include()' to make include hooks work with farms * added ''_tpl_action('register')''