====== Thanks ====== ~~NOTRANS~~ [[DokuWiki]] wouldn't be possible without the code of others --- here I want to thank all the authors of free software and all the people who contributed to DokuWiki. * Special thanks to [[harryf@gmail.com|Harry Fuecks]] for writing the new [[devel:parser]] and to [[esther@kaffeehaus.ch|Esther Brunner]] for the beautiful [[logo]]. * DokuWiki uses some code from Wikipedia's [[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki/|MediaWiki]] Software (the diff function and some javascript), the style sheet is inspired by [[https://plone.org/|Plone]]'s default theme. I borrowed some ideas from various other Wiki software, too. * The [[syndication|RSS feed]] is created by using the [[http://www.bitfolge.de/rsscreator-en.html|FeedCreator Class]] FIXME by Kai Blankenhorn. * RSS and ATOM aggregation was made possible through [[http://www.simplepie.org/|SimplePie]]. * Code syntax highlighting is done with [[http://qbnz.com/highlighter/|GeSHi]] --- Generic Syntax Highlighter. * The toolbar uses the [[https://github.com/legacy-icons/famfamfam-silk|Silk Icon Set]]. * I also want to thank all the people who sent in [[changes|patches]], [[bugs|bugreports]] and [[localization|language files]]. * Last but not least, a big "Thank you" to everyone who [[donate|donated]] to the project. ===== Additionally ===== * Writing as a user of DokuWiki making an addition to this page, speaking for all the users, thank you Andreas for writing DokuWiki and deciding to make it available under the GPL. If your company uses DokuWiki you could say thank you to Andreas by sending him something from his [[https://www.splitbrain.org/personal/wishlist|wishlist]]. * I'd also like to add my thanks to Andreas. DokuWiki has organized my life and is so easy to use and install. I plan to make a small donation ([[donate]]) of thanks and to hopefully encourage continued development on this excellent project. Thanks! * I'm another thankfull user of DokuWiki. Thanks Andreas for this great project, I like the way how easy it is to use yet its very powerfull at the same time. I mainly use DokuWiki for myself and as a CMS for small companies. For every website I make I will donate and I will donate to the creator of the template I use as well as additional plugins I might use. Thanks again! * Thank you Andreas for this helpful software. I'm very pleased, that I don't need a database. I use DokuWiki for private and IT-themes.... * And other thankfull users here. We use DokuWiki to organize, coordinate and document all our projects. We even do whole user manuals in it and export them to pdf-files using [[plugin:dw2pdf]] plugin. Since we use DokuWiki (~since 2 years) we increased our productivity by ~60% when it comes to generating and managing technical documentation and user manuals, because version control and revisioning is just build-in and no one has to deal with office documents and to figure out who changed something and when and if it is the newest version etc.