====== Page Annotate ====== Currently (2010-10-28) DokuWiki lacks possibility to give you annotated history of a page. This is script I wrote in 30 minutes to give me idea who edited which line in page. It extracts each page with meta from dokuwiki and commits to git with modified metadata, so you could use "git annotate" to see who edited which line and when. #!/usr/bin/php if ($argc < 2) { echo "Usage: $argv[0] PAGEID\n"; exit(1); } $page = $argv[1]; $dw = '/var/lib/dokuwiki'; $pages = "$dw/pages"; $meta = "$dw/meta"; $attic = "$dw/attic"; /* * wrapper around exec, terminates script on error */ function xsys($cmd) { system("set -x;$cmd", $rv); if ($rv != 0) { exit($rv); } } // init if (!is_dir(".git")) { xsys("git init"); } // whether to track adds/removals $track_adds = false; if (!$track_adds) { xsys("echo IMPLICIT CREATE > $page"); xsys("git add $page"); } $pagefn = str_replace(":", "/", $page); // read changes $changesfn = "$meta/$pagefn.changes"; echo "Read $changesfn\n"; foreach (file($changesfn) as $line) { # 1288259524 C crs glen created # 1288262280 E crs glen # 1288262444 E crs glen # 1288262460 E crs glen # 1288262889 D crs glen removed list($rev, $host, $act, $pagename, $author)= explode("\t", $line); echo "rev[$rev]; host[$host]; act[$act]; pagename[$pagename]; author[$author]\n"; if ($author == '') $author = 'UNKNOWN'; // hack to skip git looking up author names $author = "$author <$author>"; switch ($act) { case 'C': xsys("zcat $attic/$pagefn.$rev.txt.gz > $page"); if ($track_adds) { xsys("git add $page"); } xsys("git commit --allow-empty --date $rev --author '$author' -m add $page"); break; case 'E': case 'e': xsys("zcat $attic/$pagefn.$rev.txt.gz > $page"); xsys("git commit --allow-empty --date $rev --author '$author' -m edit $page"); break; case 'D': if ($track_adds) { xsys("git rm $page"); } xsys("git commit --allow-empty --date $rev --author '$author' -m remove $page"); break; } }