====== Symlinking folders and pages ====== Proven by tests, DokuWiki accepts pages contained in folder symlinks. Symlinks may be created through command line on Linux systems (macOS aliases will not work; Windows OS not tested). After a symlink to a remote folder/page is created anywhere in /data/pages, it is recognized by DokuWiki system and the correspondent namespace/page will be shown in the local instance. The pages are shown as "by external edits", and the system will create correspondent /data/meta files like *.meta, *.changes, *.indexed. Local edits to symlinked pages will work, saved to the remote folder (although this change will be logged locally and displayed as an "external edit" in the remote side this time). Deletion will also work. Symlinking can be helpful for sharing a whole namespace of pages, or a single page, across farm animals (thus allowing contents from animals be included with [[plugin:include|include plugin]] locally). You can also use them to create aliases inside the same wiki instance.