//currently translating// FIXME ====== 附加元件 ====== 附加元件提供了一個可以擴充 DokuWiki 功能但不需要修改原本程式碼(所以也包含每次更新)的系統。下面是 DokuWiki 使用者所創造可用的附加元件列表(英文)。 將包含附加元件檔案的獨立資料夾放進 ''lib/plugins/'' 就完成了附加元件的安裝。大部份的附加元件可以使用[[plugin:extension|附加元件管理員]]完成全部安裝程序。另外,請閱讀[[:security#warning_on_plugins|對附加元件的警告]]了解更多安全資訊。 ---- pluginrepo ---- cloudmin: 2 ---- 受歡迎程度依據[[plugin:popularity|受歡迎程度附加元件]]所收集的資料顯示。請利用這個附加元件回報你的資料,協助增加精確度。 ===== 建立附加元件 ===== There are several plugin types which interchange with different parts of DokuWiki. A plugin can consist of multiple types. The links below should help you to get started writing your own DokuWiki plugin. * Syntax Plugins ( [[devel:Syntax Plugins|Manual]] ) * Admin Plugins ( [[devel:Admin Plugins|Manual]] ) * Action Plugins ( [[devel:Action Plugins|Manual]] ) * Renderer Plugins ( [[devel:Renderer Plugins|Manual]] ) * Helper Plugins ( [[devel:Helper Plugins|Manual]] ) If you created a plugin, please share it with the community. Just create a page named after your plugin in the plugin namespace. Eg. if your pluginfolder is named ''sample'' create a page ''plugin:sample'' here in the wiki. Note: uploads are not allowed here, so either paste the code or just use one of the many free file hosters on the net. ===== 請求新的附加元件 ===== If you are in need of a special feature in DokuWiki but haven't the skills or resources to create your own plugin you might want to suggest the feature for consideration by the community. To ask for the creation of a new plugin or to discuss plugin ideas, please refer to the [[http://forum.dokuwiki.org/forum/19|Plugin Wishlist Forum]]. Recent Wishes: {{rss>http://forum.dokuwiki.org/forum.php?req=rss&type=1&forum=19}}