Configuration Setting: basedir

Path part of dokuwiki URL - blank for autodetect

Usually DokuWiki can detect the full URL it is available at on its own (autodetect). But sometimes this does not work for various reasons. If DokuWiki does not seem to function properly and cannot find things such as images for its web pages, you can set the path here.

Please, note that despite its name, this option is only vaguely related to files and directory. In fact, it is the path part of the URL that leads to your DokuWiki installation. It frequently happens that the path part of the URL is also the relative directory from the web server root to the DokuWiki installation directory, hence the name.

If your DokuWiki is located at,
you are likely to set this option to /dokuwiki/. Be sure to have a leading and a trailing slash!

If your DokuWiki installation is located directly inside the server root or a subdomain like you should set the basedir to / a single slash.

The general rule is : If your DokuWiki is located at, you are likely to set this option to /whatever/. Be sure to have a leading and a trailing slash!

Danger: Changing this option could make your wiki and the configuration menu inaccessible.

See also