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DokuWiki on a hosted server

If you want to install DokuWiki on rented webspace this document has some useful tips. You might also want to look into using the DokuWiki Downloader instead of manually installing.

You can also use one of our hosting partners which provide a preinstalled DokuWiki for you.

Have a look at the Screencast for this type of installation.


You should first read through the general instructions, particularly the system requirement and security notes. Then follow these basic install steps:


If you fixed any permission problems through chmod, it is most probably because the webserver runs as different user than the account you use to upload your files. If the group differs as well then the webserver (which runs the DokuWiki application) will create files you will not be able to delete as your normal (FTP) user. To avoid this you need to relax permissions setting through the fmode and dmode settings.

For fixing files with already wrong permissions you can either ask your hosting support for help or use the fixperms.php script.
For changing a whole directory with subfolders, FileZilla supports 'recursive setting' of permissions for directories as well as files, or only directories or only files.

E-mail not working

Some hosting providers do not provide a working sendmail on their servers. Instead, a separate machine runs SMTP and requires authentication. In this scenario, DokuWiki's email features, including allowing new users to register and receive a password, will not work.

It is recommended to use the SMTP Plugin to configure DokuWiki with an external SMTP server then.

See also