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Command Line Tools

DokuWiki comes with a few PHP scripts meant to be executed from the (UNIX) commandline of the DokuWiki server. All those scripts are located in the <yourWiki>/bin/ directory.

PHP 스크립트는 제공은 도쿠 위키 서버 (UNIX) 명령 줄에서 실행됩니다. 해당 스크립트는 <yourWiki>/bin/ 디렉토리에 있습니다.

Note: In order to be able to use these scripts you need the PHP CLI interpreter installed on the system. There are two ways to run the scripts. You can either make them executable:

스크립트를 실행하는 두가지 방법이 있습니다. 1)

$> chmod +x ./bin/<script>.php
$> ./bin/<script>.php

또는 아래의 방법 (추천함):

$> /path/to/php bin/<script>.php


Note: ACL 및 인증 또는 도쿠 위키 이벤트 시스템에 의존하는 일부 플러그인에서 문제가 보고되었습니다.

Usage: dwpage.php [opts] <action>
  Utility to help command line DokuWiki page editing, allow
  pages to be checked out for editing then committed after changes
  Normal operation would be;
      checkout: see $ dwpage.php --help=checkout
      commit: see $ dwpage.php --help=commit
      lock: see $ dwpage.php --help=lock
      -h, --help=<action>: get help
          e.g. $ ./dwpage.php -hcommit
          e.g. $ ./dwpage.php --help=commit


Allows you to update the search index.

Usage: indexer.php <options>
  Updates the searchindex by indexing all new or changed pages
  when the -c option is given the index is cleared first.
      -h, --help     show this help and exit
      -c, --clear    clear the index before updating
      -q, --quiet    don't produce any output

This needs to be run as the appropriate user and possibly the right directory to work. e.g. www-data in ~www-data Under debian lenny


Usage: wantedpages.php [wiki:namespace]
  Outputs a list of wanted pages (pages which have
  internal links but do not yet exist).
  If the optional [wiki:namespace] is not provided,
  defaults to the root wiki namespace
      -h, --help get help


Allows you to remove unwanted language files from an installation.

Usage: striplangs.php [-h [-x]] [-e] [-k lang1[,lang2]..[,langN]]
  Removes all languages from the installation, except the ones
  after the -k option. English language is never removed!
      -h, --help     get this help
      -x, --examples get also usage examples
      -k, --keep     comma separated list of languages, -e is always implied
      -e, --english  keeps english, dummy to use without -k


Helps with maintaining DokuWiki and plugins installed via git.

Usage: gittool.php <command> [parameters]

Manage git repositories for DokuWiki and its plugins and templates.


$> ./bin/gittool.php clone gallery template:ach
$> ./bin/gittool.php repos
$> ./bin/gittool.php origin -v


    This help screen

clone <extensions>
    Tries to install a known plugin or template (prefix with template:) via
    git. Uses the plugin repository to find the proper git
    repository. Multiple extensions can be given as parameters

install <extensions>
    The same as clone, but when no git source repository can be found, the
    extension is installed via download

    Lists all git repositories found in this DokuWiki installation

    Any unknown commands are assumed to be arguments to git and will be
    executed in all repositories found within this DokuWiki installation
chmod를 쓰는 첫번째 방법보다는 두번째 방법이 덜 번거롭습니다. :)